#include <Jazz2/Events/EventSpawner.h>
EventSpawner Spawns objects in a level.
Public types
using CreateDelegate = std::
shared_ptr<Actors:: ActorBase>(*)(const Actors:: ActorActivationDetails&details) - Delegate to create an object.
using PreloadDelegate = void(*)(const Actors::
ActorActivationDetails&details) - Delegate to preload assets for an object.
Public static variables
static std::
int32_t SpawnParamsSize constexpr
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- EventSpawner(ILevelHandler* levelHandler)
Public functions
void PreloadEvent(EventType type,
uint8_t* spawnParams) - Preloads assets for a given event.
auto SpawnEvent(EventType type,
uint8_t* spawnParams, Actors:: ActorState flags, std:: int32_t x, std:: int32_t y, std:: int32_t z) -> std:: shared_ptr<Actors:: ActorBase> - Spawns an object for a given event.
auto SpawnEvent(EventType type,
uint8_t* spawnParams, Actors:: ActorState flags, const Vector3i& pos) -> std:: shared_ptr<Actors:: ActorBase> - void RegisterSpawnable(EventType type, CreateDelegate create, PreloadDelegate preload = nullptr)
- Registers a delegate to create an object from an event.
Function documentation
std:: shared_ptr<Actors:: ActorBase> Jazz2:: Events:: EventSpawner:: SpawnEvent(EventType type,
std:: uint8_t* spawnParams,
Actors:: ActorState flags,
const Vector3i& pos)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.