#include <Jazz2/Tiles/TileMap.h>
AnimatedTile Represents an animated tile.
Public variables
- SmallVector<AnimatedTileFrame, 0> Tiles
- Individual tiles (frames)
int16_t Delay - Fixed number of extra animation frames that will show the last frame.
int16_t DelayJitter - Maximum random number of extra animation frames that will show the last frame.
int32_t PingPongDelay - Fixed number of extra animation frames that will show the last frame before the animation should start to play backward (if IsPingPong is enabled)
int32_t CurrentTileIdx - Current frame of the animation.
- float FrameDuration
- Duration of animation frame.
- float FramesLeft
- Frames left until animation advances.
- bool IsPingPong
- Whether animation should play forward and then backward.
- bool Forwards
- Whether animation plays forward (if IsPingPong is enabled)