Jazz2::ContentResolver class

Manages loading of assets.

Public static variables

static std::int32_t PaletteCount constexpr
Maximum number of palettes.
static std::int32_t ColorsPerPalette constexpr
Number of colors per palette.
static std::int32_t InvalidValue constexpr
Invalid value.

Public static functions

static auto Get() -> ContentResolver&
Returns static instance of main content resolver.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

void Release()
Releases all cached assets.
auto GetContentPath() const -> StringView
Returns path to "Content" directory.
auto GetCachePath() const -> StringView
Returns path to "Cache" directory.
auto GetSourcePath() const -> StringView
Returns path to "Source" directory.
auto IsHeadless() const -> bool
Returns true if the application is running in headless mode (i.e., without any display)
void SetHeadless(bool value)
Sets whether the application is running in headless mode.
void RemountPaks()
Scans the "Content" and "Cache" directories for .pak files and mounts them
auto OpenContentFile(StringView path) -> std::unique_ptr<Stream>
Tries to find and open a file specified by the path.
void BeginLoading()
Marks beginning of the loading assets.
void EndLoading()
Marks end of the loading assets.
void PreloadMetadataAsync(StringView path)
Preloads specified metadata and its linked assets to cache.
auto RequestMetadata(StringView path) -> Metadata*
Loads specified metadata and its linked assets if not in cache already and returns it.
auto RequestGraphics(StringView path, std::uint16_t paletteOffset) -> GenericGraphicResource*
Loads specified graphics asset if not in cache already and returns it.
auto RequestTileSet(StringView path, std::uint16_t captionTileId, bool applyPalette, const std::uint8_t* paletteRemapping = nullptr) -> std::unique_ptr<Tiles::TileSet>
Loads specified tile set and its palette.
auto LevelExists(StringView episodeName, StringView levelName) -> bool
Returns true if specified level exists.
auto TryLoadLevel(StringView path, GameDifficulty difficulty, LevelDescriptor& descriptor) -> bool
Loads specified level into a level descriptor.
void ApplyDefaultPalette()
Loads default (sprite) palette.
auto GetEpisode(StringView name, bool withImages = false) -> std::optional<Episode>
Returns specified episode by name.
auto GetEpisodeByPath(StringView path, bool withImages = false) -> std::optional<Episode>
Returns specified episode by full path.
auto GetMusic(StringView path) -> std::unique_ptr<AudioStreamPlayer>
Loads specified music.
auto GetFont(FontType fontType) -> UI::Font*
Returns specified font type.
auto GetShader(PrecompiledShader shader) -> Shader*
Returns specified precompiled shader.
void CompileShaders()
Precompiles all required shaders.
auto GetNoiseTexture() -> std::unique_ptr<Texture>
Returns a noise texture with random pixels.
auto GetPalettes() const -> const std::uint32_t*
Returns currently loaded palette.