nCine::GLUniformBlock class

Stores information about an OpenGL uniform block.

Public types

enum class DiscoverUniforms { ENABLED, DISABLED }

Public static variables

static int MaxNameLength constexpr

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

GLUniformBlock(GLuint program, GLuint blockIndex, DiscoverUniforms discover)
GLUniformBlock(GLuint program, GLuint blockIndex)

Public functions

auto index() const -> GLuint
auto bindingIndex() const -> GLint
auto size() const -> GLint
Returns the size of the block aligned to the uniform buffer offset.
auto alignAmount() const -> unsigned char
Returns the uniform buffer offset alignment added to the original size.
auto name() const -> const char*
auto uniform(const char* name) -> GLUniform*
void setBlockBinding(GLuint blockBinding)