nCine::AppConfiguration class

Stores initialization settings for an nCine application.

Public static variables

static std::int32_t WindowPositionIgnore constexpr
Specifies uninitialized window position coordinate.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto dataPath() const -> const String&
Returns path for the application to load data from.
auto dataPath() -> String&
auto glCoreProfile() const -> bool
Returns true if the OpenGL profile is going to be core.
auto glForwardCompatible() const -> bool
Returns true if the OpenGL context is going to be forward compatible.
auto glMajorVersion() const -> unsigned int
Returns major version number of the OpenGL context.
auto glMinorVersion() const -> unsigned int
Returns minor version number of the OpenGL context.
auto argc() const -> std::size_t
Returns number of arguments passed on the command-line.
auto argv(int index) const -> const StringView
Returns selected argument from the ones passed on the command-line.

Public variables

float frameTimerLogInterval
Interval for frame timer accumulation average and log.
Vector2i resolution
The screen resolution.
Vector2i windowPosition
Window position coordinates in the virtual screen made of all the connected monitors.
bool fullscreen
Whether the screen is going to be in fullscreen mode.
bool resizable
Whether the window is going to be resizable.
bool windowScaling
Whether the window size is automatically scaled by the display factor.
unsigned int frameLimit
Maximum number of frames to render per second or 0 for no limit.
String windowTitle
Window title.
String windowIconFilename
Window icon filename.
bool useBufferMapping
Whether mapping is used to update OpenGL buffers.
unsigned int fixedBatchSize
Fixed size of render commands to be collected for batching on Emscripten and ANGLE.
String shaderCachePath
Path for the binary shaders cache (or empty to disable binary shader cache)
unsigned long vboSize
Maximum size in bytes for each VBO collecting geometry data.
unsigned long iboSize
Maximum size in bytes for each IBO collecting index data.
unsigned int vaoPoolSize
Maximum size for the pool of VAOs.
unsigned int renderCommandPoolSize
Initial size for the pool of render commands.
bool withDebugOverlay
Whether the debug overlay is enabled.
bool withAudio
Whether the audio subsystem is enabled.
bool withThreads
Whether the threading subsystem is enabled.
bool withScenegraph
Whether the scenegraph based rendering is enabled.
bool withVSync
Whether the vertical synchronization is enabled.
bool withGlDebugContext
Whether the OpenGL debug context is enabled.

Function documentation

String& nCine::AppConfiguration::dataPath()

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.