#include <nCine/Graphics/ParticleAffectors.h>
VelocityAffector Particle velocity affector.
Base classes
- class ParticleAffector
- Base class for particle affectors.
Public types
- struct VelocityStep
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- VelocityAffector()
- VelocityAffector(VelocityAffector&&) defaulted
- Default move constructor.
- VelocityAffector(const VelocityAffector& other) protected defaulted
- Protected default copy constructor used to clone objects.
Public functions
- auto operator=(VelocityAffector&&) -> VelocityAffector& defaulted
- Default move assignment operator.
- auto clone() const -> VelocityAffector
- Returns a copy of this object.
- void affect(Particle* particle, float normalizedAge) override
- Affects the velocity of the specified particle.
- void addVelocityStep(float age, float velX, float velY)
- void addVelocityStep(float age, Vector2f velocity)
- auto steps() -> SmallVectorImpl<VelocityStep>&
- auto steps() const -> const SmallVectorImpl<VelocityStep>&