INetworkHandlerInterface to handle incomming network requests.
Public functions
- auto GetServerName() const -> StringView pure virtual
- Returns the local server name.
- void SetServerName(StringView value) pure virtual
- Sets the local server name.
auto OnPeerConnected(const Peer& peer,
uint32_t clientData) -> ConnectionResult pure virtual - Called when a peer connects to the local server or the local client connects to a server.
- void OnPeerDisconnected(const Peer& peer, Reason reason) pure virtual
- Called when a peer disconnects from the local server or the local client disconnects from a server.
void OnPacketReceived(const Peer& peer,
uint8_t channelId, std:: uint8_t packetType, ArrayView<const std:: uint8_t> data) pure virtual - Called when a packet is received.