#include <nCine/Base/TimeStamp.h>
TimeStamp Represents a point in time or a duration.
Public static functions
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
Public functions
- auto operator>(const TimeStamp& other) const -> bool
- auto operator<(const TimeStamp& other) const -> bool
- auto operator+=(const TimeStamp& other) -> TimeStamp&
- auto operator-=(const TimeStamp& other) -> TimeStamp&
- auto operator+(const TimeStamp& other) const -> TimeStamp
- auto operator-(const TimeStamp& other) const -> TimeStamp
- auto timeSince() const -> TimeStamp
- Returns a new time stamp with the time elapsed since this one.
- auto secondsSince() const -> float
- Returns the time elapsed since the timestamp, as seconds in a
number. - auto millisecondsSince() const -> float
- Returns the time elapsed since the timestamp, as milliseconds in a
number. - auto microsecondsSince() const -> float
- Returns the time elapsed since the timestamp, as microseconds in a
number. - auto nanosecondsSince() const -> float
- Returns the time elapsed since the timestamp, as seconds in a
number. -
auto ticks() const -> std::
uint64_t - auto seconds() const -> float
- Returns the timestamp counter value as seconds in a
number. - auto milliseconds() const -> float
- Returns the timestamp counter value as milliseconds in a
number. - auto microseconds() const -> float
- Returns the timestamp counter value as microseconds in a
number. - auto nanoseconds() const -> float
- Returns the timestamp counter value as nanoseconds in a