nCine::RenderStatistics class

Gathers statistics about the rendering subsystem.

Public types

class Buffers
class CommandPool
class Commands
class CustomBuffers
class Textures
class VaoPool

Public static functions

static auto allCommands() -> const Commands&
Returns the aggregated command statistics for all types.
static auto commands(RenderCommand::Type type) -> const Commands&
Returns the commnad statistics for the specified type.
static auto buffers(RenderBuffersManager::BufferTypes type) -> const Buffers&
Returns the buffer statistics for the specified type.
static auto textures() -> const Textures&
Returns aggregated texture statistics.
static auto customVBOs() -> const CustomBuffers&
Returns aggregated custom VBOs statistics.
static auto customIBOs() -> const CustomBuffers&
Returns aggregated custom IBOs statistics.
static auto culled() -> std::uint32_t
Returns the number of DrawableNodes culled because outside of the screen.
static auto vaoPool() -> const VaoPool&
Returns statistics about the VAO pool.
static auto commandPool() -> const CommandPool&
Returns statistics about the render command pools.