template<class TItem>
Jazz2::UI::Menu::ScrollableMenuSection class

Simplifies creation of unified scrollable menu sections.

Base classes

class MenuSection
Base class of a menu section.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto GetClipRectangle(const Recti& contentBounds) -> Recti override
Allows to override clip rectangle of the middle layer.
void OnShow(IMenuContainer* root) override
Called when the section is shown.
void OnUpdate(float timeMult) override
Called when the section should be updated.
void OnDrawClipped(Canvas* canvas) override
Called when the section should be drawn — the middle clipped layer.
void OnTouchEvent(const TouchEvent& event, Vector2i viewSize) override
Called when a touch event is triggered.

Protected types

struct ListViewItem
Generic item in ScrollableMenuSection.

Protected functions

void EnsureVisibleSelected()
Makes currently selected item visible in the viewport.
void OnExecuteSelected() pure virtual
Called when the selected item should be executed.
void OnLayoutItem(Canvas* canvas, ListViewItem& item) virtual
Called when an item layout should be calculated.
void OnDrawEmptyText(Canvas* canvas, std::int32_t& charOffset) virtual
Called when an information about empty list should be drawn.
void OnDrawItem(Canvas* canvas, ListViewItem& item, std::int32_t& charOffset, bool isSelected) pure virtual
Called when an item should be drawn.
void OnHandleInput() virtual
Called when input should be handled.
void OnBackPressed() virtual
Called when back button is pressed.
void OnSelectionChanged(ListViewItem& item) virtual
Called when selected item is changed.
void OnTouchUp(std::int32_t newIndex, Vector2i viewSize, Vector2i touchPos) virtual
Called when a touch event is released.

Protected static variables

static std::int32_t ItemHeight constexpr
static std::int32_t TopLine constexpr
static std::int32_t BottomLine constexpr