nCine namespace
Root namespace of nCine game engine.
- namespace Backends
- Platform-specific backends.
template<class S>class AABB
- Axis-Aligned Bounding Box in a two dimensional space.
- class AccelerometerEvent
- Information about an accelerometer event.
- class ALAudioDevice
- OpenAL audio device backend implementation.
- class AndroidApplication
- Main entry point and handler for Android applications.
- class AnimatedSprite
- Animated sprite.
- class AppConfiguration
- Stores initialization settings for an nCine application.
- class Application
- Base class for main entry points of nCine applications.
- class AudioBuffer
- OpenAL audio buffer.
- class AudioBufferPlayer
- Audio buffer player.
- class AudioLoaderMpt
- Module audio loader using
library. - class AudioLoaderOgg
- Ogg Vorbis audio loader using
library. - class AudioLoaderWav
- WAVE audio loader.
- class AudioReaderMpt
- Module audio reader using
library. - class AudioReaderOgg
- Ogg Vorbis audio reader using
library. - class AudioReaderWav
- WAVE audio reader.
- class AudioStream
- OpenAL audio stream.
- class AudioStreamPlayer
- Audio stream player.
- class Barrier
- Barrier for threads synchronization.
- class BaseSprite
- Base class for sprites.
- struct BidirectionalIteratorTag
- Dispatching tag for iterators that can move both ways, one element at a time.
- class BinaryShaderCache
- Manages the cache of binary OpenGL shader programs.
- class BitArray
- Bit array.
- class BitArrayIndex
- Index in a bit array.
template<class T>class BitSet
- A sequence of bits to be manipulated with logical operators.
- class Camera
- Camera that handles matrices for shaders.
template<class K>class CityHash32Func
- CityHash hash function (32-bit)
template<class K>class CityHash64Func
- CityHash hash function (64-bit)
- class Clock
- System clock.
- class Color
- Four-channels color with 8-bits integer per component.
- class ColorAffector
- Particle color affector.
- class Colorf
- Four-channels normalized color with float per component.
- class CondVariable
- Condition variable for threads synchronization.
- class DisplayMode
- Display properties.
- class DrawableNode
- Object that can be drawn through the render queue.
template<class K>class FastHashFunc
- Fast-hash.
template<class K>class FixedHashFunc
- Hash function returning always the first hashmap bucket, for debug purposes.
template<class K>class FNV1aHashFunc
- Fowler-Noll-Vo Hash (FNV-1a)
- struct ForwardIteratorTag
- Dispatching tag for iterators that can only move forward, one element at a time.
- class FrameTimer
- Frame interval and average FPS calculator.
- class Geometry
- Contains geometric data for a drawable node.
- class GfxCapabilities
- Stores and retrieves runtime OpenGL device capabilities.
- class GLAttribute
- Stores information about an active OpenGL shader attribute.
- class GLBlending
- Handles OpenGL blending.
- class GLBufferObject
- Handles OpenGL buffer objects of different kinds.
- class GLBufferObjectMappingFunc
- Performs a mapping between OpenGL buffer object targets and array indices.
- class GLClearColor
- Handles OpenGL clear color.
- class GLCullFace
- Handles OpenGL face culling.
- class GLDebug
- Handles OpenGL debug functions.
- class GLDepthTest
- Handles OpenGL depth test.
- class GLFramebuffer
- Handles OpenGL framebuffer objects.
template<unsigned int S, class MappingFunc>class GLHashMap
- Naive implementation of a hashmap for storing pairs of OpenGL targets and object IDs.
- class GLRenderbuffer
- Handles OpenGL renderbuffer objects.
- class GLScissorTest
- Handles OpenGL scissor test.
- class GLShader
- Handles OpenGL shader objects.
- class GLShaderProgram
- Handles OpenGL shader programs.
- class GLShaderUniformBlocks
- Handles all the uniform blocks of a shader program.
- class GLShaderUniforms
- Handles all the uniforms of a shader program.
- class GLTexture
- Handles OpenGL 2D textures.
- class GLTextureMappingFunc
- Performs a mapping between OpenGL texture targets and array indices.
- class GLUniform
- Stores information about an active OpenGL shader uniform.
- class GLUniformBlock
- Stores information about an OpenGL uniform block.
- class GLUniformBlockCache
- Caches a uniform block buffer and then updates it in the shader.
- class GLUniformCache
- Caches a uniform value and then updates it in the shader.
- class GLVertexArrayObject
- Handles OpenGL vertex array object.
- class GLVertexFormat
- Collects all the state that specifies the format of a vertex.
- class GLViewport
- Handles OpenGL viewport.
- struct HatState
- Structure containing joystick hat values.
- class I18n
- Provides support for internationalization and translations.
- class IAppEventHandler
- Interface for handling nCine application events.
- class IAudioDevice
- Audio device interface.
- class IAudioLoader
- Audio loader interface.
- class IAudioPlayer
- Audio player interface.
- class IAudioReader
- Audio reader interface.
- class IDebugOverlay
- Interface for debug overlays.
template<class K>class IdentityHashFunc
- Hash function returning the key unchanged.
- class IGfxCapabilities
- Interface to query runtime OpenGL device capabilities.
- class IGfxDevice
- Represents the interface to the graphics device where everything is rendered.
- class IInputEventHandler
- Interface for handling input events from keyboard, screen touches, mouse, accelerometer and joystick.
- class IInputManager
- Interface for parsing and dispatching input events.
- class ImGuiDebugOverlay
- Overlay debug ImGui interface.
- class ImGuiDrawing
- Handles ImGui drawing.
template<class T, typename = void>struct isDestructible
- Specialization for trivially destructible types.
template<class T>struct isIntegral
template<class T>struct isTriviallyDestructible
template<class Iterator>struct IteratorTraits
- Base iterator traits structure.
template<class Iterator>struct IteratorTraits<ReverseIterator<Iterator>>
- Iterator traits structure specialization for
class. -
template<class K, class T, class HashFunc, unsigned int Capacity>struct IteratorTraits<StaticHashMapIterator<K, T, HashFunc, Capacity, false>>
- Iterator traits structure specialization for
class. -
template<class K, class T, class HashFunc, unsigned int Capacity>struct IteratorTraits<StaticHashMapIterator<K, T, HashFunc, Capacity, true>>
- Iterator traits structure specialization for constant
class. -
template<class T>struct IteratorTraits<T*>
- Base iterator traits structure.
- class ITextureLoader
- Texture loader interface class.
- class IThreadCommand
- Thread pool command interface.
- class IThreadPool
- Thread pool interface.
template<class K>class JenkinsHashFunc
- Jenkins hash function.
- class JoyAxisEvent
- Information about a joystick axis event.
- class JoyButtonEvent
- Information about a joystick button event.
- class JoyConnectionEvent
- Information about a joystick connection event.
- class JoyHatEvent
- Information about a joystick hat event.
- class JoyMappedAxisEvent
- Information about a joystick mapped axis event.
- class JoyMappedButtonEvent
- Information about a joystick mapped button event.
- class JoyMappedState
- Information about a mapped joystick state.
- class JoyMapping
- Provides translation layer for gamepads and joysticks to unified layout.
- class JoystickGuid
- Parsed GUID of a joystick.
- class JoystickState
- Information about the joystick state.
- class KeyboardEvent
- Information about a keyboard event.
- class KeyboardState
- Information about keyboard state.
- class MainApplication
- Main entry point and handler for standard (desktop) applications.
- class Material
- Contains material data for a drawable node.
template<class T>class Matrix4x4
- Four-by-four matrix.
- class MeshSprite
- A scene node representing a mesh with vertices and UVs.
template<class K, unsigned int Value>class ModuloHashFunc
- Hash function returning the modulo of the key, for debug purposes.
- class MouseEvent
- Information about a mouse event.
- class MouseState
- Information about mouse state.
- class Mutex
- Mutex for threads synchronization.
- class Object
- Base class of nCine objects.
- class Particle
- Renders a single particle.
- class ParticleAffector
- Base class for particle affectors.
- struct ParticleInitializer
- Initialization parameters for particles.
- class ParticleSystem
- Represents a particle system.
- class PositionAffector
- Particle position affector.
template<class T>class Quaternion
- Quaternion.
- struct RandomAccessIteratorTag
- Dispatching tag for iterators that can jump arbitrary distances in both ways.
- class RandomGenerator
- Random number generator.
- class ReadWriteLock
- Read/write lock for threads synchronization.
template<class T>class Rect
- Rectangle in a two dimensional space.
- class RectAnimation
- Contains data for a rectangles based animation.
- class RenderBatcher
- Batches render commands together.
- class RenderBuffersManager
- Handles the memory mapping in multiple OpenGL Buffer Objects.
- class RenderCommand
- Wraps all the information needed for issuing a draw command.
- class RenderCommandPool
- Creates and handles the pool of render commands.
- class RenderDocCapture
- In-application integration of RenderDoc.
- class RenderQueue
- Sorts and issues the render commands collected by the scenegraph visit.
- class RenderResources
- Creates and handles application common OpenGL rendering resources.
- class RenderStatistics
- Gathers statistics about the rendering subsystem.
- class RenderVaoPool
- Creates and handles the pool of VAOs.
template<class Iterator>class ReverseIterator
- A generic reverse iterator.
template<class T>struct ReversionWrapper
- class RotationAffector
- Particle rotation affector.
template<class K>class SaxHashFunc
- Shift-Add-XOR hash function.
- class SceneNode
- Base class for the transformation nodes hierarchy.
- class ScreenViewport
- Handles the screen viewport.
- class ScrollEvent
- Information about a scroll event (mouse wheel, touchpad gesture, etc.)
- class ServiceLocator
- Provides base services to requesting classes.
- class Shader
- Shader.
- class ShaderState
- Shader state class for the user to use custom shaders.
- class SizeAffector
- Particle size affector.
- class Sprite
- Scene node representing a regular sprite.
template<class K, class T, unsigned int Capacity, class HashFunc = FNV1aHashFunc<K>>class StaticHashMap
- Static hashmap implementation with open addressing and leapfrog probing (version with static allocation)
template<class K, class T, class HashFunc, unsigned int Capacity, bool IsConst>struct StaticHashMapHelperTraits
- Base helper structure for type traits used in the hashmap iterator.
template<class K, class T, class HashFunc, unsigned int Capacity>struct StaticHashMapHelperTraits<K, T, HashFunc, Capacity, false>
- Helper structure providing type traits used in the non constant hashmap iterator.
template<class K, class T, class HashFunc, unsigned int Capacity>struct StaticHashMapHelperTraits<K, T, HashFunc, Capacity, true>
- Helper structure providing type traits used in the constant hashmap iterator.
template<class K, class T, class HashFunc, unsigned int Capacity, bool IsConst>class StaticHashMapIterator
- Static hashmap iterator.
template<typename T>struct Task
- Represents an asynchronous operation.
- class TextInputEvent
- Information about a text input event.
- class Texture
- Texture.
- class TextureFormat
- Texture format.
- class TextureLoaderDds
- DDS texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderKtx
- KTX texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderPkm
- PKM texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderPng
- PNG texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderPvr
- PVR texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderQoi
- QOI texture loader.
- class TextureLoaderRaw
- Texture loader used to specify a raw format when loading texels.
- class ThreadPool
- Thread pool.
- class Timer
- Accumulates the time between starting and stopping the time measurement.
- class TimeStamp
- Represents a point in time or a duration.
- class TouchEvent
- Information about a screen touch event.
- class UwpApplication
- Main entry point and handler for UWP (Universal Windows Platform) applications.
template<class T>class Vector2
- Two-component vector.
template<class T>class Vector3
- Three-component vector.
template<class T>class Vector4
- Four-component vector.
- class VelocityAffector
- Particle velocity affector.
- class Viewport
- Handles a viewport and its corresponding render target texture.
- enum class SamplerFilter { Unknown, Nearest, Linear, NearestMipmapNearest, LinearMipmapNearest, NearestMipmapLinear, LinearMipmapLinear }
- Texture filtering modes.
- enum class SamplerWrapping { Unknown, ClampToEdge, MirroredRepeat, Repeat }
- Texture wrap modes.
- enum class JoystickGuidType { Unknown, Standard, Default, Hidapi, Xinput }
enum class ButtonName : std::
int16_t { Unknown = -1, A = 0, B, X, Y, Back, Guide, Start, LeftStick, RightStick, LeftBumper, RightBumper, Up, Down, Left, Right, Misc1, Paddle1, Paddle2, Paddle3, Paddle4, Touchpad, Count } -
enum class AxisName : std::
int16_t { Unknown = -1, LeftX = 0, LeftY, RightX, RightY, LeftTrigger, RightTrigger } - enum class TouchEventType { Down, Up, Move, PointerDown, PointerUp }
- enum class Keys { Backspace, Tab, Return, Escape, Space, Quote, Plus, Comma, Minus, Period, Slash, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, Semicolon, LeftBracket, Backslash, RightBracket, Backquote, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Delete, NumPad0, NumPad1, NumPad2, NumPad3, NumPad4, NumPad5, NumPad6, NumPad7, NumPad8, NumPad9, NumPadPeriod, NumPadDivide, NumPadMultiply, NumPadMinus, NumPadPlus, NumPadEnter, NumPadEquals, Up, Down, Right, Left, Insert, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock, RShift, LShift, RCtrl, LCtrl, RAlt, LAlt, RSuper, LSuper, PrintScreen, Pause, Menu, Clear, Exclaim, QuoteDbl, Hash, Dollar, Ampersand, LeftParen, RightParen, Asterisk, Colon, Less, Equals, Greater, Question, At, Caret, Underscore, Mode, Application, Help, SysReq, Power, Undo, World1, World2, SoftLeft, SoftRight, Back, Call, EndCall, Star, Pound, DpadCenter, VolumeUp, VolumeDown, Camera, Sym, Explorer, Envelope, Num, HeadsetHook, Focus, Notification, Search, MediaPlayPause, MediaStop, MediaNext, MediaPrevious, MediaRewind, MediaFastForward, Mute, PictSymbols, SwitchCharset, ButtonA, ButtonB, ButtonC, ButtonX, ButtonY, ButtonZ, ButtonL1, ButtonR1, ButtonL2, ButtonR2, ButtonThumbLeft, ButtonThumbRight, ButtonStart, ButtonSelect, ButtonMode, FunctionKey, MoveHome, MoveEnd, Forward, MediaPlay, MediaPause, MediaClose, MediaEject, MediaRecord, NumPadComma, NumPadLeftParen, NumPadRightParen, VolumeMute, Info, ChannelUp, ChannelDown, ZoomIn, ZoomOut, TV, Window, Guide, DVR, Bookmark, Captions, Settings, TVPower, TVInput, STBPower, STBInput, AVRPower, AVRInput, ProgRed, ProgGreen, ProgYellow, ProgBlue, AppSwitch, Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4, Button5, Button6, Button7, Button8, Button9, Button10, Button11, Button12, Button13, Button14, Button15, Button16, Count, Unknown = Count }
- enum KeyMod { None = 0x0000, LShift = 0x0001, RShift = 0x0002, LCtrl = 0x0040, RCtrl = 0x0080, LAlt = 0x0100, RAlt = 0x0200, LSuper = 0x0400, RSuper = 0x0800, NumLock = 0x1000, CapsLock = 0x2000, Mode = 0x4000, Sym = 0x8000, Ctrl = (LCtrl | RCtrl), Shift = (LShift | RShift), Alt = (LAlt | RAlt), Super = (LSuper | RSuper), Mask = (Ctrl | Shift | Alt | Super), Count }
using hash_t = std::
uint32_t -
using hash64_t = std::
uint64_t -
template<class K, class V, class Hash = CityHash64Func<K>, class Eq = phmap::priv::hash_default_eq<K>>using HashMap = phmap::flat_hash_map<K, V, Hash, Eq>
- using key_t = GLenum
- using value_t = GLuint
- using AABBf = AABB<float>
- Axis-Aligned Bounding Box in a two dimensional space of floats.
- using AABBi = AABB<int>
- Axis-Aligned Bounding Box in a two dimensional space of 32-bit integers.
- using Matrix4x4f = Matrix4x4<float>
- Four-by-four matrix of floats.
- using Quaternionf = Quaternion<float>
- Quaternion of floats.
- using Rectf = Rect<float>
- Rectangle in a two dimensional space of floats.
- using Recti = Rect<int>
- Rectangle in a two dimensional space of 32-bit integers.
- using Vector2f = Vector2<float>
- Two-component vector of floats.
- using Vector2i = Vector2<int>
- Two-component vector of 32-bit integers.
- using Vector3f = Vector3<float>
- Three-component vector of floats.
- using Vector3i = Vector3<int>
- Three-component vector of 32-bit integers.
- using Vector4f = Vector4<float>
- Four-component vector of floats.
- using Vector4i = Vector4<int>
- Four-component vector of 32-bit integers.
- auto theApplication() -> Application&
- Returns application instance.
template<class T>auto IsLess(const T& a, const T& b) -> bool
template<class T>auto IsNotLess(const T& a, const T& b) -> bool
template<class Iterator>auto isSorted(Iterator first, const Iterator last) -> bool
- Returns true if the range is sorted into ascending order.
template<class Iterator, class Compare>auto isSorted(Iterator first, const Iterator last, Compare comp) -> bool
- Returns true if the range is sorted, using a custom comparison.
template<class Iterator>auto isSortedUntil(Iterator first, const Iterator last) -> const Iterator
- Returns an iterator to the first element in the range which does not follow an ascending order, or last if sorted.
template<class Iterator, class Compare>auto isSortedUntil(Iterator first, const Iterator last, Compare comp) -> const Iterator
- Returns an iterator to the first element in the range which does not follow the custom comparison, or last if sorted.
template<class T>void destructObject(T* ptr)
template<class T>void destructArray(T* ptr, std::
uint32_t numElements) - auto lerp(float a, float b, float ratio) -> float
auto lerp(std::
int32_t a, std:: int32_t b, float ratio) -> std:: int32_t - auto lerpByTime(float a, float b, float ratio, float timeMult) -> float
auto copyStringFirst(char* dest,
int32_t destSize, const char* source, std:: int32_t count = -1) -> std:: int32_t -
template<std::auto copyStringFirst(char(&dest)[size], const char* source, std::
size_t size> int32_t count = -1) -> std:: int32_t -
template<std::auto copyStringFirst(char(&dest)[size], Containers::
size_t size> StringView source) -> std:: int32_t -
auto formatString(char* buffer,
size_t maxLen, const char* format, ...) -> int -
void u32tos(std::
uint32_t value, char* buffer) -
void i32tos(std::
int32_t value, char* buffer) -
void u64tos(std::
uint64_t value, char* buffer) -
void i64tos(std::
int64_t value, char* buffer) -
void ftos(double value,
char* buffer,
int32_t bufferSize) - auto isDigit(char c) -> bool constexpr
auto stou32(const char* str,
size_t length) -> std:: uint32_t constexpr -
auto stou64(const char* str,
size_t length) -> std:: uint64_t constexpr -
template<class Iter, class Compare>void sort(Iter begin, Iter end, Compare comp)
template<class Iter>void sort(Iter begin, Iter end)
auto halfToFloat(std::
uint16_t value) -> float -
auto floatToHalf(float value) -> std::
uint16_t -
auto parseVersion(Containers::
StringView version) -> std:: uint64_t constexpr - auto clock() -> Clock&
- auto fasthash64(const void* buf, size_t len, uint64_t seed) -> uint64_t
- auto fasthash32(const void* buf, size_t len, uint32_t seed) -> uint32_t
auto CityHash64(const char* s,
size_t len) -> std:: uint64_t - CityHash.
auto CityHash64WithSeed(const char* s,
size_t len, std:: uint64_t seed) -> std:: uint64_t -
auto CityHash64WithSeeds(const char* s,
size_t len, std:: uint64_t seed0, std:: uint64_t seed1) -> std:: uint64_t -
auto CityHash32(const char* s,
size_t len) -> std:: uint32_t -
template<class Iterator>void advance(Iterator& it, int n)
- Increments an iterator by n elements.
template<class Iterator>auto next(Iterator it, unsigned int n) -> Iterator
- Return the nth successor of an iterator.
template<class Iterator>auto next(Iterator it) -> Iterator
- Return the successor of an iterator.
template<class Iterator>auto prev(Iterator it, unsigned int n) -> Iterator
- Return the nth predecessor of an iterator.
template<class Iterator>auto prev(Iterator it) -> Iterator
- Return the predecessor of an iterator.
template<class Iterator>auto distance(Iterator first, const Iterator last) -> int
- Returns the distance between two iterators.
template<class T>auto begin(ReversionWrapper<T> c) -> decltype(rBegin(c.iterable))
template<class T>auto end(ReversionWrapper<T> c) -> decltype(rEnd(c.iterable))
template<class T>auto reverse(T&& iterable) -> ReversionWrapper<T>
template<class Container>auto begin(Container& c) -> Container::Iterator
template<class Container>auto cbegin(const Container& c) -> Container::ConstIterator
template<class Container>auto end(Container& c) -> Container::Iterator
template<class Container>auto cend(const Container& c) -> Container::ConstIterator
template<class Container>auto rbegin(Container& c) -> Container::ReverseIterator
template<class Container>auto crbegin(const Container& c) -> Container::ConstReverseIterator
template<class Container>auto rend(Container& c) -> Container::ReverseIterator
template<class Container>auto crend(const Container& c) -> Container::ConstReverseIterator
- auto Random() -> RandomGenerator& noexcept
template<class S>auto operator*(const Vector4<S>& v, const Matrix4x4<S>& m) -> Vector4<S>
template<class S>auto operator*(const Vector3<S>& v, const Matrix4x4<S>& m) -> Vector3<S>
template<class S>auto operator*(S s, const Matrix4x4<S>& m) -> Matrix4x4<S>
template<class S>auto operator*(S s, const Vector2<S>& v) -> Vector2<S>
template<class S>auto operator*(S s, const Vector3<S>& v) -> Vector3<S>
template<class S>auto operator*(S s, const Vector4<S>& v) -> Vector4<S>
- auto theServiceLocator() -> ServiceLocator&
- auto _(const char* text) -> StringView
- Translates text in singular form using primary translation catalog.
- auto _x(StringView context, const char* text) -> StringView
- Translates text in singular form using primary translation catalog and specified
. -
auto _n(const char* singular,
const char* plural,
int32_t n) -> StringView - Translates text in singular or plural form using primary translation catalog.
auto _nx(StringView context,
const char* singular,
const char* plural,
int32_t n) -> StringView - Translates text in singular or plural form using primary translation catalog and specified
. - auto _f(const char* text, ...) -> String
- Translates formatted text in singular form using primary translation catalog.
auto _fn(const char* singular,
const char* plural,
int32_t n, ...) -> String - Translates formatted text in singular or plural form using primary translation catalog.
const hash_
t NullHash - double Pi constexpr
- 3.1415... (double)
- float fPi constexpr
- 3.1415...
- float fPiOver2 constexpr
- 3.1415... / 2
- float fPiOver3 constexpr
- 3.1415... / 3
- float fPiOver4 constexpr
- 3.1415... / 4
- float fPiOver6 constexpr
- 3.1415... / 6
- float fTwoPi constexpr
- 3.1415... * 2
- double DegToRad constexpr
- Multiply to convert degrees to radians (double)
- float fDegToRad constexpr
- Multiply to convert degrees to radians.
- double RadToDeg constexpr
- Multiply to convert radians to degrees (double)
- float fRadToDeg constexpr
- Multiply to convert radians to degrees.
- float fRadAngle1 constexpr
- 1 degree as radians
- float fRadAngle30 constexpr
- 30 degrees as radians
- float fRadAngle45 constexpr
- 45 degrees as radians
- float fRadAngle90 constexpr
- 90 degrees as radians
- float fRadAngle180 constexpr
- 180 degrees as radians
- float fRadAngle270 constexpr
- 270 degrees as radians
- float fRadAngle360 constexpr
- 360 degrees as radians
- const unsigned int StepsInitialSize
Enum documentation
enum class nCine:: SamplerFilter
#include <nCine/Graphics/Texture.h>
Texture filtering modes.
enum class nCine:: SamplerWrapping
#include <nCine/Graphics/Texture.h>
Texture wrap modes.
enum class nCine:: JoystickGuidType
#include <nCine/Input/IInputManager.h>
enum class nCine:: ButtonName : std:: int16_t
#include <nCine/Input/InputEvents.h>
enum class nCine:: AxisName : std:: int16_t
#include <nCine/Input/InputEvents.h>
enum class nCine:: TouchEventType
#include <nCine/Input/InputEvents.h>
Enumerators | |
Down |
Called every time the first screen touch is made. |
Up |
Called every time the last screen touch is released. |
Move |
Called every time a screen touch is moved. |
PointerDown |
Called every time a screen touch different than the first one is made. |
PointerUp |
Called every time a screen touch different than the last one is released. |
enum class nCine:: Keys
#include <nCine/Input/Keys.h>
enum nCine:: KeyMod
#include <nCine/Input/Keys.h>
Typedef documentation
using nCine:: hash_t = std:: uint32_t
#include <nCine/Base/HashFunctions.h>
using nCine:: hash64_t = std:: uint64_t
#include <nCine/Base/HashFunctions.h>
#include <nCine/Base/HashMap.h>
template<class K, class V, class Hash = CityHash64Func<K>, class Eq = phmap::priv::hash_default_eq<K>>
using nCine:: HashMap = phmap::flat_hash_map<K, V, Hash, Eq>
using nCine:: key_t = GLenum
#include <nCine/Graphics/GL/GLHashMap.h>
using nCine:: value_t = GLuint
#include <nCine/Graphics/GL/GLHashMap.h>
using nCine:: AABBf = AABB<float>
#include <nCine/Primitives/AABB.h>
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box in a two dimensional space of floats.
using nCine:: AABBi = AABB<int>
#include <nCine/Primitives/AABB.h>
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box in a two dimensional space of 32-bit integers.
using nCine:: Matrix4x4f = Matrix4x4<float>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Matrix4x4.h>
Four-by-four matrix of floats.
using nCine:: Quaternionf = Quaternion<float>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Quaternion.h>
Quaternion of floats.
using nCine:: Rectf = Rect<float>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Rect.h>
Rectangle in a two dimensional space of floats.
using nCine:: Recti = Rect<int>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Rect.h>
Rectangle in a two dimensional space of 32-bit integers.
using nCine:: Vector2f = Vector2<float>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Vector2.h>
Two-component vector of floats.
using nCine:: Vector2i = Vector2<int>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Vector2.h>
Two-component vector of 32-bit integers.
using nCine:: Vector3f = Vector3<float>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Vector3.h>
Three-component vector of floats.
using nCine:: Vector3i = Vector3<int>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Vector3.h>
Three-component vector of 32-bit integers.
using nCine:: Vector4f = Vector4<float>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Vector4.h>
Four-component vector of floats.
using nCine:: Vector4i = Vector4<int>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Vector4.h>
Four-component vector of 32-bit integers.
Function documentation
Application& nCine:: theApplication()
#include <nCine/Application.h>
Returns application instance.
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class T>
bool nCine:: IsLess(const T& a,
const T& b)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class T>
bool nCine:: IsNotLess(const T& a,
const T& b)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class Iterator>
bool nCine:: isSorted(Iterator first,
const Iterator last)
Returns true if the range is sorted into ascending order.
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class Iterator, class Compare>
bool nCine:: isSorted(Iterator first,
const Iterator last,
Compare comp)
Returns true if the range is sorted, using a custom comparison.
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class Iterator>
const Iterator nCine:: isSortedUntil(Iterator first,
const Iterator last)
Returns an iterator to the first element in the range which does not follow an ascending order, or last if sorted.
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class Iterator, class Compare>
const Iterator nCine:: isSortedUntil(Iterator first,
const Iterator last,
Compare comp)
Returns an iterator to the first element in the range which does not follow the custom comparison, or last if sorted.
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class T>
void nCine:: destructObject(T* ptr)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class T>
void nCine:: destructArray(T* ptr,
std:: uint32_t numElements)
float nCine:: lerp(float a,
float b,
float ratio)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
std:: int32_t nCine:: lerp(std:: int32_t a,
std:: int32_t b,
float ratio)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
float nCine:: lerpByTime(float a,
float b,
float ratio,
float timeMult)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
std:: int32_t nCine:: copyStringFirst(char* dest,
std:: int32_t destSize,
const char* source,
std:: int32_t count = -1)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<std:: size_t size>
std:: int32_t nCine:: copyStringFirst(char(&dest)[size],
const char* source,
std:: int32_t count = -1)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<std:: size_t size>
std:: int32_t nCine:: copyStringFirst(char(&dest)[size],
Containers:: StringView source)
int nCine:: formatString(char* buffer,
std:: size_t maxLen,
const char* format,
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
void nCine:: u32tos(std:: uint32_t value,
char* buffer)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
void nCine:: i32tos(std:: int32_t value,
char* buffer)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
void nCine:: u64tos(std:: uint64_t value,
char* buffer)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
void nCine:: i64tos(std:: int64_t value,
char* buffer)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
void nCine:: ftos(double value,
char* buffer,
std:: int32_t bufferSize)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
bool nCine:: isDigit(char c) constexpr
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
std:: uint32_t nCine:: stou32(const char* str,
std:: size_t length) constexpr
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
std:: uint64_t nCine:: stou64(const char* str,
std:: size_t length) constexpr
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class Iter, class Compare>
void nCine:: sort(Iter begin,
Iter end,
Compare comp)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
template<class Iter>
void nCine:: sort(Iter begin,
Iter end)
float nCine:: halfToFloat(std:: uint16_t value)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
std:: uint16_t nCine:: floatToHalf(float value)
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
std:: uint64_t nCine:: parseVersion(Containers:: StringView version) constexpr
#include <nCine/Base/Algorithms.h>
Clock& nCine:: clock()
#include <nCine/Base/Clock.h>
uint64_t nCine:: fasthash64(const void* buf,
size_t len,
uint64_t seed)
#include <nCine/Base/HashFunctions.h>
uint32_t nCine:: fasthash32(const void* buf,
size_t len,
uint32_t seed)
#include <nCine/Base/HashFunctions.h>
std:: uint64_t nCine:: CityHash64(const char* s,
std:: size_t len)
#include <nCine/Base/HashFunctions.h>
std:: uint64_t nCine:: CityHash64WithSeed(const char* s,
std:: size_t len,
std:: uint64_t seed)
#include <nCine/Base/HashFunctions.h>
std:: uint64_t nCine:: CityHash64WithSeeds(const char* s,
std:: size_t len,
std:: uint64_t seed0,
std:: uint64_t seed1)
#include <nCine/Base/HashFunctions.h>
std:: uint32_t nCine:: CityHash32(const char* s,
std:: size_t len)
#include <nCine/Base/HashFunctions.h>
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Iterator>
void nCine:: advance(Iterator& it,
int n)
Increments an iterator by n elements.
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Iterator>
Iterator nCine:: next(Iterator it,
unsigned int n)
Return the nth successor of an iterator.
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Iterator>
Iterator nCine:: next(Iterator it)
Return the successor of an iterator.
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Iterator>
Iterator nCine:: prev(Iterator it,
unsigned int n)
Return the nth predecessor of an iterator.
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Iterator>
Iterator nCine:: prev(Iterator it)
Return the predecessor of an iterator.
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Iterator>
int nCine:: distance(Iterator first,
const Iterator last)
Returns the distance between two iterators.
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class T>
decltype(rBegin(c.iterable)) nCine:: begin(ReversionWrapper<T> c)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class T>
decltype(rEnd(c.iterable)) nCine:: end(ReversionWrapper<T> c)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class T>
ReversionWrapper<T> nCine:: reverse(T&& iterable)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Container>
Container::Iterator nCine:: begin(Container& c)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Container>
Container::ConstIterator nCine:: cbegin(const Container& c)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Container>
Container::Iterator nCine:: end(Container& c)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Container>
Container::ConstIterator nCine:: cend(const Container& c)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Container>
Container::ReverseIterator nCine:: rbegin(Container& c)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Container>
Container::ConstReverseIterator nCine:: crbegin(const Container& c)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Container>
Container::ReverseIterator nCine:: rend(Container& c)
#include <nCine/Base/Iterator.h>
template<class Container>
Container::ConstReverseIterator nCine:: crend(const Container& c)
RandomGenerator& nCine:: Random() noexcept
#include <nCine/Base/Random.h>
#include <nCine/Primitives/Matrix4x4.h>
template<class S>
Vector4<S> nCine:: operator*(const Vector4<S>& v,
const Matrix4x4<S>& m)
#include <nCine/Primitives/Matrix4x4.h>
template<class S>
Vector3<S> nCine:: operator*(const Vector3<S>& v,
const Matrix4x4<S>& m)
#include <nCine/Primitives/Matrix4x4.h>
template<class S>
Matrix4x4<S> nCine:: operator*(S s,
const Matrix4x4<S>& m)
#include <nCine/Primitives/Vector2.h>
template<class S>
Vector2<S> nCine:: operator*(S s,
const Vector2<S>& v)
#include <nCine/Primitives/Vector3.h>
template<class S>
Vector3<S> nCine:: operator*(S s,
const Vector3<S>& v)
#include <nCine/Primitives/Vector4.h>
template<class S>
Vector4<S> nCine:: operator*(S s,
const Vector4<S>& v)
ServiceLocator& nCine:: theServiceLocator()
#include <nCine/ServiceLocator.h>
Variable documentation
const hash_ t nCine:: NullHash
#include <nCine/Base/HashFunctions.h>
double nCine:: Pi constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
3.1415... (double)
float nCine:: fPi constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
float nCine:: fPiOver2 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
3.1415... / 2
float nCine:: fPiOver3 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
3.1415... / 3
float nCine:: fPiOver4 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
3.1415... / 4
float nCine:: fPiOver6 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
3.1415... / 6
float nCine:: fTwoPi constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
3.1415... * 2
double nCine:: DegToRad constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
Multiply to convert degrees to radians (double)
float nCine:: fDegToRad constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
Multiply to convert degrees to radians.
double nCine:: RadToDeg constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
Multiply to convert radians to degrees (double)
float nCine:: fRadToDeg constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
Multiply to convert radians to degrees.
float nCine:: fRadAngle1 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
1 degree as radians
float nCine:: fRadAngle30 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
30 degrees as radians
float nCine:: fRadAngle45 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
45 degrees as radians
float nCine:: fRadAngle90 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
90 degrees as radians
float nCine:: fRadAngle180 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
180 degrees as radians
float nCine:: fRadAngle270 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
270 degrees as radians
float nCine:: fRadAngle360 constexpr
#include <nCine/CommonConstants.h>
360 degrees as radians
const unsigned int nCine:: StepsInitialSize
#include <nCine/Graphics/ParticleAffectors.h>