#include <nCine/Graphics/RenderResources.h>
RenderResources Creates and handles application common OpenGL rendering resources.
Public types
- struct CameraUniformData
- struct VertexFormatPos2
- Vertex format structure for vertices with positions only.
- struct VertexFormatPos2Index
- Vertex format structure for vertices with positions and draw indices.
- struct VertexFormatPos2Tex2
- Vertex format structure for vertices with positions and texture coordinates.
- struct VertexFormatPos2Tex2Index
- Vertex format structure for vertices with positions, texture coordinates and draw indices.
Public static functions
- static auto binaryShaderCache() -> BinaryShaderCache&
- static auto buffersManager() -> RenderBuffersManager&
- static auto vaoPool() -> RenderVaoPool&
- static auto renderCommandPool() -> RenderCommandPool&
- static auto renderBatcher() -> RenderBatcher&
static auto shaderProgram(Material::
ShaderProgramType shaderProgramType) -> GLShaderProgram* - static auto batchedShader(const GLShaderProgram* shader) -> GLShaderProgram*
- static auto registerBatchedShader(const GLShaderProgram* shader, GLShaderProgram* batchedShader) -> bool
- static auto unregisterBatchedShader(const GLShaderProgram* shader) -> bool
static auto cameraUniformsBuffer() -> std::
uint8_t* - static auto findCameraUniformData(GLShaderProgram* shaderProgram) -> CameraUniformData*
- static void insertCameraUniformData(GLShaderProgram* shaderProgram, CameraUniformData&& cameraUniformData)
- static auto removeCameraUniformData(GLShaderProgram* shaderProgram) -> bool
- static auto currentCamera() -> const Camera*
- static auto currentViewport() -> const Viewport*
- static void setDefaultAttributesParameters(GLShaderProgram& shaderProgram)
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- RenderResources() deleted
- ~RenderResources() deleted