GLShaderProgramHandles OpenGL shader programs.
Public types
- enum class Introspection { Enabled, NoUniformsInBlocks, Disabled }
- enum class Status { NotLinked, CompilationFailed, LinkingFailed, Linked, LinkedWithDeferredQueries, LinkedWithIntrospection }
- enum class QueryPhase { Immediate, Deferred }
Public static variables
static std::
int32_t DefaultBatchSize constexpr
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- GLShaderProgram()
- GLShaderProgram(QueryPhase queryPhase) explicit
- GLShaderProgram(StringView vertexFile, StringView fragmentFile, Introspection introspection, QueryPhase queryPhase)
- GLShaderProgram(StringView vertexFile, StringView fragmentFile, Introspection introspection)
- GLShaderProgram(StringView vertexFile, StringView fragmentFile)
- ~GLShaderProgram()
- GLShaderProgram(const GLShaderProgram&) deleted
Public functions
- auto operator=(const GLShaderProgram&) -> GLShaderProgram& deleted
- auto glHandle() const -> GLuint
- auto status() const -> Status
- auto introspection() const -> Introspection
- auto queryPhase() const -> QueryPhase
auto batchSize() const -> std::
uint32_t -
void setBatchSize(std::
uint32_t value) - auto isLinked() const -> bool
auto retrieveInfoLogLength() const -> std::
uint32_t - Returns the length of the information log including the null termination character.
void retrieveInfoLog(std::
string& infoLog) const - Retrieves the information log and copies it in the provided string object.
auto uniformsSize() const -> std::
uint32_t - Returns the total memory needed for all uniforms outside of blocks.
auto uniformBlocksSize() const -> std::
uint32_t - Returns the total memory needed for all uniforms inside of blocks.
- auto attachShaderFromFile(GLenum type, StringView filename) -> bool
- auto attachShaderFromString(GLenum type, StringView string) -> bool
- auto attachShaderFromStrings(GLenum type, ArrayView<const StringView> strings) -> bool
- auto attachShaderFromStringsAndFile(GLenum type, ArrayView<const StringView> strings, StringView filename) -> bool
- auto link(Introspection introspection) -> bool
- void use()
- auto validate() -> bool
- auto finalizeAfterLinking(Introspection introspection) -> bool
auto numAttributes() const -> std::
uint32_t - auto hasAttribute(const char* name) const -> bool
auto attribute(const char* name) -> GLVertexFormat::
Attribute* - void defineVertexFormat(const GLBufferObject* vbo)
- void defineVertexFormat(const GLBufferObject* vbo, const GLBufferObject* ibo)
- void defineVertexFormat(const GLBufferObject* vbo, const GLBufferObject* ibo, unsigned int vboOffset)
- void reset()
- Deletes the current OpenGL shader program so that new shaders can be attached.
- void setObjectLabel(const char* label)
- auto logOnErrors() const -> bool
- Returns the automatic log on errors flag.
- void setLogOnErrors(bool shouldLogOnErrors)
- Sets the automatic log on errors flag.
Function documentation
void nCine:: GLShaderProgram:: setLogOnErrors(bool shouldLogOnErrors)
Sets the automatic log on errors flag.
If the flag is true the shader program will automatically log compilation and linking errors.