Jazz2::Actors::ActorBase::ActorRenderer class

Actor renderer.

Base classes

class nCine::BaseSprite
Base class for sprites.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

ActorRenderer(ActorBase* owner)

Public functions

void Initialize(ActorRendererType type)
Initializes the renderer to the specified renderer type.
void OnUpdate(float timeMult) override
Called every frame to update the object state.
auto OnDraw(RenderQueue& renderQueue) -> bool override
Called when the object needs to be drawn.
auto IsAnimationRunning() -> bool
Returns true if animation is running.
auto GetRendererType() const -> ActorRendererType
Returns active renderer type.

Public variables

bool AnimPaused
Whether the animation is paused.
Vector2i FrameConfiguration
Frame configuration.
Vector2i FrameDimensions
Frame dimensions.
AnimationLoopMode LoopMode
Animation loop mode.
std::int32_t FirstFrame
Frame offset.
std::int32_t FrameCount
Frame count.
float AnimDuration
Animation duration (in normalized frames)
float AnimTime
Current animation progress.
std::int32_t CurrentFrame
Current animation frame.
Vector2f Hotspot

Protected functions

void textureHasChanged(Texture* newTexture) override
Performs the required tasks upon a change to the texture.