Jazz2::Multiplayer::NetworkManager class

Allows to create network clients and servers.

Public static variables

static std::size_t MaxPeerCount constexpr

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

NetworkManager(const NetworkManager&) deleted

Public functions

auto operator=(const NetworkManager&) -> NetworkManager& deleted
auto CreateClient(INetworkHandler* handler, StringView address, std::uint16_t port, std::uint32_t clientData) -> bool
Creates a client connection.
auto CreateServer(INetworkHandler* handler, std::uint16_t port) -> bool
Creates a server.
void Dispose()
Disposes all active connections.
auto GetState() const -> NetworkState
Returns state of network connection.
void SendToPeer(const Peer& peer, NetworkChannel channel, const std::uint8_t* data, std::size_t dataLength)
Sends a packet to a given peer.
void SendToPeer(const Peer& peer, NetworkChannel channel, const MemoryStream& packet)
void SendToAll(NetworkChannel channel, const std::uint8_t* data, std::size_t dataLength)
Sends a packet to all connected peers.
void SendToAll(NetworkChannel channel, const MemoryStream& packet)
void KickClient(const Peer& peer, Reason reason)
Kicks a given peer from the server.

Function documentation

void Jazz2::Multiplayer::NetworkManager::SendToPeer(const Peer& peer, NetworkChannel channel, const MemoryStream& packet)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

void Jazz2::Multiplayer::NetworkManager::SendToAll(NetworkChannel channel, const MemoryStream& packet)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.