nCine::GLUniformBlockCache class

Caches a uniform block buffer and then updates it in the shader.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

GLUniformBlockCache(GLUniformBlock* uniformBlock) explicit

Public functions

auto uniformBlock() const -> const GLUniformBlock*
auto index() const -> GLuint
Wrapper around GLUniformBlock::index()
auto bindingIndex() const -> GLuint
Wrapper around GLUniformBlock::bindingIndex()
auto size() const -> GLint
Wrapper around GLUniformBlock::size()
auto alignAmount() const -> unsigned char
Wrapper around GLUniformBlock::alignAmount()
auto dataPointer() -> GLubyte*
auto dataPointer() const -> const GLubyte*
void setDataPointer(GLubyte* dataPointer)
auto usedSize() const -> GLint
void setUsedSize(GLint usedSize)
auto copyData(unsigned int destIndex, const GLubyte* src, unsigned int numBytes) -> bool
auto copyData(const GLubyte* src) -> bool
auto uniform(StringView name) -> GLUniformCache*
void setBlockBinding(GLuint blockBinding)
Wrapper around GLUniformBlock::setBlockBinding()