#include <Core/Backward.h>
SnippetFactory Helps to create snippets from source code.
Public functions
auto GetSnippet(const std::
string& filename, std:: int32_t lineStart, std:: int32_t contextSize) -> lines_t - Creates a snippet from a given file and line number.
auto GetCombinedSnippet(const std::
string& filenameA, std:: int32_t lineA, const std:: string& filenameB, std:: int32_t lineB, std:: int32_t contextSize) -> lines_t - Creates a combined snippet from given files and line numbers.
auto GetCoalescedSnippet(const std::
string& filename, std:: int32_t lineA, std:: int32_t lineB, std:: int32_t contextSize) -> lines_t - Creates a coalesced snippet from a given file and line numbers.