Jazz2::Actors::ActorBase class

Base class of an object.

Derived classes

class CollectibleBase
Base class of a collectible object.
class GemGiant
class EnemyBase
Base class of an enemy.
class AirboardGenerator
class AmbientBubbles
class AmbientSound
class Bird
class Bomb
class BonusWarp
class Checkpoint
class Copter
class EndOfLevel
class Eva
class IceBlock
class Moth
class Spring
class SteamNote
class SwingingVine
class Explosion
Explosion effects.
class FlickerLight
Flickering light.
class PulsatingRadialLight
Pulsating radial light.
class StaticRadialLight
Static radial light.
class RemoteActor
Remote object in online session.
class Player
Represents a controllable player.
class PlayerCorpse
Represents a dead coprse of a player.
class Bridge
class Pole
class SolidObjectBase
Base class of a (pushable) solid object.
class ShotBase
Base class of a shot from a player's weapon.
class TNT
class Jazz2::Scripting::ScriptActorWrapper

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~ActorBase() virtual

Public functions

auto IsFacingLeft() -> bool
Returns true if the object is currently facing left.
void SetParent(SceneNode* parent)
Sets internal parent node.
auto OnActivated(const ActorActivationDetails& details) -> Task<bool>
Called after the object is created.
auto OnHandleCollision(std::shared_ptr<ActorBase> other) -> bool virtual
Called when the object collides with another object.
auto IsInvulnerable() -> bool
Returns true if the object is invulnerable.
auto GetHealth() -> std::int32_t
Returns current health.
void SetHealth(std::int32_t value)
Sets current health.
auto GetMaxHealth() -> std::int32_t
Returns maximum health.
void DecreaseHealth(std::int32_t amount = 1, ActorBase* collider = nullptr)
Decreases health by specified amount.
auto MoveInstantly(Vector2f pos, MoveType type, Tiles::TileCollisionParams& params) -> bool
Moves the object.
auto MoveInstantly(Vector2f pos, MoveType type) -> bool
void AddExternalForce(float x, float y)
Adds external force.
auto IsCollidingWith(ActorBase* other) -> bool
Returns true if this object is colliding with a given object.
auto IsCollidingWith(const AABBf& aabb) -> bool
Returns true if this object is colliding with a given AABB.
void UpdateAABB()
Updates AABB for current position, rotation and animation frame.
auto GetPos() -> Vector2f
Returns current position.
auto GetSpeed() -> Vector2f
Returns current speed.
auto GetState() const -> ActorState constexpr noexcept
Returns actor state.
auto GetState(ActorState flag) const -> bool constexpr noexcept

Public variables

Outer AABB hitbox.
Inner AABB hitbox.

Protected types

class ActorRenderer
Actor renderer.

Protected static functions

static void PreloadMetadataAsync(StringView path)
Preloads specified metadata and its linked assets to cache.

Protected functions

void SetFacingLeft(bool value)
Sets whether the object is facing left.
auto OnActivatedAsync(const ActorActivationDetails& details) -> Task<bool> virtual
Called when the object is created and activated.
auto OnTileDeactivated() -> bool virtual
Called when corresponding tile should be deactivated.
void OnHealthChanged(ActorBase* collider) virtual
Called when health of the object changed.
auto OnPerish(ActorBase* collider) -> bool virtual
Called when the object has no health left and should perish.
void OnUpdate(float timeMult) virtual
Called every frame to update the object state.
void OnUpdateHitbox() virtual
Called when the hitbox needs to be updated.
auto OnDraw(RenderQueue& renderQueue) -> bool virtual
Called when the object needs to be drawn.
void OnEmitLights(SmallVectorImpl<LightEmitter>& lights) virtual
Called when emitting lights.
void OnHitFloor(float timeMult) virtual
Called when the object hits a floor.
void OnHitCeiling(float timeMult) virtual
Called when the object hits a ceiling.
void OnHitWall(float timeMult) virtual
Called when the object hits a wall.
void OnTriggeredEvent(EventType eventType, uint8_t* eventParams) virtual
Called when an event is triggered.
void TryStandardMovement(float timeMult, Tiles::TileCollisionParams& params)
Performs standard movement behavior.
void UpdateHitbox(std::int32_t w, std::int32_t h)
Updates hitbox to a given size.
void UpdateFrozenState(float timeMult)
Updates frozen state of the object.
void HandleFrozenStateChange(ActorBase* shot)
Handles change of frozen state after collision with other object.
void CreateParticleDebris()
Creates a particle debris from a sprite.
void CreateSpriteDebris(AnimState state, std::int32_t count)
Creates a sprite debris.
auto GetIceShrapnelScale() const -> float virtual
Returns scale of ice shrapnels.
auto PlaySfx(StringView identifier, float gain = 1.0f, float pitch = 1.0f) -> std::shared_ptr<AudioBufferPlayer>
Plays a sound effect for the object.
auto SetAnimation(AnimState state, bool skipAnimation = false) -> bool
Sets an animation of the object.
auto SetTransition(AnimState state, bool cancellable, Function<void()>&& callback = {}) -> bool
Sets a transition animation of the object.
void CancelTransition()
Cancels a cancellable transition.
void ForceCancelTransition()
Cancels any transition.
void OnAnimationStarted() virtual
Called when an animation started.
void OnAnimationFinished() virtual
Called when an animation finished.
void RequestMetadata(StringView path)
Loads specified metadata and its linked assets.
void RequestMetadataAsync(StringView path)
Loads specified metadata and its linked assets asynchronously if supported.
void SetState(ActorState flags) constexpr noexcept
Sets actor state.
void SetState(ActorState flag, bool value) constexpr noexcept

Protected static variables

static std::uint8_t AlphaThreshold constexpr
Alpha transparency threshold.
static float CollisionCheckStep constexpr
Step for collision checking.
static std::int32_t PerPixelCollisionStep constexpr
Step for per-pixel collisions.
static std::int32_t AnimationCandidatesCount constexpr
Maximum number of animation candidates.

Function documentation

bool Jazz2::Actors::ActorBase::MoveInstantly(Vector2f pos, MoveType type)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

bool Jazz2::Actors::ActorBase::GetState(ActorState flag) const constexpr noexcept

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

void Jazz2::Actors::ActorBase::SetState(ActorState flag, bool value) protected constexpr noexcept

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.