Jazz2::Actors::Enemies::TurtleShell class

Base classes

class EnemyBase
Base class of an enemy.

Public static functions

static void Preload(const ActorActivationDetails& details)

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Protected functions

auto OnActivatedAsync(const ActorActivationDetails& details) -> Task<bool> override
Called when the object is created and activated.
void OnUpdate(float timeMult) override
Called every frame to update the object state.
void OnUpdateHitbox() override
Called when the hitbox needs to be updated.
auto OnPerish(ActorBase* collider) -> bool override
Called when the object has no health left and should perish.
auto OnHandleCollision(std::shared_ptr<ActorBase> other) -> bool override
Called when the object collides with another object.
void OnHitFloor(float timeMult) override
Called when the object hits a floor.