Death::Backward::SourceFile class

Represents a file with source code.

Public static functions

static void AddPathToEnvVariable(const std::string& toAdd)

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

SourceFile(const std::string& path)
SourceFile(const SourceFile&) deleted
SourceFile(SourceFile&& from) noexcept

Public functions

auto operator=(const SourceFile&) -> SourceFile& deleted
auto IsOpen() const -> bool
Returns true if the file can be read.
auto GetLines(std::int32_t lineStart, std::int32_t lineCount, lines_t& lines) -> lines_t&
Returns lines from the file within the specified range.
auto GetLines(std::int32_t lineStart, std::int32_t lineCount) -> lines_t
void swap(SourceFile& b)
auto operator=(SourceFile&& from) -> SourceFile& noexcept

Function documentation

lines_t Death::Backward::SourceFile::GetLines(std::int32_t lineStart, std::int32_t lineCount)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.