#include <nCine/Graphics/RectAnimation.h>
RectAnimation Contains data for a rectangles based animation.
Public types
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- RectAnimation()
- Default constructor.
- RectAnimation(float defaultFrameDuration, LoopMode loopMode)
- Constructor for an animation with a specified default frame duration, loop and rewind mode.
Public functions
- auto isPaused() const -> bool
- Returns
if the animation is paused. - void setPaused(bool isPaused)
- Sets the pause flag.
- void updateFrame(float interval)
- Updates current frame based on time passed.
auto frame() const -> std::
uint32_t - Returns current frame.
void setFrame(std::
uint32_t frameNum) - Sets current frame.
- auto defaultFrameDuration() const -> float
- Returns the default frame duration in seconds.
- void setDefaultFrameDuration(float defaultFrameDuration)
- Sets the default frame duration in seconds.
- auto loopMode() const -> LoopMode
- Returns the loop mode.
- void setLoopMode(LoopMode loopMode)
- Sets the loop mode.
- void addRect(const Recti& rect, float frameTime)
- Adds a rectangle to the array specifying the frame duration.
void addRect(std::
int32_t x, std:: int32_t y, std:: int32_t w, std:: int32_t h, float frameTime) - Creates a rectangle from origin and size and then adds it to the array, specifying the frame duration.
- void addRect(const Recti& rect)
- Adds a rectangle to the array with the default frame duration.
void addRect(std::
int32_t x, std:: int32_t y, std:: int32_t w, std:: int32_t h) - Creates a rectangle from origin and size and then adds it to the array, with the default frame duration.
- auto rect() const -> const Recti&
- Returns the current rectangle.
- auto frameDuration() const -> float
- Returns the current frame duration in seconds.
- auto rectangles() -> SmallVectorImpl<Recti>&
- Returns the array of all rectangles.
- auto rectangles() const -> const SmallVectorImpl<Recti>&
- Returns the constant array of all rectangles.
- auto frameDurations() -> SmallVectorImpl<float>&
- Returns the array of all frame durations.
- auto frameDurations() const -> const SmallVectorImpl<float>&
- Returns the constant array of all frame durations.