#include <nCine/AppConfiguration.h>
AppConfiguration Stores initialization settings for an nCine application.
Public static variables
static std::
int32_t WindowPositionIgnore constexpr - Specifies uninitialized window position coordinate.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
Public functions
- auto dataPath() const -> const String&
- Returns path for the application to load data from.
- auto dataPath() -> String&
- auto glCoreProfile() const -> bool
- Returns
if the OpenGL profile is going to be core. - auto glForwardCompatible() const -> bool
- Returns
if the OpenGL context is going to be forward compatible. - auto glMajorVersion() const -> unsigned int
- Returns major version number of the OpenGL context.
- auto glMinorVersion() const -> unsigned int
- Returns minor version number of the OpenGL context.
auto argc() const -> std::
size_t - Returns number of arguments passed on the command-line.
- auto argv(int index) const -> const StringView
- Returns selected argument from the ones passed on the command-line.
Public variables
- float frameTimerLogInterval
- Interval for frame timer accumulation average and log.
- Vector2i resolution
- The screen resolution.
- Vector2i windowPosition
- Window position coordinates in the virtual screen made of all the connected monitors.
- bool fullscreen
- Whether the screen is going to be in fullscreen mode.
- bool resizable
- Whether the window is going to be resizable.
- bool windowScaling
- Whether the window size is automatically scaled by the display factor.
- unsigned int frameLimit
- Maximum number of frames to render per second or 0 for no limit.
- String windowTitle
- Window title.
- String windowIconFilename
- Window icon filename.
- bool useBufferMapping
- Whether mapping is used to update OpenGL buffers.
- unsigned int fixedBatchSize
- Fixed size of render commands to be collected for batching on Emscripten and ANGLE.
- String shaderCachePath
- Path for the binary shaders cache (or empty to disable binary shader cache)
- unsigned long vboSize
- Maximum size in bytes for each VBO collecting geometry data.
- unsigned long iboSize
- Maximum size in bytes for each IBO collecting index data.
- unsigned int vaoPoolSize
- Maximum size for the pool of VAOs.
- unsigned int renderCommandPoolSize
- Initial size for the pool of render commands.
- bool withDebugOverlay
- Whether the debug overlay is enabled.
- bool withAudio
- Whether the audio subsystem is enabled.
- bool withThreads
- Whether the threading subsystem is enabled.
- bool withScenegraph
- Whether the scenegraph based rendering is enabled.
- bool withVSync
- Whether the vertical synchronization is enabled.
- bool withGlDebugContext
- Whether the OpenGL debug context is enabled.