#include <nCine/Input/IInputEventHandler.h>
IInputEventHandler Interface for handling input events from keyboard, screen touches, mouse, accelerometer and joystick.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- IInputEventHandler()
- ~IInputEventHandler() virtual
Public functions
- void OnKeyPressed(const KeyboardEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a key is pressed.
- void OnKeyReleased(const KeyboardEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a key is released.
- void OnTextInput(const TextInputEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a text input is generated.
- void OnTouchEvent(const TouchEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a touch event is made.
- void OnAcceleration(const AccelerometerEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called at fixed time with the updated reading from the accelerometer sensor.
- void OnMouseDown(const MouseEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a mouse button is pressed.
- void OnMouseUp(const MouseEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a mouse button is released.
- void OnMouseMove(const MouseState& state) virtual
- Callback function called every time the mouse is moved.
- void OnMouseWheel(const ScrollEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a scroll input occurs (mouse wheel, touchpad gesture, etc.)
- void OnJoyButtonPressed(const JoyButtonEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a joystick button is pressed.
- void OnJoyButtonReleased(const JoyButtonEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a joystick button is released.
- void OnJoyHatMoved(const JoyHatEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a joystick hat is moved.
- void OnJoyAxisMoved(const JoyAxisEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a joystick axis is moved.
- void OnJoyMappedButtonPressed(const JoyMappedButtonEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a button of a joystick with mapping is pressed.
- void OnJoyMappedButtonReleased(const JoyMappedButtonEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a button of a joystick with mapping is released.
- void OnJoyMappedAxisMoved(const JoyMappedAxisEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time an axis of a joystick with mapping is moved.
- void OnJoyConnected(const JoyConnectionEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a joystick is connected.
- void OnJoyDisconnected(const JoyConnectionEvent& event) virtual
- Callback function called every time a joystick is disconnected.
- auto OnQuitRequest() -> bool virtual
- Callback function called when the system sends a quit event, for example when the user clicks the window close button.