Jazz2::Actors::Solid::GenericContainer class

Base class of an item container.

Base classes

class Jazz2::Actors::SolidObjectBase
Base class of a (pushable) solid object.

Derived classes

class AmmoBarrel
class AmmoCrate
class BarrelContainer
class CrateContainer
class GemBarrel
class GemCrate

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Protected types

struct ContainerContent
Container content item.

Protected functions

auto OnPerish(ActorBase* collider) -> bool override
Called when the object has no health left and should perish.
void AddContent(EventType eventType, std::int32_t count, const std::uint8_t* eventParams, std::int32_t eventParamsSize)
Adds a content to the container.
void SpawnContent()
Spawns the added content.

Protected variables

SmallVector<ContainerContent, 1> _content