dir Jazz2 Namespace Jazz2.
dir Actors Namespace Jazz2::
Actors. -
dir Collectibles Namespace Jazz2::
Actors:: Collectibles. - file AmmoCollectible.h
- file CarrotCollectible.h
- file CarrotFlyCollectible.h
- file CarrotInvincibleCollectible.h
- file CoinCollectible.h
- file CollectibleBase.h
- file FastFireCollectible.h
- file FoodCollectible.h
- file GemCollectible.h
- file GemGiant.h
- file GemRing.h
- file OneUpCollectible.h
- file Stopwatch.h
dir Enemies Namespace Jazz2::
Actors:: Enemies. -
dir Bosses Namespace Jazz2::
Actors:: Bosses. - file Bilsy.h
- file Bolly.h
- file BossBase.h
- file Bubba.h
- file Devan.h
- file DevanRemote.h
- file Queen.h
- file Robot.h
- file TurtleBoss.h
- file Uterus.h
- file Bat.h
- file Bee.h
- file Caterpillar.h
- file Crab.h
- file Demon.h
- file Doggy.h
- file Dragon.h
- file Dragonfly.h
- file EnemyBase.h
- file FatChick.h
- file Fencer.h
- file Fish.h
- file Helmut.h
- file LabRat.h
- file Lizard.h
- file LizardFloat.h
- file MadderHatter.h
- file Monkey.h
- file Rapier.h
- file Raven.h
- file Skeleton.h
- file Sparks.h
- file Sucker.h
- file SuckerFloat.h
- file Turtle.h
- file TurtleShell.h
- file TurtleTough.h
- file TurtleTube.h
- file Witch.h
dir Bosses Namespace Jazz2::
dir Environment Namespace Jazz2::
Actors:: Environment. - file AirboardGenerator.h
- file AmbientBubbles.h
- file AmbientSound.h
- file Bird.h
- file BirdCage.h
- file Bomb.h
- file BonusWarp.h
- file Checkpoint.h
- file Copter.h
- file EndOfLevel.h
- file Eva.h
- file IceBlock.h
- file Moth.h
- file RollingRock.h
- file Spring.h
- file SteamNote.h
- file SwingingVine.h
dir Lighting Namespace Jazz2::
Actors:: Lighting. - file FlickerLight.h
- file PulsatingRadialLight.h
- file StaticRadialLight.h
dir Multiplayer Namespace Jazz2::
Actors:: Multiplayer. - file LocalPlayerOnServer.h
- file PlayerOnServer.h
- file RemotablePlayer.h
- file RemoteActor.h
- file RemotePlayerOnServer.h
dir Solid Namespace Jazz2::
Actors:: Solid. - file AmmoBarrel.h
- file AmmoCrate.h
- file BarrelContainer.h
- file Bridge.h
- file CrateContainer.h
- file GemBarrel.h
- file GemCrate.h
- file GenericContainer.h
- file MovingPlatform.h
- file PinballBumper.h
- file PinballPaddle.h
- file Pole.h
- file PowerUpMorphMonitor.h
- file PowerUpShieldMonitor.h
- file PowerUpWeaponMonitor.h
- file PushableBox.h
- file SpikeBall.h
- file TriggerCrate.h
dir Weapons Namespace Jazz2::
Actors:: Weapons. - file BlasterShot.h
- file BouncerShot.h
- file ElectroShot.h
- file FreezerShot.h
- file PepperShot.h
- file RFShot.h
- file SeekerShot.h
- file ShieldFireShot.h
- file ShieldLightningShot.h
- file ShieldWaterShot.h
- file ShotBase.h
- file Thunderbolt.h
- file TNT.h
- file ToasterShot.h
- file ActorBase.h
- file Explosion.h
- file Player.h
- file PlayerCorpse.h
- file SolidObjectBase.h
dir Collectibles Namespace Jazz2::
dir Collisions Namespace Jazz2::
Collisions. - file DynamicTree.h
- file DynamicTreeBroadPhase.h
dir Compatibility Namespace Jazz2::
Compatibility. - file AnimSetMapping.h
- file EventConverter.h
- file JJ2Anims.h
- file JJ2Anims.Palettes.h
- file JJ2Block.h
- file JJ2Data.h
- file JJ2Episode.h
- file JJ2Event.h
- file JJ2Level.h
- file JJ2Strings.h
- file JJ2Tileset.h
- file JJ2Version.h
dir Events Namespace Jazz2::
Events. - file EventMap.h
- file EventSpawner.h
dir Input Namespace Jazz2::
Input. - file ControlScheme.h
- file RgbLights.h
- file RumbleDescription.h
- file RumbleProcessor.h
dir Multiplayer Namespace Jazz2::
Multiplayer. - file ConnectionResult.h
- file INetworkHandler.h
- file MpGameMode.h
- file MpLevelHandler.h
- file NetworkManager.h
- file NetworkManagerBase.h
- file PacketTypes.h
- file Peer.h
- file Reason.h
- file ServerDiscovery.h
- file ServerInitialization.h
dir Rendering Namespace Jazz2::
Rendering. - file BlurRenderPass.h
- file CombineRenderer.h
- file LightingRenderer.h
- file PlayerViewport.h
- file UpscaleRenderPass.h
dir Scripting Namespace Jazz2::
Scripting. - file JJ2PlusDefinitions.h
- file LevelScriptLoader.h
- file RegisterArray.h
- file RegisterDictionary.h
- file RegisterImGuiBindings.h
- file RegisterMath.h
- file RegisterRef.h
- file RegisterString.h
- file ScriptActorWrapper.h
- file ScriptLoader.h
- file ScriptPlayerWrapper.h
dir Tiles Namespace Jazz2::
Tiles. - file ITileMapOwner.h
- file TileCollisionParams.h
- file TileDestructType.h
- file TileMap.h
- file TileSet.h
dir UI Namespace Jazz2::
UI. -
dir Menu Namespace Jazz2::
UI:: Menu. - file AboutSection.h
- file BeginSection.h
- file ControlsOptionsSection.h
- file CreateServerOptionsSection.h
- file CustomLevelSelectSection.h
- file EpisodeSelectSection.h
- file FirstRunSection.h
- file GameplayEnhancementsSection.h
- file GameplayOptionsSection.h
- file GraphicsOptionsSection.h
- file HighscoresSection.h
- file IMenuContainer.h
- file ImportSection.h
- file InGameMenu.h
- file InputDiagnosticsSection.h
- file LanguageSelectSection.h
- file MainMenu.h
- file MenuResources.h
- file MenuSection.h
- file MultiplayerGameModeSelectSection.h
- file OptionsSection.h
- file PauseSection.h
- file PlayMultiplayerSection.h
- file RefreshCacheSection.h
- file RemapControlsSection.h
- file RescaleModeSection.h
- file ScrollableMenuSection.h
- file ServerSelectSection.h
- file SimpleMessageSection.h
- file SoundsOptionsSection.h
- file StartGameOptionsSection.h
- file TouchControlsOptionsSection.h
- file UserProfileOptionsSection.h
dir Multiplayer Namespace Jazz2::
UI:: Multiplayer. - file MpHUD.h
- file MpInGameCanvasLayer.h
- file MpInGameLobby.h
- file Alignment.h
- file Canvas.h
- file Cinematics.h
- file DiscordRpcClient.h
- file Font.h
- file FormattedTextBlock.h
- file HUD.h
- file InGameConsole.h
- file LoadingHandler.h
dir Menu Namespace Jazz2::
- file AnimationLoopMode.h
- file AnimState.h
- file ContentResolver.h
- file Direction.h
- file EventType.h
- file ExitType.h
- file GameDifficulty.h
- file ILevelHandler.h
- file IResumable.h
- file IRootController.h
- file IStateHandler.h
- file LevelDescriptor.h
- file LevelFlags.h
- file LevelHandler.h
- file LevelInitialization.h
- file LightEmitter.h
- file PitType.h
- file PlayerAction.h
- file PlayerType.h
- file PreferencesCache.h
- file Resources.h
- file ShieldType.h
- file SuspendType.h
- file WarpFlags.h
- file WeaponType.h
- file WeatherType.h
dir Actors Namespace Jazz2::
dir nCine Namespace nCine.
dir Audio
- file ALAudioDevice.h
- file AudioBuffer.h
- file AudioBufferPlayer.h
- file AudioLoaderMpt.h
- file AudioLoaderOgg.h
- file AudioLoaderWav.h
- file AudioReaderMpt.h
- file AudioReaderOgg.h
- file AudioReaderWav.h
- file AudioStream.h
- file AudioStreamPlayer.h
- file IAudioDevice.h
- file IAudioLoader.h
- file IAudioPlayer.h
- file IAudioReader.h
dir Backends Namespace nCine::
Backends. -
dir Android
- file AndroidApplication.h
- file AndroidInputManager.h
- file AndroidJniHelper.h
- file EglGfxDevice.h
dir Uwp
- file UwpApplication.h
- file UwpGfxDevice.h
- file UwpInputManager.h
- file GlfwGfxDevice.h
- file GlfwInputManager.h
- file Qt5GfxDevice.h
- file Qt5InputManager.h
- file SdlGfxDevice.h
- file SdlInputManager.h
dir Android
dir Base
- file Algorithms.h
- file BitArray.h
- file BitSet.h
- file Clock.h
- file FrameTimer.h
- file HashFunctions.h
- file HashMap.h
- file Iterator.h
- file Object.h
- file Random.h
- file ReverseIterator.h
- file StaticHashMap.h
- file StaticHashMapIterator.h
- file Task.h
- file Timer.h
- file TimeStamp.h
dir Graphics
dir GL
- file GLAttribute.h
- file GLBlending.h
- file GLBufferObject.h
- file GLClearColor.h
- file GLCullFace.h
- file GLDebug.h
- file GLDepthTest.h
- file GLFramebuffer.h
- file GLHashMap.h
- file GLRenderbuffer.h
- file GLScissorTest.h
- file GLShader.h
- file GLShaderProgram.h
- file GLShaderUniformBlocks.h
- file GLShaderUniforms.h
- file GLTexture.h
- file GLUniform.h
- file GLUniformBlock.h
- file GLUniformBlockCache.h
- file GLUniformCache.h
- file GLVertexArrayObject.h
- file GLVertexFormat.h
- file GLViewport.h
- file AnimatedSprite.h
- file BaseSprite.h
- file BinaryShaderCache.h
- file Camera.h
- file DisplayMode.h
- file DrawableNode.h
- file Geometry.h
- file GfxCapabilities.h
- file IDebugOverlay.h
- file IGfxCapabilities.h
- file IGfxDevice.h
- file ImGuiDebugOverlay.h
- file ImGuiDrawing.h
- file ITextureLoader.h
- file Material.h
- file MeshSprite.h
- file Particle.h
- file ParticleAffectors.h
- file ParticleInitializer.h
- file ParticleSystem.h
- file RectAnimation.h
- file RenderBatcher.h
- file RenderBuffersManager.h
- file RenderCommand.h
- file RenderCommandPool.h
- file RenderDocCapture.h
- file RenderQueue.h
- file RenderResources.h
- file RenderStatistics.h
- file RenderVaoPool.h
- file SceneNode.h
- file ScreenViewport.h
- file Shader.h
- file ShaderState.h
- file Sprite.h
- file Texture.h
- file TextureFormat.h
- file TextureLoaderDds.h
- file TextureLoaderKtx.h
- file TextureLoaderPkm.h
- file TextureLoaderPng.h
- file TextureLoaderPvr.h
- file TextureLoaderQoi.h
- file TextureLoaderRaw.h
- file Viewport.h
dir GL
dir Input
- file IInputEventHandler.h
- file IInputManager.h
- file InputEvents.h
- file JoyMapping.h
- file Keys.h
dir Primitives Namespace nCine::
Primitives. - file AABB.h
- file Color.h
- file Colorf.h
- file Half.h
- file Matrix4x4.h
- file Quaternion.h
- file Rect.h
- file Vector2.h
- file Vector3.h
- file Vector4.h
dir Threading
- file IThreadCommand.h
- file IThreadPool.h
- file Thread.h
- file ThreadPool.h
- file ThreadSync.h
- file AppConfiguration.h Class nCine::
AppConfiguration. - file Application.h Class nCine::
Application. - file CommonConstants.h Common mathematical constants.
- file I18n.h Class nCine::
I18n. - file IAppEventHandler.h Interface nCine::
IAppEventHandler. - file MainApplication.h Class nCine::
MainApplication. - file ServiceLocator.h Class nCine::
ServiceLocator. - file tracy.h
- file tracy_opengl.h
dir Audio
dir Shared Namespace Death.
dir Base Basic utilities for memory management and type information.
- file IDisposable.h Interface Death::
IDisposable. - file Memory.h Class Death::
Memory. - file Move.h Function Death::
forward(), Death:: move(), Death:: swap() - file TypeInfo.h Function Death::
- file IDisposable.h Interface Death::
dir Containers Namespace Death::
Containers, Death:: Containers:: Literals. - file Array.h Class Death::
Containers:: Array. - file ArrayView.h Class Death::
Containers:: ArrayView, Death:: Containers:: StaticArrayView. - file ComPtr.h Class Death::
Containers:: ComPtr. - file Containers.h Forward declarations for the Death::
Containers namespace. - file DateTime.h Class Death::
Containers:: DateTime, Death:: Containers:: TimeSpan. - file Function.h Class Death::
Containers:: Function, Death:: Containers:: FunctionData. - file GrowableArray.h Class Death::
Containers:: ArrayAllocator, Death:: Containers:: ArrayNewAllocator, Death:: Containers:: ArrayMallocAllocator, function Death:: Containers:: arrayAllocatorCast(), Death:: Containers:: arrayIsGrowable(), Death:: Containers:: arrayCapacity(), Death:: Containers:: arrayReserve(), Death:: Containers:: arrayResize(), Death:: Containers:: arrayAppend(), Death:: Containers:: arrayInsert(), Death:: Containers:: arrayRemove(), Death:: Containers:: arrayRemoveUnordered(), Death:: Containers:: arrayRemoveSuffix(), Death:: Containers:: arrayClear(), Death:: Containers:: arrayShrink() - file Pair.h Class Death::
Containers:: Pair. - file Reference.h Class Death::
Containers:: Reference. - file SmallVector.h Class Death::
Containers:: SmallVector. - file StaticArray.h Class Death::
Containers:: StaticArray. - file String.h Class Death::
Containers:: String, tag Death:: Containers:: AllocatedInit. - file StringConcatenable.h
- file StringStl.h STL std::
string compatibility for Death:: Containers:: String and Death:: Containers:: StringView. - file StringStlView.h STL std::
string_view compatibility for Death:: Containers:: String and Death:: Containers:: StringView. - file StringUtils.h Namespace Death::
Containers:: StringUtils. - file StringView.h Class Death::
Containers:: BasicStringView, typedef Death:: Containers:: StringView, Death:: Containers:: MutableStringView. - file Tags.h Tag Death::
Containers:: DefaultInit, Death:: Containers:: ValueInit, Death:: Containers:: NoInit, Death:: Containers:: NoCreate, Death:: Containers:: DirectInit, Death:: Containers:: InPlaceInit.
- file Array.h Class Death::
dir Core Namespace Death::
Backward, Death:: Trace. - file Backward.h Namespace Death::
Backward. - file ITraceSink.h Interface Death::
ITraceSink. - file Logger.h Class Death::
Trace:: LoggerBackend, Death:: Trace:: Logger.
- file Backward.h Namespace Death::
dir IO Namespace Death::
IO. -
dir Compression Namespace Death::
IO:: Compression. - file DeflateStream.h Class Death::
IO:: Compression:: DeflateStream. - file Lz4Stream.h Class Death::
IO:: Compression:: Lz4Stream. - file ZstdStream.h Class Death::
IO:: Compression:: ZstdStream.
- file DeflateStream.h Class Death::
- file AndroidAssetStream.h Class Death::
IO:: AndroidAssetStream. - file BoundedFileStream.h Class Death::
IO:: BoundedFileStream. - file EmscriptenFileStream.h Class Death::
IO:: EmscriptenFileStream, Death:: IO:: EmscriptenFilePicker. - file FileAccess.h Enum Death::
IO:: FileAccess. - file FileStream.h Class Death::
IO:: FileStream. - file FileSystem.h Class Death::
IO:: FileSystem. - file MemoryStream.h Class Death::
IO:: MemoryStream. - file PakFile.h Class Death::
IO:: PakFile. - file Stream.h Class Death::
IO:: Stream. - file WebRequest.h Class Death::
IO:: WebAuthChallenge Death:: IO:: WebCredentials, Death:: IO:: WebProxy, Death:: IO:: WebRequest, Death:: IO:: WebRequestAsync, Death:: IO:: WebResponse, Death:: IO:: WebSession, Death:: IO:: WebSessionAsync.
dir Compression Namespace Death::
dir Threading Namespace Death::
Threading. - file Event.h Class Death::
Threading:: Event, typedef Death:: Threading:: AutoResetEvent, Death:: Threading:: ManualResetEvent. - file Spinlock.h Class Death::
Threading:: Spinlock.
- file Event.h Class Death::
- file Asserts.h Assertions and event tracing.
- file Common.h Common header file, includes also CommonBase.h,
- file CommonBase.h Basic definitions.
- file CommonWindows.h Windows®-specific header file, falls back to Common.h on other platforms.
- file Cpu.h Namespace Death::
Cpu and related macros. - file Environment.h Namespace Death::
Environment. - file IntrinsicsAvx.h Intrinsics for x86 LZCNT, BMI1, AVX, AVX F16C, AVX FMA and AVX2 instructions.
- file IntrinsicsSse2.h Intrinsics for x86 SSE2 instructions.
- file IntrinsicsSse3.h Intrinsics for x86 SSE3 instructions.
- file IntrinsicsSse4.h Intrinsics for x86 SSE4.1, SSE4.2 and POPCNT instructions.
- file IntrinsicsSsse3.h Intrinsics for x86 SSSE3 instructions.
- file Utf8.h Namespace Death::
dir Base Basic utilities for memory management and type information.
- file Main.h Common nCine header file, includes Common.h and project metadata.