namespace Death Shared root namespace.
namespace Backward Exception handling implementation.
- class ExceptionHandling Unhandled exception handling.
- class Printer Exception and stack trace printer.
struct ResolvedTrace Resolved trace item.
- struct SourceLoc
- class SnippetFactory Helps to create snippets from source code.
class SourceFile Represents a file with source code.
- struct not_isempty
- struct not_isspace
- class StackTraceBase Base class of stack trace.
- struct Trace Raw trace item.
- class TraceResolverBase Base class for trace resolving.
namespace Containers Container implementations.
- namespace Literals Container literals.
- namespace StringUtils String utilities.
- struct AllocatedInitT Allocated initialization tag type.
- class Array Array.
- struct ArrayAllocator Allocator for growable arrays.
- struct ArrayMallocAllocator Malloc-based allocator for growable arrays.
- struct ArrayNewAllocator New-based allocator for growable arrays.
- class ArrayView Array view.
- class ArrayView<const void> Constant void array view.
- class ArrayView<void> Void array view.
- class BasicStringView Base for string views.
- class ComPtr Wraps the interface pointer of the specified type and maintains a reference count.
- class DateTime Instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day.
- struct DefaultInitT Default initialization tag type.
- struct DirectInitT Direct initialization tag type.
- class Function Function wrapper.
- class Function<R(Args...)> Function wrapper.
- class FunctionData Function data storage
- struct InPlaceInitT In-place initialization tag type.
- struct NoAllocateInitT No-allocate initialization tag type.
- struct NoCreateT No creation tag type.
- struct NoInitT No initialization tag type.
- class Pair Pair of values.
- class Reference Lightweight non-owning reference wrapper.
- class SmallVector Memory-optimized vector.
- class SmallVectorBase Base class of SmallVector.
- class SmallVectorImpl Common method implementations of SmallVector class to reduce code duplication based on
template parameter. - struct SmallVectorStorage Storage for SmallVector in-place elements.
- class SmallVectorTemplate Template method specializations of SmallVector depending on whether type is trivial or not.
- class SmallVectorTemplateCommon Common template of SmallVector which does not depend on whether the type is trivial or not.
- class StaticArray Compile-time-sized array.
- class StaticArrayView Compile-time-sized array view.
- class String String.
- class StringBuilder Resulting template class of a deferred string concatenation.
- struct StringBuilderBase Resulting base class of a deferred string concatenation.
- class TimeSpan Time interval.
- struct ValueInitT Value initialization tag type.
namespace Cpu Compile-time and runtime CPU instruction set detection and dispatch.
- struct Avx2T AVX2 tag type.
- struct Avx512fT AVX-512 Foundation tag type.
- struct AvxF16cT AVX F16C tag type.
- struct AvxFmaT AVX FMA tag type.
- struct AvxT AVX tag type.
- struct Bmi1T BMI1 tag type.
- struct Bmi2T BMI2 tag type.
- class Features Feature set.
- struct LzcntT LZCNT tag type.
- struct NeonFmaT NEON FMA tag type.
- struct NeonFp16T NEON FP16 tag type.
- struct NeonT NEON tag type.
- struct PopcntT POPCNT tag type.
- struct ScalarT Scalar tag type.
- struct Simd128T SIMD128 tag type.
- struct Sse2T SSE2 tag type.
- struct Sse3T SSE3 tag type.
- struct Sse41T SSE4.1 tag type.
- struct Sse42T SSE4.2 tag type.
- struct Ssse3T SSSE3 tag type.
- struct TypeTraits Traits class for CPU detection tag types.
- namespace Environment Platform-specific environment helper functions.
namespace IO File system, streaming and IO-related classes.
namespace Compression Data compression streaming interfaces.
- class DeflateStream Provides read-only streaming of compressed data using the Deflate algorithm.
- class DeflateWriter Provides write-only streaming to compress written data by using the Deflate algorithm.
- class Lz4Stream Provides read-only streaming of compressed data using the LZ4 compression algorithm.
- class Lz4Writer Provides write-only streaming to compress written data by using the LZ4 compression algorithm.
- class ZstdStream Provides read-only streaming of compressed data using the Zstandard compression algorithm.
- class ZstdWriter Provides write-only streaming to compress written data by using the Zstandard compression algorithm.
- class AndroidAssetStream Read-only streaming directly from Android asset files.
- class BoundedFileStream Provides only specified portion of the specified seekable input stream.
- class EmscriptenFilePicker Allows a user to pick files in the browser.
- class EmscriptenFileStream Provides access to a file selected by the user in the browser.
- class FileStream Allows streaming from/to a file on a local filesystem.
class FileSystem File system related methods.
- class Directory Handles directory traversal, should be used as iterator.
- class MapDeleter Memory-mapped file deleter.
- class MemoryStream Provides stream interface for a region of memory.
class PakFile Provides read-only access to contents of
file.- class Directory Handles directory traversal, should be used as iterator.
- class PakWriter Allows to create a
file. - class Stream Provides a generic view of a sequence of bytes.
- class WebAuthChallenge Contains the authentication challenge information.
- class WebCredentials Contains the username and password to use for authenticating.
- class WebProxy Describes the proxy settings to be used by the session.
- class WebRequest Represents web request.
- class WebRequestAsync Represents asynchronous web request.
class WebRequestBase Base class of web requests.
- struct Result Result of synchronous operation.
- class WebRequestEvent Result of the asynchronous web request.
- class WebResponse Describes the server response of the web request.
- class WebSession Represents web session that allows WebRequest to be created.
- class WebSessionAsync Represents web session that allows WebRequestAsync to be created.
- class WebSessionBase Base class of web sessions.
namespace Compression Data compression streaming interfaces.
- namespace Threading Multithreading-related classes.
namespace Trace Runtime event tracing implementation, should be used along with Asserts.h.
- class Logger Logger enqueues trace items for processing.
- class LoggerBackend Logger backend processes trace items in the background.
- namespace Utf8 Unicode (UTF-8. UTF-16 and UTF-32) utilities.
- class IDisposable Base interface for releasing resources on object destruction.
- class ITraceSink Interface for sink to be used by logger writing to it.
- class Memory Memory-related utilities.
namespace Backward Exception handling implementation.
namespace Jazz2 Root namespace of Jazz² Resurrection.
namespace Actors Implementation of all objects.
namespace Bosses Enemy bosses.
- class Bilsy
- class Bolly
- class BossBase Base class of an enemy boss.
- class Bubba
- class Devan
- class DevanRemote
- class Queen
- class Robot
- class TurtleBoss
- class Uterus
namespace Collectibles Collectibles.
- class AmmoCollectible
- class CarrotCollectible
- class CarrotFlyCollectible
- class CarrotInvincibleCollectible
- class CoinCollectible
- class CollectibleBase Base class of a collectible object.
- class FastFireCollectible
- class FoodCollectible
- class GemCollectible
- class GemGiant
- class GemRing
- class OneUpCollectible
- class Stopwatch
namespace Enemies Enemies.
- class Bat
- class Bee
- class Caterpillar
- class Crab
- class Demon
- class Doggy
- class Dragon
- class Dragonfly
- class EnemyBase Base class of an enemy.
- class FatChick
- class Fencer
- class Fish
- class Helmut
- class LabRat
- class Lizard
- class LizardFloat
- class MadderHatter
- class Monkey
- class Rapier
- class Raven
- class Skeleton
- class Sparks
- class Sucker
- class SuckerFloat
- class Turtle
- class TurtleShell
- class TurtleTough
- class TurtleTube
- class Witch
namespace Environment Environmental objects.
- class AirboardGenerator
- class AmbientBubbles
- class AmbientSound
- class Bird
- class BirdCage
- class Bomb
- class BonusWarp
- class Checkpoint
- class Copter
- class EndOfLevel
- class Eva
- class IceBlock
- class Moth
- class RollingRock
- class Spring
- class SteamNote
- class SwingingVine
namespace Lighting Lighting effects.
- class FlickerLight Flickering light.
- class PulsatingRadialLight Pulsating radial light.
- class StaticRadialLight Static radial light.
namespace Multiplayer Multiplayer-related objects, compiled only if
- class IPlayerStatsProvider Interface that allows to access various player statistics.
- class LocalPlayerOnServer Local player in online session.
- class PlayerOnServer Player in online session.
- class RemotablePlayer Remotable player in online session.
- class RemoteActor Remote object in online session.
- class RemotePlayerOnServer Remote player in online session.
namespace Solid Solid objects.
- class AmmoBarrel
- class AmmoCrate
- class BarrelContainer
- class Bridge
- class CrateContainer
- class GemBarrel
- class GemCrate
class GenericContainer Base class of an item container.
- struct ContainerContent Container content item.
- class MovingPlatform
- class PinballBumper
- class PinballPaddle
- class Pole
- class PowerUpMorphMonitor
- class PowerUpShieldMonitor
- class PowerUpWeaponMonitor
- class PushableBox
- class SpikeBall
- class TriggerCrate
namespace Weapons Weapons.
- class BlasterShot
- class BouncerShot
- class ElectroShot
- class FreezerShot
- class PepperShot
- class RFShot
- class SeekerShot
- class ShieldFireShot
- class ShieldLightningShot
- class ShieldWaterShot
- class ShotBase Base class of a shot from a player's weapon.
- class Thunderbolt
- class TNT
- class ToasterShot
- struct ActorActivationDetails Description how to initialize an actor.
class ActorBase Base class of an object.
- class ActorRenderer Actor renderer.
- class Explosion Explosion effects.
- class Player Represents a controllable player.
- class PlayerCorpse Represents a dead coprse of a player.
- class SolidObjectBase Base class of a (pushable) solid object.
namespace Bosses Enemy bosses.
namespace Collisions Collision checking.
- struct CollisionPair Collided pair of objects found by collision detection.
- class DynamicTree Dynamic AABB tree broad-phase.
- class DynamicTreeBroadPhase Broad-phase for collision detection.
- struct TreeNode Node in the dynamic tree.
namespace Compatibility Translation layer for original data files.
class AnimSetMapping Maps indices from original data file to organized entries.
- struct Entry Mapped entry.
- struct ConversionResult Converted extended event description.
- class EventConverter Maps original events to extended event descriptions.
- class JJ2Anims Parses original
animation files. - class JJ2Block Processes compressed or uncompressed blocks from original files.
class JJ2Data Parses original
data files.- struct Item Item from a
data file.
- struct Item Item from a
- class JJ2Episode Parses original
episode files. -
class JJ2Level Parses original
level files.- struct ExtraTilesetEntry Extra tileset used in the level.
- struct LevelToken Episode name and level name.
class JJ2Strings Parses original
localization files.- struct LevelEntry Texts for specific level.
- class JJ2Tileset Parses original
tile set files.
class AnimSetMapping Maps indices from original data file to organized entries.
namespace Events Events and object spawning.
class EventMap Represents event map, spawns triggered objects.
- struct EventTile Represents an event tile.
- class EventSpawner Spawns objects in a level.
class EventMap Represents event map, spawns triggered objects.
namespace Input Input handling.
- class ControlScheme Provides access to a user configured control scheme.
- struct ControlSchemeMapping Control mapping for a particular action.
- struct MappingTarget Control mapping target.
- struct ProcessedInput Result returned by ControlScheme::
FetchProcessedInput() - class RgbLights Provides access to RGB lights from various peripherals.
- class RumbleDescription Describes a gamepad rumble effect.
- class RumbleProcessor Gamepad rumble processor.
namespace Multiplayer Multiplayer-related classes, compiled only if
- struct AllPeersT All connected peers tag type.
- struct ClientConfiguration Client configuration received from the server.
- struct ConnectionResult Describes a connection result of INetworkHandler::
OnPeerConnected() - class INetworkHandler Interface to handle incomming network requests.
- class IServerObserver Interface to observe publicly-listed running servers.
- class MpLevelHandler Level handler of an online multiplayer game session.
class NetworkManager Manages game-specific network connections.
- struct PeerDesc Peer descriptor.
- class NetworkManagerBase Allows to create generic network clients and servers.
- struct Peer Remote peer as opaque handle.
- struct PlaylistEntry Playlist entry in ServerConfiguration.
- struct ServerConfiguration Server configuration.
- struct ServerDescription Server description.
- class ServerDiscovery Allows to monitor publicly-listed running servers for server listing.
- struct ServerInitialization Server initialization parameters.
namespace Rendering Scene rendering and viewport management.
- class BlurRenderPass Applies blur to a scene.
- class CombineRenderer Combines all previous passes of a scene into a resulting image.
- class LightingRenderer Processes all lights in a scene into an intermediate target.
- class PlayerViewport Player viewport.
class UpscaleRenderPass Upscales input image usually to a native resolution.
- class AntialiasingSubpass Optional antialiasing subpass.
- class UpscaleRenderPassWithClipping Upscales input image usually to a native resolution, additionaly supports 3 independent layers (background layer, clipped main layer, overlay layer)
namespace Resources Structures for game resources.
- struct Episode Describes an episode.
- struct GenericGraphicResource Shared graphic resource.
- struct GenericSoundResource Shared sound resource.
- struct GraphicResource Specific graphic resource (from metadata)
- struct Metadata Contains assets for specific object type.
- struct SoundResource Specific sound resource (from metadata)
namespace Scripting Scripting-related classes, compiled only if
namespace Legacy Legacy JJ2+ definitions.
- class jjANIMATION
- class jjANIMFRAME
- class jjANIMSET
- struct jjBEHAVIOR
- struct jjCANVAS
- class jjCHARACTER
- class jjLAYER
- class jjMASKMAP
- class jjOBJ
- class jjPAL
- struct jjPALCOLOR
- class jjPARTICLE
- class jjPIXELMAP
- class jjPLAYER
- class jjRNG
- class jjSTREAM
- class jjWEAPON
- class CScriptArray AngelScript array
class CScriptDictionary AngelScript dictionary
- class CIterator AngelScript dictionary iterator
- class CScriptDictValue AngelScript dictionary value
- class CScriptHandle AngelScript reference handle
- class LevelScriptLoader Binds an AngelScript script file to LevelHandler and executes the script.
- class ScriptActorWrapper
- class ScriptCollectibleWrapper
- class ScriptLoader Generic AngelScript script loader with
directive support. - class ScriptPlayerWrapper
namespace Legacy Legacy JJ2+ definitions.
namespace Tiles Tile sets and maps.
- struct AnimatedTile Represents an animated tile.
- struct AnimatedTileFrame Represents a single frame of an animated tile.
- class ITileMapOwner Interface used to notify tile map owner of various events.
- struct LayerDescription Description of a tile map layer.
- struct LayerTile Represents a single tile in a tile map layer.
- struct TileCollisionParams Describes how the object interacts and collides with the environment.
class TileMap Represents a renderable tile map, consists of multiple layers.
- struct DestructibleDebris Describes a visual debris (particle effect)
- struct TileMapLayer Represents a single tile map layer.
- class TileSet Represents tile set used by tile map, consists of texture and collision mask.
namespace UI User interface and menus.
namespace Menu Menu implementation.
- namespace Resources Common menu resources defined in
- class AboutSection About menu section.
- class BeginSection Main menu root section.
- class ControlsOptionsSection
- class CreateServerOptionsSection
- class CustomLevelSelectSection
- class EpisodeSelectSection Episode selection menu section.
- class FirstRunSection First run menu section.
- class GameplayEnhancementsSection
- class GameplayOptionsSection
- class GraphicsOptionsSection
- class HighscoresSection Highscores menu section.
- class IMenuContainer Base interface of a menu container.
- class ImportSection Import Episodes menu section (Emscripten only)
- class InGameMenu In-game menu.
- class InputDiagnosticsSection
- class LanguageSelectSection
- class MainMenu Main menu.
- class MenuSection Base class of a menu section.
- class MultiplayerGameModeSelectSection
- class OptionsSection Options menu section.
- class PauseSection In-game menu root section.
- class PlayMultiplayerSection
- class RefreshCacheSection
- class RemapControlsSection
- class RescaleModeSection
class ScrollableMenuSection Simplifies creation of unified scrollable menu sections.
- struct ListViewItem Generic item in ScrollableMenuSection.
- class ServerSelectSection
- class SimpleMessageSection Section showing a simple message.
- class SoundsOptionsSection
- class StartGameOptionsSection
- class TouchControlsOptionsSection
- class UserProfileOptionsSection
- namespace Resources Common menu resources defined in
namespace Multiplayer Multiplayer-related user interface, compiled only if
- class MpHUD Player HUD for multiplayer.
- class MpInGameCanvasLayer In-game canvas on sprite layer for multiplayer.
- class MpInGameLobby In-game lobby screen for multiplayer.
- class Canvas Canvas.
- class Cinematics Handler that plays a cinematic video.
class DiscordRpcClient Allows interactions with running Discord client.
- struct RichPresence Rich presence description.
- class Font Bitmap font.
- class FormattedTextBlock Formatted text block.
- struct FormattedTextBlockParams Initialization parameters for formatted text block.
- class HUD Player HUD.
- class InGameConsole In-game console.
- class LoadingHandler Handler that only shows the loading indicator.
namespace Menu Menu implementation.
- class ContentResolver Manages loading of assets.
- struct EpisodeContinuationState Continuation state between two episodes.
- struct EpisodeContinuationStateWithLevel Continuation state between two levels in episode.
- class ILevelHandler Base interface of a level handler.
- class IResumable Base interface of a resumable object.
- class IRootController Base interface of a root controller.
- class IStateHandler Base interface of a state handler, only one handler runs at a time.
- struct LevelDescriptor Contains all components to fully initialize a level instance.
class LevelHandler Level handler of a local game session.
- struct PlayerInput Describes current input state of a player.
- struct LevelInitialization Level initialization parameters.
- struct LightEmitter Allows objects to emit light.
- struct PlayerCarryOver Player carry over between levels.
- class PreferencesCache Provides access to a user preferences.
namespace Actors Implementation of all objects.
namespace nCine Root namespace of nCine game engine.
namespace Backends Platform-specific backends.
- class AndroidInputManager Class for parsing and dispatching Android input events.
- class AndroidJniClass Base class for handling of JNI requests to the Android API.
- class AndroidJniClass_Display Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniClass_DisplayMode Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniClass_InputDevice Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniClass_KeyCharacterMap Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniClass_KeyEvent Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniClass_MotionRange Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniClass_Version Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniHelper Class for setting up JNI and initialize requests classes.
- class AndroidJniWrap_Activity Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniWrap_DisplayManager Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniWrap_InputMethodManager Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJniWrap_Secure Handles JNI requests to
- class AndroidJoystickState Information about Android joystick state.
- class AndroidKeyboardState Simulated information about Android keyboard state.
- class AndroidKeys Utility functions to convert between engine key enumerations and Android ones.
- class AndroidMouseEvent Information about an Android mouse event.
- class AndroidMouseState Information about Android mouse state.
- class EglGfxDevice The EGL based graphics device.
- class GlfwGfxDevice The GLFW based graphics device.
- class GlfwInputManager Slass for parsing and dispatching GLFW input events.
- class GlfwJoystickState Information about GLFW joystick state.
- class GlfwKeyboardState Information about GLFW keyboard state.
- class GlfwKeys Utility functions to convert between engine key enumerations and GLFW ones.
- class GlfwMouseEvent Information about a GLFW mouse event.
- class GlfwMouseState Information about GLFW mouse state.
- class GlfwScrollEvent Information about a GLFW scroll event.
- class Qt5GfxDevice The Qt5 based graphics device.
- class Qt5InputManager Class for parsing and dispatching Qt5 input events.
- class Qt5JoystickState Information about Qt5 joystick state.
- class Qt5KeyboardState
- class Qt5Keys Utility functions to convert between engine key enumerations and Qt5 ones.
- class Qt5MouseEvent Information about a Qt5 mouse event.
- class Qt5MouseState Information about Qt5 mouse state.
- class Qt5ScrollEvent Information about a Qt5 scroll event.
- class SdlGfxDevice The SDL based graphics device.
- class SdlInputManager Class for parsing and dispatching SDL input events.
- class SdlJoystickState Information about SDL joystick state.
- class SdlKeyboardState Information about SDL keyboard state.
- class SdlKeys Utility functions to convert between engine key enumerations and SDL ones.
- class SdlMouseEvent Information about an SDL mouse event.
- class SdlMouseState Information about SDL mouse state.
- class SdlScrollEvent Information about an SDL scroll event.
- class UwpGfxDevice The UWP graphics device (ANGLE/Mesa)
- class UwpInputManager Class for dispatching UWP input events.
- class UwpJoystickState Information about UWP joystick state.
- class UwpKeyboardState Information about UWP keyboard state.
- class UwpMouseState Information about UWP mouse state.
namespace Primitives Primitives.
- namespace Literals Literals for primitives.
- class AABB Axis-Aligned Bounding Box in a two dimensional space.
- class Color Four-channels color with 8-bits integer per component.
- class Colorf Four-channels normalized color with float per component.
- class Half Half-precision float literal.
- class Matrix4x4 Four-by-four matrix.
- struct NoInitT No initialization tag type.
- class Quaternion Quaternion.
- class Rect Rectangle in a two dimensional space.
- class Vector2 Two-component vector.
- class Vector3 Three-component vector.
- class Vector4 Four-component vector.
- class AccelerometerEvent Information about an accelerometer event.
- class ALAudioDevice OpenAL audio device backend implementation.
- class AndroidApplication Main entry point and handler for Android applications.
- class AnimatedSprite Animated sprite.
- class AppConfiguration Stores initialization settings for an nCine application.
class Application Base class for main entry points of nCine applications.
- struct GuiSettings GUI settings (for ImGui) that can be changed at run-time.
- struct RenderingSettings Rendering settings that can be changed at run-time.
- class AudioBuffer OpenAL audio buffer.
- class AudioBufferPlayer Audio buffer player.
- class AudioLoaderMpt Module audio loader using
library. - class AudioLoaderOgg Ogg Vorbis audio loader using
library. - class AudioLoaderWav WAVE audio loader.
- class AudioReaderMpt Module audio reader using
library. - class AudioReaderOgg Ogg Vorbis audio reader using
library. - class AudioReaderWav WAVE audio reader.
- class AudioStream OpenAL audio stream.
- class AudioStreamPlayer Audio stream player.
- class Barrier Barrier for threads synchronization.
- class BaseSprite Base class for sprites.
- struct BidirectionalIteratorTag Dispatching tag for iterators that can move both ways, one element at a time.
- class BinaryShaderCache Manages the cache of binary OpenGL shader programs.
- class BitArray Bit array.
- class BitArrayIndex Index in a bit array.
- class BitSet A sequence of bits to be manipulated with logical operators.
class Camera Camera that handles matrices for shaders.
- struct ProjectionValues Values for the projection matrix.
- struct ViewValues Values for the view matrix.
- class CityHash32Func CityHash hash function (32-bit)
- class CityHash64Func CityHash hash function (64-bit)
- class Clock System clock.
class ColorAffector Particle color affector.
- struct ColorStep Holds the color step.
- class CondVariable Condition variable for threads synchronization.
- class DisplayMode Display properties.
- class DrawableNode Object that can be drawn through the render queue.
- class FastHashFunc Fast-hash.
- class FixedHashFunc Hash function returning always the first hashmap bucket, for debug purposes.
- class FNV1aHashFunc Fowler-Noll-Vo Hash (FNV-1a)
- struct ForwardIteratorTag Dispatching tag for iterators that can only move forward, one element at a time.
- class FrameTimer Frame interval and average FPS calculator.
- class Geometry Contains geometric data for a drawable node.
- class GfxCapabilities Stores and retrieves runtime OpenGL device capabilities.
- class GLAttribute Stores information about an active OpenGL shader attribute.
class GLBlending Handles OpenGL blending.
- struct State Holds the blending state.
- class GLBufferObject Handles OpenGL buffer objects of different kinds.
- class GLBufferObjectMappingFunc Performs a mapping between OpenGL buffer object targets and array indices.
class GLClearColor Handles OpenGL clear color.
- struct State Holds the clear color state.
class GLCullFace Handles OpenGL face culling.
- struct State Holds the face culling state.
class GLDebug Handles OpenGL debug functions.
- class ScopedGroup Scoped group for OpenGL debug messages.
class GLDepthTest Handles OpenGL depth test.
- struct State Holds the depth test state.
- class GLFramebuffer Handles OpenGL framebuffer objects.
- class GLHashMap Naive implementation of a hashmap for storing pairs of OpenGL targets and object IDs.
- class GLRenderbuffer Handles OpenGL renderbuffer objects.
class GLScissorTest Handles OpenGL scissor test.
- struct State Holds the scissor test state.
- class GLShader Handles OpenGL shader objects.
- class GLShaderProgram Handles OpenGL shader programs.
- class GLShaderUniformBlocks Handles all the uniform blocks of a shader program.
- class GLShaderUniforms Handles all the uniforms of a shader program.
- class GLTexture Handles OpenGL 2D textures.
- class GLTextureMappingFunc Performs a mapping between OpenGL texture targets and array indices.
- class GLUniform Stores information about an active OpenGL shader uniform.
- class GLUniformBlock Stores information about an OpenGL uniform block.
- class GLUniformBlockCache Caches a uniform block buffer and then updates it in the shader.
- class GLUniformCache Caches a uniform value and then updates it in the shader.
- class GLVertexArrayObject Handles OpenGL vertex array object.
class GLVertexFormat Collects all the state that specifies the format of a vertex.
- class Attribute Vertex format attribute.
class GLViewport Handles OpenGL viewport.
- struct State Holds the viewport state.
- struct HatState Structure containing joystick hat values.
- class I18n Provides support for internationalization and translations.
- class IAppEventHandler Interface for handling nCine application events.
- class IAudioDevice Audio device interface.
- class IAudioLoader Audio loader interface.
- class IAudioPlayer Audio player interface.
- class IAudioReader Audio reader interface.
class IDebugOverlay Interface for debug overlays.
- struct DisplaySettings Settings for the debug overlay.
- class IdentityHashFunc Hash function returning the key unchanged.
class IGfxCapabilities Interface to query runtime OpenGL device capabilities.
- struct GlInfoStrings OpenGL information strings.
class IGfxDevice Represents the interface to the graphics device where everything is rendered.
- struct GLContextInfo Contains the attributes to create an OpenGL context.
- struct Monitor A structure representing a connected monitor.
- struct VideoMode A structure representing a video mode supported by a monitor.
- struct WindowMode A structure used to initialize window properties.
- class IInputEventHandler Interface for handling input events from keyboard, screen touches, mouse, accelerometer and joystick.
- class IInputManager Interface for parsing and dispatching input events.
- class ImGuiDebugOverlay Overlay debug ImGui interface.
- class ImGuiDrawing Handles ImGui drawing.
- struct isDestructible Specialization for trivially destructible types.
- struct isIntegral
- struct isTriviallyDestructible
- struct IteratorTraits Base iterator traits structure.
- struct IteratorTraits<ReverseIterator<Iterator>> Iterator traits structure specialization for
class. - struct IteratorTraits<StaticHashMapIterator<K, T, HashFunc, Capacity, false>> Iterator traits structure specialization for
class. - struct IteratorTraits<StaticHashMapIterator<K, T, HashFunc, Capacity, true>> Iterator traits structure specialization for constant
class. - struct IteratorTraits<T*> Base iterator traits structure.
- class ITextureLoader Texture loader interface class.
- class IThreadCommand Thread pool command interface.
- class IThreadPool Thread pool interface.
- class JenkinsHashFunc Jenkins hash function.
- class JoyAxisEvent Information about a joystick axis event.
- class JoyButtonEvent Information about a joystick button event.
- class JoyConnectionEvent Information about a joystick connection event.
- class JoyHatEvent Information about a joystick hat event.
- class JoyMappedAxisEvent Information about a joystick mapped axis event.
- class JoyMappedButtonEvent Information about a joystick mapped button event.
- class JoyMappedState Information about a mapped joystick state.
- class JoyMapping Provides translation layer for gamepads and joysticks to unified layout.
- class JoystickGuid Parsed GUID of a joystick.
- class JoystickState Information about the joystick state.
- class KeyboardEvent Information about a keyboard event.
- class KeyboardState Information about keyboard state.
- class MainApplication Main entry point and handler for standard (desktop) applications.
- class Material Contains material data for a drawable node.
class MeshSprite A scene node representing a mesh with vertices and UVs.
- struct Vertex Vertex data for the mesh.
- struct VertexNoTexture Vertex data for the mesh when no texture is specified.
- class ModuloHashFunc Hash function returning the modulo of the key, for debug purposes.
- class MouseEvent Information about a mouse event.
- class MouseState Information about mouse state.
- class Mutex Mutex for threads synchronization.
- class Object Base class of nCine objects.
- class Particle Renders a single particle.
- class ParticleAffector Base class for particle affectors.
- struct ParticleInitializer Initialization parameters for particles.
- class ParticleSystem Represents a particle system.
class PositionAffector Particle position affector.
- struct PositionStep Holds the position step.
- struct RandomAccessIteratorTag Dispatching tag for iterators that can jump arbitrary distances in both ways.
- class RandomGenerator Random number generator.
- class ReadWriteLock Read/write lock for threads synchronization.
- class RectAnimation Contains data for a rectangles based animation.
- class RenderBatcher Batches render commands together.
class RenderBuffersManager Handles the memory mapping in multiple OpenGL Buffer Objects.
- struct BufferSpecifications
- struct Parameters
- class RenderCommand Wraps all the information needed for issuing a draw command.
- class RenderCommandPool Creates and handles the pool of render commands.
- class RenderDocCapture In-application integration of RenderDoc.
- class RenderQueue Sorts and issues the render commands collected by the scenegraph visit.
class RenderResources Creates and handles application common OpenGL rendering resources.
- struct CameraUniformData Camera uniform data structure.
- struct VertexFormatPos2 Vertex format structure for vertices with positions only.
- struct VertexFormatPos2Index Vertex format structure for vertices with positions and draw indices.
- struct VertexFormatPos2Tex2 Vertex format structure for vertices with positions and texture coordinates.
- struct VertexFormatPos2Tex2Index Vertex format structure for vertices with positions, texture coordinates and draw indices.
class RenderStatistics Gathers statistics about the rendering subsystem.
- class Buffers
- class CommandPool
- class Commands
- class CustomBuffers
- class Textures
- class VaoPool
- class RenderVaoPool Creates and handles the pool of VAOs.
- class ReverseIterator A generic reverse iterator.
- struct ReversionWrapper
class RotationAffector Particle rotation affector.
- struct RotationStep Holds the rotation step.
- class SaxHashFunc Shift-Add-XOR hash function.
- class SceneNode Base class for the transformation nodes hierarchy.
- class ScreenViewport Handles the screen viewport.
- class ScrollEvent Information about a scroll event (mouse wheel, touchpad gesture, etc.)
- class ServiceLocator Provides base services to requesting classes.
- class Shader Shader.
- class ShaderState Shader state class for the user to use custom shaders.
class SizeAffector Particle size affector.
- struct SizeStep Holds the size step.
- class Sprite Scene node representing a regular sprite.
- class StaticHashMap Static hashmap implementation with open addressing and leapfrog probing (version with static allocation)
- struct StaticHashMapHelperTraits Base helper structure for type traits used in the hashmap iterator.
- struct StaticHashMapHelperTraits<K, T, HashFunc, Capacity, false> Helper structure providing type traits used in the non constant hashmap iterator.
- struct StaticHashMapHelperTraits<K, T, HashFunc, Capacity, true> Helper structure providing type traits used in the constant hashmap iterator.
- class StaticHashMapIterator Static hashmap iterator.
struct Task Represents an asynchronous operation.
- struct task_promise
- class TextInputEvent Information about a text input event.
- class Texture Texture.
- class TextureFormat Texture format.
- class TextureLoaderDds DDS texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderKtx KTX texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderPkm PKM texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderPng PNG texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderPvr PVR texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderQoi QOI texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderRaw Texture loader used to specify a raw format when loading texels.
- class Thread Thread.
- class ThreadAffinityMask CPU affinity mask for a thread.
- class ThreadPool Thread pool.
- class Timer Accumulates the time between starting and stopping the time measurement.
- class TimeStamp Represents a point in time or a duration.
class TouchEvent Information about a screen touch event.
- struct Pointer Information about a single touch pointer.
- class UwpApplication Main entry point and handler for UWP (Universal Windows Platform) applications.
class VelocityAffector Particle velocity affector.
- struct VelocityStep Holds the velocity step.
- class Viewport Handles a viewport and its corresponding render target texture.
namespace Backends Platform-specific backends.