namespace Death Shared root namespace.
- namespace Backward Exception handling implementation.
namespace Containers Container implementations.
- namespace Literals Container literals.
- namespace StringUtils String utilities.
- namespace Cpu Compile-time and runtime CPU instruction set detection and dispatch.
- namespace Environment Platform-specific environment helper functions.
namespace IO File system, streaming and IO-related classes.
- namespace Compression Data compression streaming interfaces.
- namespace Threading Multithreading-related classes.
- namespace Trace Runtime event tracing implementation, should be used along with Asserts.h.
- namespace Utf8 Unicode (UTF-8. UTF-16 and UTF-32) utilities.
namespace Jazz2 Root namespace of Jazz² Resurrection.
namespace Actors Implementation of all objects.
- namespace Bosses Enemy bosses.
- namespace Collectibles Collectibles.
- namespace Enemies Enemies.
- namespace Environment Environmental objects.
- namespace Lighting Lighting effects.
- namespace Multiplayer Multiplayer-related objects, compiled only if
- namespace Solid Solid objects.
- namespace Weapons Weapons.
- namespace Collisions Collision checking.
- namespace Compatibility Translation layer for original data files.
- namespace Events Events and object spawning.
- namespace Input Input handling.
- namespace Multiplayer Multiplayer-related classes, compiled only if
- namespace Rendering Scene rendering and viewport management.
- namespace Resources Structures for game resources.
namespace Scripting Scripting-related classes, compiled only if
- namespace Legacy Legacy JJ2+ definitions.
- namespace Tiles Tile sets and maps.
namespace UI User interface and menus.
namespace Menu Menu implementation.
- namespace Resources Common menu resources defined in
- namespace Resources Common menu resources defined in
- namespace Multiplayer Multiplayer-related user interface, compiled only if
namespace Menu Menu implementation.
namespace Actors Implementation of all objects.
namespace nCine Root namespace of nCine game engine.
- namespace Backends Platform-specific backends.
namespace Primitives Primitives.
- namespace Literals Literals for primitives.