nCine::RenderBuffersManager class

Handles the memory mapping in multiple OpenGL Buffer Objects.

Public types

struct BufferSpecifications
struct Parameters
enum class BufferTypes { Array = 0, ElementArray, Uniform, Count }

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

RenderBuffersManager(bool useBufferMapping, std::uint32_t vboMaxSize, std::uint32_t iboMaxSize)

Public functions

auto specs(BufferTypes type) const -> const BufferSpecifications&
Returns the specifications for a buffer of the specified type.
auto acquireMemory(BufferTypes type, std::uint32_t bytes) -> Parameters
Requests an amount of bytes from the specified buffer type.
auto acquireMemory(BufferTypes type, std::uint32_t bytes, std::uint32_t alignment) -> Parameters
Requests an amount of bytes from the specified buffer type with a custom alignment requirement.