Jazz2::Actors::Player class

Represents a controllable player.

Base classes

class ActorBase
Base class of an object.

Derived classes

class PlayerOnServer
Player in online session.
class RemotablePlayer
Remotable player in online session.

Public types

enum class Modifier : std::uint8_t { None, Airboard, Copter, LizardCopter }
enum class SpecialMoveType : std::uint8_t { None, Buttstomp, Uppercut, Sidekick }
Special move type.
enum class InvulnerableType { Transient, Blinking, Shielded }
Type of invulnerability.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto GetPlayerIndex() const -> std::uint8_t
Returns player index.
auto GetPlayerType() const -> PlayerType
Returns player type.
auto GetSpecialMove() const -> SpecialMoveType
Returns current special move.
auto GetWeaponAmmo() const -> ArrayView<const std::uint16_t>
Return weapon ammo.
auto GetWeaponUpgrades() const -> ArrayView<const std::uint8_t>
Returns weapon upgrades.
auto HasSugarRush() const -> bool
Returns true if sugar rush is active.
auto CanJump() const -> bool
Returns true if the player can jump.
auto CanBreakSolidObjects() const -> bool
Returns true if the player can bread solid objects.
auto CanMoveVertically() const -> bool
Returns true if the player can move vertically, i.e. not affected by gravity.
auto OnLevelChanging(Actors::ActorBase* initiator, ExitType exitType) -> bool virtual
Called when the level is about to change.
void ReceiveLevelCarryOver(ExitType exitType, const PlayerCarryOver& carryOver)
Called at the beginning of the next level to reveive carry over information.
auto PrepareLevelCarryOver() -> PlayerCarryOver
Returns current carry over information.
void InitializeFromStream(ILevelHandler* levelHandler, Stream& src, std::uint16_t version)
Initializes player state from a stream.
void SerializeResumableToStream(Stream& dest)
Serializes player state to a stream.
void Respawn(Vector2f pos)
Respawns the player.
void WarpToPosition(Vector2f pos, WarpFlags flags) virtual
Warps to a given position.
void WarpToCheckpoint()
Warps to the last checkpoint.
auto GetModifier() const -> Modifier
Returns current modifier.
auto SetModifier(Modifier modifier, const std::shared_ptr<ActorBase>& decor = nullptr) -> bool
Sets current modifier.
auto TakeDamage(std::int32_t amount, float pushForce = 0.0f) -> bool virtual
Takes damage.
void SetInvulnerability(float time, InvulnerableType type)
Sets invulnerability.
void AddScore(std::uint32_t amount)
Adds score.
auto AddHealth(std::int32_t amount) -> bool
Adds health.
auto AddLives(std::int32_t count) -> bool
Adds lives.
void AddCoins(std::int32_t count)
Adds coins.
void AddCoinsInternal(std::int32_t count)
Adds coins without notification (internal use only)
void AddGems(std::uint8_t gemType, std::int32_t count)
Adds gems.
void ConsumeFood(bool isDrinkable)
Consumes food.
void ActivateSugarRush(float duration)
Activates sugar rush.
auto AddAmmo(WeaponType weaponType, std::int16_t count) -> bool virtual
Adds weapon ammo.
void AddWeaponUpgrade(WeaponType weaponType, std::uint8_t upgrade) virtual
Adds weapon upgrade.
auto AddFastFire(std::int32_t count) -> bool
Adds fast fire.
auto MorphTo(PlayerType type) -> bool
Morphs to a given player type.
void MorphRevert()
Reverts morpth to the original player type.
auto SetDizzyTime(float time) -> bool
Sets dizzy time left.
auto GetActiveShield() const -> ShieldType
Returns active shield.
auto SetShield(ShieldType shieldType, float time) -> bool
Sets active shield.
auto IncreaseShieldTime(float time) -> bool
Increases active shield time.
auto SpawnBird(uint8_t type, Vector2f pos) -> bool
Spawns bird companion.
auto DisableControllable(float timeout) -> bool
Disables controls for specified time.
void SetCheckpoint(Vector2f pos, float ambientLight)
Sets checkpoint.
auto GetCarryingObject() const -> ActorBase*
Returns carrying object.
void CancelCarryingObject(ActorBase* expectedActor = nullptr)
Cancels carrying object.
void UpdateCarryingObject(ActorBase* actor, SuspendType suspendType = SuspendType::None)
Updates carrying object.
void SwitchToWeaponByIndex(std::uint32_t weaponIndex)
Switches current weapon to a given index.
void GetFirePointAndAngle(Vector3i& initialPos, Vector2f& gunspotPos, float& angle)
Returns weapon fire point and angle.

Protected types

enum class LevelExitingState { None, Waiting, WaitingForWarp, Transition, Ready }
State of level exiting.
enum class WeaponWheelState { Hidden, Opening, Visible, Closing }
State of HUD weapon wheel.

Protected functions

auto OnActivatedAsync(const ActorActivationDetails& details) -> Task<bool> override
Called when the object is created and activated.
auto OnTileDeactivated() -> bool override
Called when corresponding tile should be deactivated.
auto OnPerish(ActorBase* collider) -> bool override
Called when the object has no health left and should perish.
void OnUpdate(float timeMult) override
Called every frame to update the object state.
void OnUpdateHitbox() override
Called when the hitbox needs to be updated.
auto OnDraw(RenderQueue& renderQueue) -> bool override
Called when the object needs to be drawn.
void OnEmitLights(SmallVectorImpl<LightEmitter>& lights) override
Called when emitting lights.
auto OnHandleCollision(std::shared_ptr<ActorBase> other) -> bool override
Called when the object collides with another object.
void OnHitFloor(float timeMult) override
Called when the object hits a floor.
void OnHitCeiling(float timeMult) override
Called when the object hits a ceiling.
void OnHitWall(float timeMult) override
Called when the object hits a wall.
void OnHitSpring(Vector2f pos, Vector2f force, bool keepSpeedX, bool keepSpeedY, bool& removeSpecialMove) virtual
Called when a spring is hit.
void OnWaterSplash(Vector2f pos, bool inwards) virtual
Called when water should splash.
auto PlayPlayerSfx(StringView identifier, float gain = 1.0f, float pitch = 1.0f) -> std::shared_ptr<AudioBufferPlayer>
Plays a sound effect for the player.
auto SetPlayerTransition(AnimState state, bool cancellable, bool removeControl, SpecialMoveType specialMove, Function<void()>&& callback = {}) -> bool
Starts a player animation transition.
auto CanFreefall() -> bool
Returns true if the player should freefall.
void EndDamagingMove()
Ends active damaging move.
auto FireCurrentWeapon(WeaponType weaponType) -> bool virtual
Fires currently equipped weapon.
void EmitWeaponFlare() virtual
Emits weapon flare after firing.
void SetCurrentWeapon(WeaponType weaponType) virtual
Sets current weapon.

Protected static variables

static float MaxDashingSpeed constexpr
static float MaxRunningSpeed constexpr
static float MaxVineSpeed constexpr
static float MaxDizzySpeed constexpr
static float MaxShallowWaterSpeed constexpr
static float Acceleration constexpr
static float Deceleration constexpr
static const char* WeaponNames constexpr