nCine::IInputManager class

Interface for parsing and dispatching input events.

Derived classes

class AndroidInputManager
Class for parsing and dispatching Android input events.
class GlfwInputManager
Slass for parsing and dispatching GLFW input events.
class Qt5InputManager
Class for parsing and dispatching Qt5 input events.
class SdlInputManager
Class for parsing and dispatching SDL input events.
class UwpInputManager
Class for dispatching UWP input events.

Public types

enum class Cursor { Arrow, Hidden, HiddenLocked }

Public static variables

static const std::int32_t MaxNumJoysticks
static float LeftStickDeadZone constexpr
static float RightStickDeadZone constexpr
static float TriggerDeadZone constexpr
static float AnalogButtonDeadZone constexpr
static float TriggerButtonDeadZone constexpr

Public static functions

static auto handler() -> IInputEventHandler*
Gets the current input event handler for the manager.
static void setHandler(IInputEventHandler* inputEventHandler)
Sets the input event handler for the manager.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~IInputManager() virtual

Public functions

auto mouseState() const -> const MouseState& pure virtual
Returns current mouse state.
auto keyboardState() const -> const KeyboardState& pure virtual
Returns current keyboard state.
auto getClipboardText() const -> String virtual
Returns text from the clipboard if any.
auto getKeyName(Keys key) const -> StringView virtual
Returns display name of the specified key.
auto isJoyPresent(int joyId) const -> bool pure virtual
Returns true if the specified joystick is connected.
auto joyName(int joyId) const -> const char* pure virtual
Returns the name of the specified joystick.
auto joyGuid(int joyId) const -> const JoystickGuid pure virtual
Returns the GUID of the specified joystick.
auto joyNumButtons(int joyId) const -> int pure virtual
Returns the number of available buttons for the specified joystick.
auto joyNumHats(int joyId) const -> int pure virtual
Returns the number of available hats for the specified joystick.
auto joyNumAxes(int joyId) const -> int pure virtual
Returns the number of available axes for the specified joystick.
auto joystickState(int joyId) const -> const JoystickState& pure virtual
Returns the state of the joystick.
auto joystickRumble(int joyId, float lowFrequency, float highFrequency, uint32_t durationMs) -> bool pure virtual
Starts a main rumble effect with specified duration.
auto joystickRumbleTriggers(int joyId, float left, float right, uint32_t durationMs) -> bool pure virtual
Starts a rumble effect on triggers with specified duration.
auto isJoyMapped(int joyId) const -> bool
Returns true if the joystick has a valid mapping configuration.
auto joyMappedState(int joyId) const -> const JoyMappedState&
Returns the state of the mapped joystick.
void deadZoneNormalize(Vector2f& joyVector, float deadZoneValue) const
Modify the joystick axis vector to account for a dead zone.
void addJoyMappingsFromFile(StringView path)
Adds joystick mapping configurations from a text file.
void addJoyMappingsFromString(StringView mappingStrings)
Adds joystick mapping configurations from a string.
auto numJoyMappings() const -> unsigned int
Returns the current number of valid joystick mappings.
auto hasMappingByGuid(const JoystickGuid& guid) const -> bool
Returns true if mapping exists for specified joystick by GUID.
auto hasMappingByName(const char* name) const -> bool
Returns true if mapping exists for specified joystick by name.
auto cursor() const -> Cursor
Returns current mouse cursor mode.
void setCursor(Cursor cursor) virtual
Sets the mouse cursor mode.

Enum documentation

enum class nCine::IInputManager::Cursor


Mouse cursor behaves normally with default Arrow.


Mouse cursor is hidden but behaves normally.


Mouse cursor is hidden and locked to the window.