#include <nCine/Graphics/GL/GLVertexFormat.h>
GLVertexFormat Collects all the state that specifies the format of a vertex.
Public types
- class Attribute
Public static variables
- static const unsigned int MaxAttributes
- The minimum value for
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- GLVertexFormat()
- GLVertexFormat(const GLVertexFormat& other) defaulted
Public functions
auto operator=(const nCine::
GLVertexFormat& other) -> GLVertexFormat& defaulted - auto numAttributes() const -> unsigned int
- auto ibo() const -> const GLBufferObject*
- void setIbo(const GLBufferObject* ibo)
- void define()
- void reset()
- auto operator[](unsigned int index) -> Attribute&
- auto operator[](unsigned int index) const -> const Attribute&
- auto operator==(const GLVertexFormat& other) const -> bool
- auto operator!=(const GLVertexFormat& other) const -> bool