GLShaderUniformsHandles all the uniforms of a shader program.
Public types
- using UniformHashMapType = StaticHashMap<String, GLUniformCache, UniformCachesHashSize>
Public static variables
static std::
uint32_t UniformCachesHashSize constexpr
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- GLShaderUniforms()
- GLShaderUniforms(GLShaderProgram* shaderProgram) explicit
- GLShaderUniforms(GLShaderProgram* shaderProgram, const char* includeOnly, const char* exclude)
Public functions
- void setProgram(GLShaderProgram* shaderProgram)
- void setProgram(GLShaderProgram* shaderProgram, const char* includeOnly, const char* exclude)
- void setUniformsDataPointer(GLubyte* dataPointer)
- void setDirty(bool isDirty)
auto numUniforms() const -> std::
uint32_t - auto hasUniform(const char* name) const -> bool
- auto uniform(const char* name) -> GLUniformCache*
- auto allUniforms() const -> const UniformHashMapType
- void commitUniforms()