#include <Jazz2/Actors/Explosion.h>
Explosion Explosion effects.
Base classes
- class ActorBase
- Base class of an object.
Public types
- enum class Type { Tiny, TinyBlue, TinyDark, Small, SmallDark, Large, SmokeBrown, SmokeGray, SmokeWhite, SmokePoof, WaterSplash, Pepper, RF, RFUpgraded, Generator, IceShrapnel }
- Explosion effect type.
Public static functions
- static void Create(ILevelHandler* levelHandler, const Vector3i& pos, Type type, float scale = 1.0f)
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
Protected functions
- auto OnActivatedAsync(const ActorActivationDetails& details) -> Task<bool> override
- Called when the object is created and activated.
- void OnUpdate(float timeMult) override
- Called every frame to update the object state.
- void OnUpdateHitbox() override
- Called when the hitbox needs to be updated.
- void OnEmitLights(SmallVectorImpl<LightEmitter>& lights) override
- Called when emitting lights.
- void OnAnimationFinished() override
- Called when an animation finished.