#include <nCine/Graphics/RenderCommand.h>
RenderCommand Wraps all the information needed for issuing a draw command.
Public types
- enum class Type { Unspecified = 0, Sprite, MeshSprite, TileMap, Particle, Lighting, Text, ImGui, Count }
- Command types.
Public static functions
- static auto calculateDepth(uint16_t layer, float nearClip, float farClip) -> float
- Calculates the Z-depth of command layer using the specified near and far planes.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- RenderCommand(Type profilingType) explicit
- RenderCommand()
Public functions
- auto numInstances() const -> int
- Returns the number of instances collected in the command or zero if instancing is not used.
- void setNumInstances(int numInstances)
- Sets the number of instances collected in the command.
- auto batchSize() const -> int
- Returns the number of elements collected by the command or zero if it's not a batch.
- void setBatchSize(int batchSize)
- Sets the number of batch elements collected by the command.
- auto layer() const -> uint16_t
- Returns the drawing layer for this command.
- void setLayer(uint16_t layer)
- Sets the drawing layer for this command.
- auto visitOrder() const -> uint16_t
- Returns the visit order index for this command.
- void setVisitOrder(uint16_t visitOrder)
- Sets the visit order index for this command.
- auto materialSortKey() const -> uint64_t
- Returns the material sort key for the queue.
- auto lowerMaterialSortKey() const -> uint32_t
- Returns the lower part of the material sort key, used for batch splitting logic.
- void calculateMaterialSortKey()
- Calculates a material sort key for the queue.
- auto idSortKey() const -> unsigned int
- Returns the id based secondary sort key for the queue.
- void setIdSortKey(unsigned int idSortKey)
- Sets the id based secondary sort key for the queue.
- void issue()
- Issues the render command.
- auto type() const -> Type
- Gets the command type (for profiling purposes)
- void setType(Type type)
- Sets the command type (for profiling purposes)
- void setScissor(Recti scissorRect)
- void setScissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
- auto transformation() const -> const Matrix4x4f&
- void setTransformation(const Matrix4x4f& modelMatrix)
- auto material() const -> const Material&
- auto geometry() const -> const Geometry&
- auto material() -> Material&
- auto geometry() -> Geometry&
- void commitNodeTransformation()
- Commits the model matrix uniform block.
- void commitCameraTransformation()
- Commits the projection and view matrix uniforms.
- void commitAll()
- Calls all the commit methods except the camera uniforms commit.
Enum documentation
enum class nCine:: RenderCommand:: Type
Command types.
Its sole purpose is to allow separated profiling counters in the RenderStatistics