nCine::SceneNode class

Base class for the transformation nodes hierarchy.

Base classes

class Object
Base class of nCine objects.

Derived classes

class Jazz2::Rendering::BlurRenderPass
Applies blur to a scene.
class Jazz2::Rendering::CombineRenderer
Combines all previous passes of a scene into a resulting image.
class Jazz2::Rendering::LightingRenderer
Processes all lights in a scene into an intermediate target.
class Jazz2::Rendering::UpscaleRenderPass
Upscales input image usually to a native resolution.
class Jazz2::Rendering::UpscaleRenderPass::AntialiasingSubpass
Optional antialiasing subpass.
class Jazz2::Tiles::TileMap
Represents a renderable tile map, consists of multiple layers.
class Jazz2::UI::Canvas
class DrawableNode
Object that can be drawn through the render queue.
class ParticleSystem
Represents a particle system.

Public types

enum class VisitOrderState { Disabled, Enabled, SameAsParent }

Public static variables

static float MinRotation constexpr
Minimum amount of rotation to trigger a sine and cosine calculation.

Public static functions

static auto sType() -> ObjectType

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

SceneNode(SceneNode* parent, float x, float y)
Constructor for a node with a parent and a specified relative position.
SceneNode(SceneNode* parent, Vector2f position)
Constructor for a node with a parent and a specified relative position as a vector.
SceneNode(SceneNode* parent) explicit
Constructor for a node with a parent and positioned in the relative origin.
Constructor for a node with no parent and positioned in the origin.
~SceneNode() override
Destructor will delete every child node.
SceneNode(SceneNode&& other) noexcept
SceneNode(const SceneNode& other) protected
Protected copy constructor used to clone objects.

Public functions

auto operator=(const SceneNode&) -> SceneNode& deleted
auto operator=(SceneNode&& other) -> SceneNode& noexcept
auto clone() const -> SceneNode
Returns a copy of this object.
auto parent() const -> const SceneNode*
Returns the parent as a constant node, if there is any.
auto parent() -> SceneNode*
Returns the parent node, if there is any.
auto setParent(SceneNode* parentNode) -> bool
Sets the parent node.
auto children() -> const SmallVectorImpl<SceneNode*>&
Returns the array of child nodes.
auto children() const -> const SmallVectorImpl<const SceneNode*>&
Returns an array of constant child nodes.
auto addChildNode(SceneNode* childNode) -> bool
Adds a node as a child of this one.
auto removeChildNode(SceneNode* childNode) -> bool
Removes a child of this node, without reparenting nephews.
auto removeChildNodeAt(std::uint32_t index) -> bool
Removes the child at the specified index, without reparenting nephews.
auto removeAllChildrenNodes() -> bool
Removes all children, without reparenting nephews.
auto unlinkChildNode(SceneNode* childNode) -> bool
Removes a child of this node reparenting nephews as children.
auto childOrderIndex() const -> std::uint32_t
Returns the child order index of this node or zero if it does not have a parent.
auto swapChildrenNodes(std::uint32_t firstIndex, std::uint32_t secondIndex) -> bool
Swaps two children at the specified indices.
auto swapNodeForward() -> bool
Brings this node one node forward in the parent's list of children.
auto swapNodeBack() -> bool
Brings this node one node back in the parent's list of children.
auto visitOrderState() const -> enum VisitOrderState
Returns true if the node visit order is used together with the layer.
void setVisitOrderState(enum VisitOrderState visitOrderState)
Enables the use of the node visit order together with the layer.
auto visitOrderIndex() const -> std::uint16_t
Returns the visit drawing order of the node.
void OnUpdate(float timeMult) virtual
Called every frame to update the object state.
void OnVisit(RenderQueue& renderQueue, std::uint32_t& visitOrderIndex) virtual
Draws the node and visits its children.
auto OnDraw(RenderQueue& renderQueue) -> bool virtual
Called when the object needs to be drawn.
auto isUpdateEnabled() const -> bool
Returns true if the node is updating.
void setUpdateEnabled(bool updateEnabled)
Enables or disables node updating.
auto isDrawEnabled() const -> bool
Returns true if the node is drawing.
void setDrawEnabled(bool drawEnabled)
Enables or disables node drawing.
auto isEnabled() const -> bool
Returns true if the node is both updating and drawing.
void setEnabled(bool isEnabled)
Enables or disables both node updating and drawing.
auto position() const -> Vector2f
Returns node position relative to its parent.
auto absPosition() const -> Vector2f
Returns absolute node position.
void setPosition(float x, float y)
Sets the node position through two coordinates.
void setPosition(Vector2f position)
Sets the node position through a vector.
void setPositionX(float x)
Sets the X coordinate of the node position.
void setPositionY(float y)
Sets the Y coordinate of the node position.
void move(float x, float y)
Moves the node based on two offsets.
void move(Vector2f position)
Adds a move vector to the node current position.
void moveX(float x)
Moves the node by an offset on the X axis.
void moveY(float y)
Moves the node by an offset on the Y axis.
auto absAnchorPoint() const -> Vector2f
Gets the transformation anchor point in pixels.
void setAbsAnchorPoint(float x, float y)
Sets the transformation anchor point in pixels.
void setAbsAnchorPoint(Vector2f point)
Sets the transformation anchor point in pixels with a Vector2f
auto scale() const -> const Vector2f&
Gets the node scale factors.
auto absScale() const -> const Vector2f&
Gets the node absolute scale factors.
void setScale(float scaleFactor)
Scales the node size both horizontally and vertically.
void setScale(float scaleFactorX, float scaleFactorY)
Scales the node size both horizontally and vertically.
void setScale(Vector2f scaleFactor)
Scales the node size both horizontally and vertically with a Vector2f
auto rotation() const -> float
Gets the node rotation in radians.
auto absRotation() const -> float
Gets the node absolute rotation in radians.
void setRotation(float rotation)
Sets the node rotation in radians.
auto color() const -> Colorf
Gets the node color.
auto absColor() const -> Colorf
Gets the node absolute color.
void setColor(const Color& color)
Sets the node color through a Color object.
void setColor(const Colorf& color)
Sets the node color through a Colorf object.
auto alpha() const -> float
Gets the node alpha.
auto absAlpha() const -> float
Gets the node absolute alpha.
void setAlpha(std::uint8_t alpha)
Sets the node alpha through an unsigned char component.
void setAlphaF(float alpha)
Sets the node alpha through a float component.
auto layer() const -> std::uint16_t
Gets the node rendering layer.
auto absLayer() const -> std::uint16_t
Gets the node absolute rendering layer.
void setLayer(std::uint16_t layer)
Sets the node rendering layer.
auto worldMatrix() const -> const Matrix4x4f&
Gets the node world matrix.
void setWorldMatrix(const Matrix4x4f& worldMatrix)
Sets the node world matrix (only useful when called inside OnPostUpdate())
auto localMatrix() const -> const Matrix4x4f&
Gets the node local matrix.
void setLocalMatrix(const Matrix4x4f& localMatrix)
Sets the node local matrix.
auto deleteChildrenOnDestruction() const -> bool
Gets the delete children on destruction flag.
void setDeleteChildrenOnDestruction(bool shouldDeleteChildrenOnDestruction)
Sets the delete children on destruction flag.
auto lastFrameUpdated() const -> std::uint32_t
Returns the last frame in which any of the viewports have updtated this node.

Protected types

enum DirtyBitPositions { TransformationBit = 0, ColorBit = 1, SizeBit = 2, TextureBit = 3, AabbBit = 4 }
Bit positions inside the dirty bitset.

Protected functions

void swapChildPointer(SceneNode* first, SceneNode* second)
Swaps the child pointer of a parent when moving an object.
void transform() virtual

Protected variables

SceneNode* parent_
A pointer to the parent node.
SmallVector<SceneNode*, 0> children_
The array of child nodes.
std::uint32_t childOrderIndex_
The order index of this node among its siblings.
bool updateEnabled_
bool drawEnabled_
bool withVisitOrder_
When enabled the visit order is used to resolve the drawing order of same layer nodes.
bool shouldDeleteChildrenOnDestruction_
A flag indicating whether the destructor should also delete all children.
enum VisitOrderState visitOrderState_
The visit order state of this node.
std::uint16_t visitOrderIndex_
The visit order index of this node.
std::uint16_t layer_
The node rendering layer.
Vector2f position_
The node relative position.
Vector2f anchorPoint_
Vector2f scaleFactor_
Horizontal and vertical scale factors for node size.
float rotation_
Clock-wise node rotation in radians.
Colorf color_
Node color for transparency and translucency.
Vector2f absPosition_
Absolute position as calculated by the transform() function.
Vector2f absScaleFactor_
Absolute horizontal and vertical scale factors as calculated by the transform() function.
float absRotation_
Absolute node rotation as calculated by the transform() function.
Colorf absColor_
Absolute node color as calculated by the transform() function.
std::uint16_t absLayer_
Absolute node rendering layer as calculated by the transform() function.
BitSet<std::uint8_t> dirtyBits_
Bitset that stores the various dirty states bits.
Matrix4x4f worldMatrix_
World transformation matrix (calculated from local and parent's world)
Matrix4x4f localMatrix_
Local transformation matrix.
std::uint32_t lastFrameUpdated_
The last frame any viewport updated this node.

Function documentation

std::uint16_t nCine::SceneNode::absLayer() const

Gets the node absolute rendering layer.

void nCine::SceneNode::setLayer(std::uint16_t layer)

Sets the node rendering layer.

bool nCine::SceneNode::deleteChildrenOnDestruction() const

Gets the delete children on destruction flag.

If the flag is true the children are deleted upon node destruction.

Variable documentation

std::uint32_t nCine::SceneNode::childOrderIndex_ protected

The order index of this node among its siblings.

bool nCine::SceneNode::withVisitOrder_ protected

When enabled the visit order is used to resolve the drawing order of same layer nodes.

std::uint16_t nCine::SceneNode::layer_ protected

The node rendering layer.

Even if the base scene node is not always drawable, it carries layer information to easily pass that information to its children.

Vector2f nCine::SceneNode::anchorPoint_ protected

The anchor point for transformations, in pixels

Colorf nCine::SceneNode::color_ protected

Node color for transparency and translucency.

Even if the base scene node is not always drawable, it carries color information to easily pass that information to its children.