Jazz2::IStateHandler class

Base interface of a state handler, only one handler runs at a time.

Derived classes

class LevelHandler
Level handler of a local game session.
class Cinematics
Handler that plays a cinematic video.
class LoadingHandler
Handler that only shows the loading indicator.
class MainMenu
Main menu.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~IStateHandler() virtual
IStateHandler(const IStateHandler&) deleted

Public functions

auto operator=(const IStateHandler&) -> IStateHandler& deleted
auto GetViewSize() const -> nCine::Vector2i virtual
Returns viewport size of the handler.
void OnBeginFrame() virtual
Called at the beginning of each frame.
void OnEndFrame() virtual
Called at the end of each frame.
void OnInitializeViewport(std::int32_t width, std::int32_t height) virtual
Called when the viewport needs to be initialized (e.g., when the resolution is changed)
void OnKeyPressed(const nCine::KeyboardEvent& event) virtual
Called when a key is pressed.
void OnKeyReleased(const nCine::KeyboardEvent& event) virtual
Called when a key is released.
void OnTextInput(const nCine::TextInputEvent& event) virtual
Called when a text input is detected.
void OnTouchEvent(const nCine::TouchEvent& event) virtual
Called when a touch event is triggered.