AndroidJniClass_InputDeviceHandles JNI requests to android.view.InputDevice
Base classes
- class AndroidJniClass
- Base class for handling of JNI requests to the Android API.
Public static functions
- static void init()
static auto getDevice(int deviceId) -> AndroidJniClass_
InputDevice - static auto getDeviceIds(int* destination, int maxSize) -> int
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- AndroidJniClass_InputDevice(jobject javaObject) explicit
Public functions
- auto getName(char* destination, int maxStringSize) const -> int
- auto getDescriptor(char* destination, int maxStringSize) const -> int
- auto getProductId() const -> int
- auto getVendorId() const -> int
auto getMotionRange(int axis) const -> AndroidJniClass_
MotionRange - auto getSources() const -> int
- void hasKeys(const int* buttons, const int length, bool* bools) const