ContainersContainer implementations.
Implementations for various containers which don't have direct equivalents in STL or are better tailored to specific use cases than general standard implementations.
- namespace Literals
- Container literals.
- namespace StringUtils
- String utilities.
- struct AllocatedInitT
- Allocated initialization tag type.
template<class T, class D = void(*)(T*, std::class Array
size_t)> - Array.
template<class T>struct ArrayAllocator
- Allocator for growable arrays.
template<class T>struct ArrayMallocAllocator
- Malloc-based allocator for growable arrays.
template<class T>struct ArrayNewAllocator
- New-based allocator for growable arrays.
template<class T>class ArrayView
- Array view.
template<>class ArrayView<const void>
- Constant void array view.
template<>class ArrayView<void>
- Void array view.
template<class T>class BasicStringView
- Base for string views.
- class DateTime
- Instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day.
- struct DefaultInitT
- Default initialization tag type.
- struct DirectInitT
- Direct initialization tag type.
template<class>class Function
- Function wrapper.
template<class R, class ... Args>class Function<R(Args...)>
- Function wrapper.
- class FunctionData
- Function data storage
- struct InPlaceInitT
- In-place initialization tag type.
template<typename IteratorT>class iterator_range
- struct NoAllocateInitT
- No-allocate initialization tag type.
- struct NoCreateT
- No creation tag type.
- struct NoInitT
- No initialization tag type.
template<class F, class S>class Pair
- Pair of values.
template<class T>class Reference
- Lightweight non-owning reference wrapper.
template<typename T, unsigned N = CalculateSmallVectorDefaultInlinedElements<T>::value>class SmallVector
- Memory-optimized vector.
template<class Size_T>class SmallVectorBase
- SmallVector base class
template<typename T>class SmallVectorImpl
- Consists of common code of SmallVector class to reduce code duplication based on
template parameter. -
template<typename T, unsigned N>struct SmallVectorStorage
- Storage for SmallVector elements.
template<typename T, bool = (std::class SmallVectorTemplateBase
is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>::value) && (std:: is_trivially_move_constructible<T>::value) && std:: is_trivially_destructible<T>::value> - SmallVector method implementations that are designed to work with non-trivial types
template<typename T>class SmallVectorTemplateBase<T, true>
- SmallVector method implementations that are designed to work with trivially copyable types
template<typename T>class SmallVectorTemplateCommon
- SmallVector part which does not depend on whether the type is a POD
template<std::class StaticArray
size_t size_, class T> - Compile-time-sized array.
template<std::class StaticArrayView
size_t size_, class T> - Compile-time-sized array view.
- class String
- String.
template<typename A, typename B>class StringBuilder
- Resulting template object of a deferred string concatenation.
template<typename Builder, typename T>struct StringBuilderBase
- Resulting base object of a deferred string concatenation.
- class TimeSpan
- Time interval.
- struct ValueInitT
- Value initialization tag type.
enum class StringViewFlags : std::
size_t { Global = std::size_t{1} << (sizeof(std::size_t) * 8 - 1), NullTerminated = std::size_t{1} << (sizeof(std::size_t) * 8 - 2) } - String view flags.
- using StringView = BasicStringView<const char>
- String view.
- using MutableStringView = BasicStringView<char>
- Mutable string view.
template<class T>auto array(ArrayView<const T> list) -> Array<T>
- Construct a list-initialized array.
template<class T>auto array(std::
initializer_list<T> list) -> Array<T> - Construct a list-initialized array.
template<class T, class D>auto arrayView(Array<T, D>& array) -> ArrayView<T>
- Make a view on an Array.
template<class T, class D>auto arrayView(const Array<T, D>& array) -> ArrayView<const T>
- Make a view on a const Array.
template<class U, class T, class D>auto arrayCast(Array<T, D>& array) -> ArrayView<U>
- Reinterpret-cast an array.
template<class U, class T, class D>auto arrayCast(const Array<T, D>& array) -> ArrayView<const U>
template<class T>auto arraySize(const Array<T>& view) -> std::
size_t - Array size.
template<class T>auto arrayView(T* data, std::
size_t size) -> ArrayView<T> constexpr - Make a view on an array of specific length.
template<std::auto arrayView(T(&data)[size]) -> ArrayView<T> constexpr
size_t size, class T> - Make a view on fixed-size array.
template<class T>auto arrayView(std::
initializer_list<T> list) -> ArrayView<const T> - Make a view on an initializer list.
template<std::auto arrayView(StaticArrayView<size, T> view) -> ArrayView<T> constexpr
size_t size, class T> - Make a view on StaticArrayView.
template<class T>auto arrayView(ArrayView<T> view) -> ArrayView<T> constexpr
- Make a view on a view.
template<class T, class U = decltype(Implementation::ErasedArrayViewConverter<typename std::auto arrayView(T&& other) -> U constexpr
remove_reference<T&&>::type>::from(std:: declval<T&&>()))> - Make a view on an external type / from an external representation.
template<class U, class T>auto arrayCast(ArrayView<T> view) -> ArrayView<U>
- Reinterpret-cast an array view.
template<class U>auto arrayCast(ArrayView<const void> view) -> ArrayView<U>
- Reinterpret-cast a void array view.
template<class T>auto arraySize(ArrayView<T> view) -> std::
size_t constexpr - Array view size.
template<std::auto arraySize(StaticArrayView<size_, T>) -> std::
size_t size_, class T> size_t constexpr -
template<std::auto arraySize(T(&)[size_]) -> std::
size_t size_, class T> size_t constexpr - C array size.
template<std::auto arraySize(U(T::*)[size_]) -> std::
size_t size_, class T, class U> size_t constexpr - C array member size.
template<std::auto staticArrayView(T* data) -> StaticArrayView<size, T> constexpr
size_t size, class T> - Make a static view on an array.
template<std::auto staticArrayView(T(&data)[size]) -> StaticArrayView<size, T> constexpr
size_t size, class T> - Make a static view on a fixed-size array.
template<std::auto staticArrayView(StaticArrayView<size, T> view) -> StaticArrayView<size, T> constexpr
size_t size, class T> - Make a static view on a view.
template<class T, class U = decltype(Implementation::ErasedStaticArrayViewConverter<typename std::auto staticArrayView(T&& other) -> U constexpr
remove_reference<T&&>::type>::from(std:: declval<T&&>()))> - Make a static view on an external type / from an external representation.
template<class U, std::auto arrayCast(StaticArrayView<size, T> view) -> StaticArrayView<size*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U), U>
size_t size, class T> - Reinterpret-cast a static array view.
template<class U, std::auto arrayCast(T(&data)[size]) -> StaticArrayView<size*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U), U>
size_t size, class T> - Reinterpret-cast a statically sized array.
template<class U, class T>auto arrayAllocatorCast(Array<T>&& array) -> Array<U>
- Reinterpret-cast a growable array.
template<class U, template<class> class Allocator, class T>auto arrayAllocatorCast(Array<T>&& array) -> Array<U>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayIsGrowable(Array<T>& array) -> bool
- Whether an array is growable.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayCapacity(Array<T>& array) -> std::
size_t - Array capacity.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayReserve(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t capacity) -> std:: size_t - Reserve given capacity in an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, DefaultInitT, std::
size_t size) - Resize an array to given size, default-initializing new elements.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, ValueInitT, std::
size_t size) - Resize an array to given size, value-initializing new elements.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t size) - Resize an array to given size, value-initializing new elements.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, NoInitT, std::
size_t size) - Resize an array to given size, keeping new elements uninitialized.
template<class T, class ... Args>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, DirectInitT, std::
size_t size, Args && ... args) - Resize an array to given size, constructing new elements using provided arguments.
template<class T, class Allocator, class ... Args>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, DirectInitT, std::
size_t size, Args && ... args) -
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t size, const typename std:: common_type<T>::type& value) - Resize an array to given size, copy-constructing new elements using the provided value.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, const typename std::
common_type<T>::type& value) -> T& - Copy-append an item to an array.
template<class T, class ... Args>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, InPlaceInitT, Args && ... args) -> T&
- In-place append an item to an array.
template<class T, class Allocator, class ... Args>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, InPlaceInitT, Args && ... args) -> T&
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, typename std::
common_type<T>::type&& value) -> T& - Move-append an item to an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, typename std::
common_type<ArrayView<const T>>::type values) -> ArrayView<T> - Copy-append a list of items to an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, std::
initializer_list<typename std:: common_type<T>::type> values) -> ArrayView<T> -
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, NoInitT, std::
size_t count) -> ArrayView<T> - Append given count of uninitialized values to an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, const typename std:: common_type<T>::type& value) -> T& - Copy-insert an item into an array.
template<class T, class ... Args>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, InPlaceInitT, Args && ... args) -> T& - In-place insert an item into an array.
template<class T, class Allocator, class ... Args>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, InPlaceInitT, Args && ... args) -> T& -
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, typename std:: common_type<T>::type&& value) -> T& - Move-insert an item into an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, typename std:: common_type<ArrayView<const T>>::type values) -> ArrayView<T> - Copy-insert a list of items into an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, std:: initializer_list<typename std:: common_type<T>::type> values) -> ArrayView<T> -
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, NoInitT, std:: size_t count) -> ArrayView<T> - Insert given count of uninitialized values into an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayRemove(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, std:: size_t count = 1) - Remove an element from an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayRemoveUnordered(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, std:: size_t count = 1) - Remove an element from an unordered array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayRemoveSuffix(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t count = 1) - Remove a suffix from an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayClear(Array<T>& array)
- Clear an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayShrink(Array<T>& array, NoInitT = NoInit)
- Convert an array back to non-growable.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayShrink(Array<T>& array, DefaultInitT)
- Convert an array back to non-growable using a default initialization.
template<template<class> class Allocator, class T>void arrayShrink(Array<T>& array)
template<class F, class S>auto pair(F&& first, S&& second) -> Pair<typename std::
decay<F>::type, typename std:: decay<S>::type> constexpr - Make a pair.
template<class T>auto pair(T&& other) -> auto
- Make a pair from external representation.
template<class T>auto reference(T& reference) -> Reference<T> constexpr
- Make a reference wrapper.
template<std::auto arrayView(StaticArray<size, T>& array) -> ArrayView<T> constexpr
size_t size, class T> - Make a view on a StaticArray.
template<std::auto arrayView(const StaticArray<size, T>& array) -> ArrayView<const T> constexpr
size_t size, class T> - Make a view on a const StaticArray.
template<std::auto staticArrayView(StaticArray<size, T>& array) -> StaticArrayView<size, T> constexpr
size_t size, class T> - Make a static view on a StaticArray.
template<std::auto staticArrayView(const StaticArray<size, T>& array) -> StaticArrayView<size, const T> constexpr
size_t size, class T> - Make a static view on a const StaticArray.
template<class U, std::auto arrayCast(StaticArray<size, T>& array) -> StaticArrayView<size*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U), U>
size_t size, class T> - Reinterpret-cast a static array.
template<class U, std::auto arrayCast(const StaticArray<size, T>& array) -> StaticArrayView<size*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U), const U>
size_t size, class T> -
template<std::auto arraySize(const StaticArray<size_, T>&) -> std::
size_t size_, class T> size_t constexpr - Static array size.
template<typename A, typename B, typename = std::auto operator+(A&& a, B&& b) -> auto
void_t<typename Implementation::StringConcatenableEx<A>::type, typename Implementation::StringConcatenableEx<B>::type>> -
template<typename A, typename B>auto operator+=(Array<char>& a, const StringBuilder<A, B>& b) -> Array<char>&
template<typename A, typename B>auto operator+=(String& a, const StringBuilder<A, B>& b) -> String&
- auto operator==(StringView a, StringView b) -> bool
- auto operator!=(StringView a, StringView b) -> bool
- auto operator<(StringView a, StringView b) -> bool
- auto operator<=(StringView a, StringView b) -> bool
- auto operator>=(StringView a, StringView b) -> bool
- auto operator>(StringView a, StringView b) -> bool
auto operator*(StringView string,
size_t count) -> String - String multiplication.
auto operator*(std::
size_t count, StringView string) -> String
- NoAllocateInitT NoAllocateInit constexpr
- No-allocate initialization tag.
- AllocatedInitT AllocatedInit constexpr
- Allocated initialization tag.
- DefaultInitT DefaultInit constexpr
- Default initialization tag.
- ValueInitT ValueInit constexpr
- Value initialization tag.
- NoInitT NoInit constexpr
- No initialization tag.
- NoCreateT NoCreate constexpr
- No creation tag.
- DirectInitT DirectInit constexpr
- Direct initialization tag.
- InPlaceInitT InPlaceInit constexpr
- In-place initialization tag.
Enum documentation
enum class Death:: Containers:: StringViewFlags : std:: size_t
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
String view flags.
Enumerators | |
Global |
The referenced string is global, i.e., with an unlimited lifetime. A string view with this flag set doesn't need to have a copy allocated in order to ensure it stays in scope. |
NullTerminated |
The referenced string is null-terminated. A string view with this flag set doesn't need to have a null-terminated copy allocated in order to pass to an API that expects only null-terminated strings. |
Typedef documentation
typedef BasicStringView<const char> Death:: Containers:: StringView
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
String view.
Immutable, use MutableStringView for mutable access.
typedef BasicStringView<char> Death:: Containers:: MutableStringView
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
Mutable string view.
Function documentation
#include <Containers/Array.h>
template<class T>
Array<T> Death:: Containers:: array(ArrayView<const T> list)
Construct a list-initialized array.
Convenience shortcut to the Array::
#include <Containers/Array.h>
template<class T>
Array<T> Death:: Containers:: array(std:: initializer_list<T> list)
Construct a list-initialized array.
Convenience shortcut to the Array::
#include <Containers/Array.h>
template<class U, class T, class D>
ArrayView<U> Death:: Containers:: arrayCast(Array<T, D>& array)
Reinterpret-cast an array.
#include <Containers/Array.h>
template<class U, class T, class D>
ArrayView<const U> Death:: Containers:: arrayCast(const Array<T, D>& array)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
#include <Containers/Array.h>
template<class T>
std:: size_t Death:: Containers:: arraySize(const Array<T>& view)
Array size.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class T>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayView(T* data,
std:: size_t size) constexpr
Make a view on an array of specific length.
Convenience alternative to ArrayView::
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayView(T(&data)[size]) constexpr
Make a view on fixed-size array.
Convenience alternative to ArrayView::
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class T>
ArrayView<const T> Death:: Containers:: arrayView(std:: initializer_list<T> list)
Make a view on an initializer list.
Not present as a constructor in order to avoid accidental dangling references with r-value initializer lists.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayView(StaticArrayView<size, T> view) constexpr
Make a view on StaticArrayView.
Convenience alternative to ArrayView::
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class T>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayView(ArrayView<T> view) constexpr
Make a view on a view.
Equivalent to the implicit ArrayView copy constructor — it shouldn't be an error to call arrayView() on itself.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class T, class U = decltype(Implementation::ErasedArrayViewConverter<typename std:: remove_reference<T&&>::type>::from(std:: declval<T&&>()))>
U Death:: Containers:: arrayView(T&& other) constexpr
Make a view on an external type / from an external representation.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class U, class T>
ArrayView<U> Death:: Containers:: arrayCast(ArrayView<T> view)
Reinterpret-cast an array view.
Size of the new array is calculated as view.size()*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U)
. Expects that both types are standard layout and the total byte size doesn't change.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class U>
ArrayView<U> Death:: Containers:: arrayCast(ArrayView<const void> view)
Reinterpret-cast a void array view.
Size of the new array is calculated as view.size()/sizeof(U)
. Expects that the target type is standard layout and the total byte size doesn't change.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class T>
std:: size_t Death:: Containers:: arraySize(ArrayView<T> view) constexpr
Array view size.
Alias to ArrayView::
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<std:: size_t size_, class T>
std:: size_t Death:: Containers:: arraySize(StaticArrayView<size_, T>) constexpr
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<std:: size_t size_, class T>
std:: size_t Death:: Containers:: arraySize(T(&)[size_]) constexpr
C array size.
Equivalent to std::
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<std:: size_t size_, class T, class U>
std:: size_t Death:: Containers:: arraySize(U(T::*)[size_]) constexpr
C array member size.
Variant of arraySize(T(&)[size_&
for this to work.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
StaticArrayView<size, T> Death:: Containers:: staticArrayView(T* data) constexpr
Make a static view on an array.
Convenience alternative to StaticArrayView::
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
StaticArrayView<size, T> Death:: Containers:: staticArrayView(T(&data)[size]) constexpr
Make a static view on a fixed-size array.
Convenience alternative to StaticArrayView::
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
StaticArrayView<size, T> Death:: Containers:: staticArrayView(StaticArrayView<size, T> view) constexpr
Make a static view on a view.
Equivalent to the implicit StaticArrayView copy constructor — it shouldn't be an error to call staticArrayView() on itself.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class T, class U = decltype(Implementation::ErasedStaticArrayViewConverter<typename std:: remove_reference<T&&>::type>::from(std:: declval<T&&>()))>
U Death:: Containers:: staticArrayView(T&& other) constexpr
Make a static view on an external type / from an external representation.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class U, std:: size_t size, class T>
StaticArrayView<size*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U), U> Death:: Containers:: arrayCast(StaticArrayView<size, T> view)
Reinterpret-cast a static array view.
Size of the new array is calculated as view.size()*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U)
. Expects that both types are standard layout and the total byte size doesn't change.
#include <Containers/ArrayView.h>
template<class U, std:: size_t size, class T>
StaticArrayView<size*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U), U> Death:: Containers:: arrayCast(T(&data)[size])
Reinterpret-cast a statically sized array.
Calls arrayCast(StaticArrayView<size, T>) with the argument converted to StaticArrayView of the same type and size.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class U, class T>
Array<U> Death:: Containers:: arrayAllocatorCast(Array<T>&& array)
Reinterpret-cast a growable array.
If the array is growable using ArrayMallocAllocator (which is aliased to ArrayAllocator for all trivially-copyable types), the deleter is a simple call to a typeless std::
Equivalently to arrayCast(), the size of the new array is calculated as view.size()*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U)
. Expects that both types are trivially copyable and standard layout and the total byte size doesn't change.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class U, template<class> class Allocator, class T>
Array<U> Death:: Containers:: arrayAllocatorCast(Array<T>&& array)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
bool Death:: Containers:: arrayIsGrowable(Array<T>& array)
Whether an array is growable.
Returns true
if the array is growable and using given Allocator
, false
otherwise. Note that even non-growable arrays are usable with the arrayAppend(), arrayReserve(), ... family of utilities — these will reallocate the array using provided allocator if needed.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
std:: size_t Death:: Containers:: arrayCapacity(Array<T>& array)
Array capacity.
For a growable array using given Allocator
returns its capacity, otherwise returns Array::
This function is equivalent to calling capacity() on a std::
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
std:: size_t Death:: Containers:: arrayReserve(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t capacity)
Reserve given capacity in an array.
Returns | New capacity of the array |
If array
capacity is already large enough, the function returns the current capacity. Otherwise the memory is reallocated to desired capacity
, with the Array::capacity
returned back. Note that in case the array is non-growable of sufficient size, it's kept as such, without being reallocated to a growable version.
Complexity is at most in the size of the original container, if the capacity is already large enough or if the reallocation can be done in-place. On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and move-assignable.
This function is equivalent to calling reserve() on a std::
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayResize(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t size)
Resize an array to given size, default-initializing new elements.
If the array is growable and capacity is large enough, calls a destructor on elements that get cut off the end (if any, and if T
is not trivially destructible, in which case nothing is done) and returns. Otherwise, the memory is reallocated to desired size
. After that, new elements at the end of the array are default-initialized using placement-new (and nothing done for trivial types). Note that in case the array is non-growable of exactly the requested size, it's kept as such, without being reallocated to a growable version.
Complexity is at most in the size of the new container, if current container size is already exactly of given size. On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and default-constructible.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayResize(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t size)
Resize an array to given size, value-initializing new elements.
Similar to arrayResize(Array<T>&, DefaultInitT, std::
On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and default-constructible.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayResize(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t size)
Resize an array to given size, value-initializing new elements.
Alias to arrayResize(Array<T>&, ValueInitT, std::
This function is equivalent to calling resize() on a std::
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayResize(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t size)
Resize an array to given size, keeping new elements uninitialized.
Similar to arrayResize(Array<T>&, DefaultInitT, std::T
On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class ... Args>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayResize(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t size,
Args && ... args)
Resize an array to given size, constructing new elements using provided arguments.
Similar to arrayResize(Array<T>&, ValueInitT, std::args
On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and constructible from provided args
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator, class ... Args>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayResize(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t size,
Args && ... args)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayResize(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t size,
const typename std:: common_type<T>::type& value)
Resize an array to given size, copy-constructing new elements using the provided value.
Calls arrayResize(Array<T>&, DirectInitT, std::value
This function is equivalent to calling resize() on a std::
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
T& Death:: Containers:: arrayAppend(Array<T>& array,
const typename std:: common_type<T>::type& value)
Copy-append an item to an array.
Returns | Reference to the newly appended item |
If the array is not growable or the capacity is not large enough, the array capacity is grown first according to rules described in the grow() function of a particular allocator. Then, value
is copy-constructed at the end of the array and Array::
Amortized complexity is providing the allocator growth ratio is exponential. On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and copy-constructible.
To have the append operation as performant as possible, the value
reference is expected to not point inside array
. If you need to append values from within the array itself, use the list-taking arrayAppend(Array<T>&, typename std::
This function is equivalent to calling push_
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class ... Args>
T& Death:: Containers:: arrayAppend(Array<T>& array,
Args && ... args)
In-place append an item to an array.
Returns | Reference to the newly appended item |
Similar to arrayAppend(Array<T>&, const typename std::args
On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and constructible from provided args
The behavior is undefined if any args
are pointing inside the array
items or their internals as the implementation has no way to check for such scenario. If you want to have robust checks against such cases, use the arrayAppend(Array<T>&, const typename std::array
This function is equivalent to calling emplace_
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator, class ... Args>
T& Death:: Containers:: arrayAppend(Array<T>& array,
Args && ... args)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
T& Death:: Containers:: arrayAppend(Array<T>& array,
typename std:: common_type<T>::type&& value)
Move-append an item to an array.
Returns | Reference to the newly appended item |
Calls arrayAppend(Array<T>&, InPlaceInitT, Args&&... args) with value
To have the append operation as performant as possible, the value
reference is expected to not point inside array
. If you need to move-append values from within the array itself, move them to a temporary location first.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayAppend(Array<T>& array,
typename std:: common_type<ArrayView<const T>>::type values)
Copy-append a list of items to an array.
Returns | View on the newly appended items |
Like arrayAppend(Array<T>&, const typename std::
On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and copy-constructible.
Compared to the single-value arrayAppend(Array<T>&, const typename std::values
are a slice of the array
itself. In particular, if the array
needs to be reallocated in order to fit the new items, the arrayvalues
to append are then copied from the new location.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayAppend(Array<T>& array,
std:: initializer_list<typename std:: common_type<T>::type> values)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayAppend(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t count)
Append given count of uninitialized values to an array.
Returns | View on the newly appended items |
A lower-level variant of arrayAppend(Array<T>&, typename std::T
On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
T& Death:: Containers:: arrayInsert(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t index,
const typename std:: common_type<T>::type& value)
Copy-insert an item into an array.
Returns | Reference to the newly inserted item |
Expects that index
is not larger than Array::index
are moved one item forward, value
is copied to index
and Array::
Amortized complexity is . On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible, nothrow move-assignable and copy-constructible.
To have the insert operation as performant as possible, the value
reference is expected to not point inside array
. If you need to insert values from within the array itself, use the list-taking arrayInsert(Array<T>&, std::
This function is equivalent to calling insert() on a std::
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class ... Args>
T& Death:: Containers:: arrayInsert(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t index,
Args && ... args)
In-place insert an item into an array.
Returns | Reference to the newly inserted item |
Similar to arrayInsert(Array<T>&, std::args
On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible, nothrow move-assignable and constructible from provided args
The behavior is undefined if any args
are pointing inside the array
items or their internals as the implementation has no way to check for such scenario. If you want to have robust checks against such cases, use the arrayInsert(Array<T>&, std::array
This function is equivalent to calling emplace() on a std::
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator, class ... Args>
T& Death:: Containers:: arrayInsert(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t index,
Args && ... args)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
T& Death:: Containers:: arrayInsert(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t index,
typename std:: common_type<T>::type&& value)
Move-insert an item into an array.
Returns | Reference to the newly appended item |
Calls arrayInsert(Array<T>&, std::value
To have the insert operation as performant as possible, the value
reference is expected to not point inside array
. If you need to move-insert values from within the array itself, move them to a temporary location first.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayInsert(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t index,
typename std:: common_type<ArrayView<const T>>::type values)
Copy-insert a list of items into an array.
Returns | View on the newly appended items |
Like arrayInsert(Array<T>&, std::
Amortized complexity is , where is the number of items being inserted and is the existing array size. On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible, nothrow move-assignable and copy-constructible.
Compared to the single-value arrayInsert(Array<T>&, std::values
are a slice of the array
itself. In particular, if the array
needs to be reallocated in order to fit the new items, the values
to insert are then copied from the new location. It's however expected that the slice and index
don't overlap — in that case the caller has to handle that on its own, such as by splitting the insertion in two.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayInsert(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t index,
std:: initializer_list<typename std:: common_type<T>::type> values)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayInsert(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t index,
std:: size_t count)
Insert given count of uninitialized values into an array.
Returns | View on the newly appended items |
A lower-level variant of arrayInsert(Array<T>&, std::T
Amortized complexity is , where is the existing array size. On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and nothrow move-assignable.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayRemove(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t index,
std:: size_t count = 1)
Remove an element from an array.
Expects that index + count
is not larger than Array::index + count
are moved count
items backward and the Array::count
Amortized complexity is where is the number of items being removed and is the array size after removal. On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and nothrow move-assignable.
This function is equivalent to calling erase() on a std::
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayRemoveUnordered(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t index,
std:: size_t count = 1)
Remove an element from an unordered array.
A variant of arrayRemove() that is more efficient in case the order of items in the array doesn't have to be preserved. Expects that index + count
is not larger than Array::min(count, array.size() - index - count)
items are moved over the items at index
and the Array::count
Amortized complexity is where is the number of items being removed. On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible and nothrow move-assignable.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayRemoveSuffix(Array<T>& array,
std:: size_t count = 1)
Remove a suffix from an array.
Expects that count
is not larger than Array::count
Amortized complexity is where is the number of items removed. On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible.
With count
set to 1
, this function is equivalent to calling pop_
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayClear(Array<T>& array)
Clear an array.
If the array is not growable, it's replaced by an empty instance, freeing its contents as a whole. Otherwise a destructor is called on all existing elements and the Array::0
, with arrayCapacity() staying the same as before. Amortized complexity is where is the number of items in the array. On top of what the Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) itself needs, T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible. This function is equivalent to calling clear() on a std::
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayShrink(Array<T>& array,
NoInitT = NoInit)
Convert an array back to non-growable.
Allocates a NoInit array that's exactly large enough to fit Array::Allocator
, it's assumed to be already as small as possible, and nothing is done.
Complexity is at most in the size of the container, if the array is already non-growable. No constraints on T
from Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) apply here but T
is required to be nothrow move-constructible.
This function is equivalent to calling shrink_
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayShrink(Array<T>& array,
Convert an array back to non-growable using a default initialization.
Allocates a DefaultInit array that's exactly large enough to fit Array::Allocator
, it's assumed to be already as small as possible, and nothing is done.
Complexity is at most in the size of the container, if the array is already non-growable. No constraints on T
from Allocator
(or the default ArrayAllocator) apply here but T
is required to be default-constructible and nothrow move-assignable.
Compared to arrayShrink(Array<T>&, NoInitT), the resulting array instance always has a default (nullptr
) deleter. This is useful when it's not possible to use custom deleters, such as in plugin implementations.
#include <Containers/GrowableArray.h>
template<template<class> class Allocator, class T>
void Death:: Containers:: arrayShrink(Array<T>& array)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Convenience overload allowing to specify just the allocator template, with array type being inferred.
#include <Containers/Pair.h>
template<class F, class S>
Pair<typename std:: decay<F>::type, typename std:: decay<S>::type> Death:: Containers:: pair(F&& first,
S&& second) constexpr
Make a pair.
Convernience alternative to Pair::
#include <Containers/Pair.h>
template<class T>
auto Death:: Containers:: pair(T&& other)
Make a pair from external representation.
#include <Containers/Reference.h>
template<class T>
Reference<T> Death:: Containers:: reference(T& reference) constexpr
Make a reference wrapper.
Convenience alternative to Reference::
Useful for example when iterating a list of variables that need to be modified in-place, and where the code would otherwise have to be extra verbose or would fall back to raw pointers and risk them getting nullptr
#include <Containers/StaticArray.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
ArrayView<T> Death:: Containers:: arrayView(StaticArray<size, T>& array) constexpr
Make a view on a StaticArray.
Convenience alternative to converting to an ArrayView explicitly.
#include <Containers/StaticArray.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
ArrayView<const T> Death:: Containers:: arrayView(const StaticArray<size, T>& array) constexpr
Make a view on a const StaticArray.
Convenience alternative to converting to an ArrayView explicitly.
#include <Containers/StaticArray.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
StaticArrayView<size, T> Death:: Containers:: staticArrayView(StaticArray<size, T>& array) constexpr
Make a static view on a StaticArray.
Convenience alternative to converting to an StaticArrayView explicitly.
#include <Containers/StaticArray.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
StaticArrayView<size, const T> Death:: Containers:: staticArrayView(const StaticArray<size, T>& array) constexpr
Make a static view on a const StaticArray.
Convenience alternative to converting to an StaticArrayView explicitly.
#include <Containers/StaticArray.h>
template<class U, std:: size_t size, class T>
StaticArrayView<size*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U), U> Death:: Containers:: arrayCast(StaticArray<size, T>& array)
Reinterpret-cast a static array.
See arrayCast(StaticArrayView<size, T>) for more information.
#include <Containers/StaticArray.h>
template<class U, std:: size_t size, class T>
StaticArrayView<size*sizeof(T)/sizeof(U), const U> Death:: Containers:: arrayCast(const StaticArray<size, T>& array)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
#include <Containers/StaticArray.h>
template<std:: size_t size_, class T>
std:: size_t Death:: Containers:: arraySize(const StaticArray<size_, T>&) constexpr
Static array size.
See arraySize(ArrayView<T>) for more information.
#include <Containers/StringConcatenable.h>
template<typename A, typename B, typename = std:: void_t<typename Implementation::StringConcatenableEx<A>::type, typename Implementation::StringConcatenableEx<B>::type>>
auto Death:: Containers:: operator+(A&& a,
B&& b)
#include <Containers/StringConcatenable.h>
template<typename A, typename B>
Array<char>& Death:: Containers:: operator+=(Array<char>& a,
const StringBuilder<A, B>& b)
#include <Containers/StringConcatenable.h>
template<typename A, typename B>
String& Death:: Containers:: operator+=(String& a,
const StringBuilder<A, B>& b)
bool Death:: Containers:: operator==(StringView a,
StringView b)
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
bool Death:: Containers:: operator!=(StringView a,
StringView b)
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
bool Death:: Containers:: operator<(StringView a,
StringView b)
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
bool Death:: Containers:: operator<=(StringView a,
StringView b)
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
bool Death:: Containers:: operator>=(StringView a,
StringView b)
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
bool Death:: Containers:: operator>(StringView a,
StringView b)
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
String Death:: Containers:: operator*(StringView string,
std:: size_t count)
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
String multiplication.
Equivalent to string multiplication in Python, returns string
repeated count
String Death:: Containers:: operator*(std:: size_t count,
StringView string)
#include <Containers/StringView.h>
Variable documentation
NoAllocateInitT Death:: Containers:: NoAllocateInit constexpr
#include <Containers/Function.h>
No-allocate initialization tag.
Used to distinguish Function construction that disallows allocating stateful function data on heap.
AllocatedInitT Death:: Containers:: AllocatedInit constexpr
#include <Containers/String.h>
Allocated initialization tag.
Use for String construction that bypasses small string optimization.
DefaultInitT Death:: Containers:: DefaultInit constexpr
#include <Containers/Tags.h>
Default initialization tag.
Use for construction with default initialization. The actual meaning of "default" may vary, see documentation of a particular API using this tag for a detailed behavior description.
ValueInitT Death:: Containers:: ValueInit constexpr
#include <Containers/Tags.h>
Value initialization tag.
Use for construction using value initialization (built-in types are zeroed out, others are default-constructed).
NoInitT Death:: Containers:: NoInit constexpr
#include <Containers/Tags.h>
No initialization tag.
Use for construction with no initialization at all.
NoCreateT Death:: Containers:: NoCreate constexpr
#include <Containers/Tags.h>
No creation tag.
Use for construction with initialization, but keeping the instance empty (usually equivalent to a moved-out state).
DirectInitT Death:: Containers:: DirectInit constexpr
#include <Containers/Tags.h>
Direct initialization tag.
Use for construction with direct initialization.
InPlaceInitT Death:: Containers:: InPlaceInit constexpr
#include <Containers/Tags.h>
In-place initialization tag.
Use for construction in-place.