Jazz2::Tiles::AnimatedTile struct

Represents an animated tile.

Public variables

SmallVector<AnimatedTileFrame, 0> Tiles
Individual tiles (frames)
std::int16_t Delay
Fixed number of extra animation frames that will show the last frame.
std::int16_t DelayJitter
Maximum random number of extra animation frames that will show the last frame.
std::int32_t PingPongDelay
Fixed number of extra animation frames that will show the last frame before the animation should start to play backward (if IsPingPong is enabled)
std::int32_t CurrentTileIdx
Current frame of the animation.
float FrameDuration
Duration of animation frame.
float FramesLeft
Frames left until animation advances.
bool IsPingPong
Whether animation should play forward and then backward.
bool Forwards
Whether animation plays forward (if IsPingPong is enabled)