nCine::Material class

Contains material data for a drawable node.

Public types

enum class ShaderProgramType { Sprite = 0, SpriteNoTexture, MeshSprite, MeshSpriteNoTexture, BatchedSprites, BatchedSpritesNoTexture, BatchedMeshSprites, BatchedMeshSpritesNoTexture, Custom }
One of the predefined shader programs.

Public static variables

static char InstanceBlockName constexpr
static char InstancesBlockName constexpr
static char ModelMatrixUniformName constexpr
static char GuiProjectionMatrixUniformName constexpr
static char DepthUniformName constexpr
static char ProjectionMatrixUniformName constexpr
static char ViewMatrixUniformName constexpr
static char ProjectionViewMatrixExcludeString constexpr
static char TextureUniformName constexpr
static char ColorUniformName constexpr
static char SpriteSizeUniformName constexpr
static char TexRectUniformName constexpr
static char PositionAttributeName constexpr
static char TexCoordsAttributeName constexpr
static char MeshIndexAttributeName constexpr
static char ColorAttributeName constexpr

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Default constructor.
Material(GLShaderProgram* program, GLTexture* texture)

Public functions

auto isBlendingEnabled() const -> bool
void setBlendingEnabled(bool blendingEnabled)
auto srcBlendingFactor() const -> GLenum
auto destBlendingFactor() const -> GLenum
void setBlendingFactors(GLenum srcBlendingFactor, GLenum destBlendingFactor)
auto shaderProgramType() const -> ShaderProgramType
auto setShaderProgramType(ShaderProgramType shaderProgramType) -> bool
auto shaderProgram() const -> const GLShaderProgram*
void setShaderProgram(GLShaderProgram* program)
auto setShader(Shader* shader) -> bool
void setDefaultAttributesParameters()
void reserveUniformsDataMemory()
void setUniformsDataPointer(GLubyte* dataPointer)
auto hasUniform(const char* name) const -> bool
Wrapper around GLShaderUniforms::hasUniform()
auto hasUniformBlock(const char* name) const -> bool
Wrapper around GLShaderUniformBlocks::hasUniformBlock()
auto uniform(const char* name) -> GLUniformCache*
Wrapper around GLShaderUniforms::uniform()
auto uniformBlock(const char* name) -> GLUniformBlockCache*
Wrapper around GLShaderUniformBlocks::uniformBlock()
auto allUniforms() const -> const GLShaderUniforms::UniformHashMapType
Wrapper around GLShaderUniforms::allUniforms()
auto allUniformBlocks() const -> const GLShaderUniformBlocks::UniformHashMapType
Wrapper around GLShaderUniformBlocks::allUniformBlocks()
auto texture(std::uint32_t unit) const -> const GLTexture*
auto setTexture(std::uint32_t unit, const GLTexture* texture) -> bool
auto setTexture(std::uint32_t unit, const Texture& texture) -> bool
auto texture() const -> const GLTexture*
auto setTexture(const GLTexture* texture) -> bool
auto setTexture(const Texture& texture) -> bool

Enum documentation

enum class nCine::Material::ShaderProgramType

One of the predefined shader programs.


Shader program for Sprite classes.


Shader program for Sprite classes with a solid color and no texture.


Shader program for MeshSprite classes.


Shader program for MeshSprite classes with a solid color and no texture.


Shader program for a batch of Sprite classes.


Shader program for a batch of Sprite classes with solid colors and no texture.


Shader program for a batch of MeshSprite classes.


Shader program for a batch of MeshSprite classes with solid colors and no texture.


A custom shader program.