UIUser interface and menus.
- namespace Menu
- Menu implementation.
- class Canvas
- Canvas.
- class Cinematics
- Handler that plays a cinematic video.
- class ControlScheme
- Provides access to a user configured control scheme.
- struct ControlSchemeMapping
- Control mapping for a particular action.
- class DiscordRpcClient
- Allows interactions with running Discord client.
- class Font
- Bitmap font.
- class FormattedTextBlock
- Formatted text block.
- struct FormattedTextBlockParams
- Initialization parameters for formatted text block.
- class HUD
- Player HUD.
- class InGameConsole
- In-game console.
- class LoadingHandler
- Handler that only shows the loading indicator.
- struct MappingTarget
- Control mapping target.
- struct ProcessedInput
- Result returned by ControlScheme::
FetchProcessedInput() - class RgbLights
- Provides access to RGB lights from various peripherals.
- enum class Alignment { Center = 0x00, Left = 0x01, Right = 0x02, Top = 0x04, Bottom = 0x08, TopLeft = Top | Left, TopRight = Top | Right, BottomLeft = Bottom | Left, BottomRight = Bottom | Right, HorizontalMask = Left | Center | Right, VerticalMask = Top | Center | Bottom }
- Alignment, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
- enum class NavigationFlags { None = 0, AllowKeyboard = 0x01, AllowGamepads = 0x02, AllowAll = AllowKeyboard | AllowGamepads }
- Navigation flags for ControlScheme::
FetchNavigation(), supports a bitwise combination of its member values. - enum class MessageLevel { Unknown, Echo, Debug, Info, Important, Warning, Error, Assert, Fatal }
- Message importance level.
- enum class AuraLight { Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, KeyboardLogo, Esc, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, PrintScreen, ScrollLock, PauseBreak, Tilde, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Zero, Minus, Equals, Backspace, Insert, Home, PageUp, NumLock, NumSlash, NumAsterisk, NumMinus, Tab, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P, OpenBracket, CloseBracket, Enter, Delete, End, PageDown, NumSeven, NumEight, NumNine, NumPlus, CapsLock, A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, Semicolon, Apostrophe, Backslash, NumFour, NumFive, NumSix, LeftShift, NonUsBackslash, Z, X, C, V, B, N, M, Comma, Period, Slash, RightShift, ArrowUp, NumOne, NumTwo, NumThree, NumEnter, LeftCtrl, LeftWindows, LeftAlt, Space, RightAlt, Fn, Menu, RightCtrl, ArrowLeft, ArrowDown, ArrowRight, NumZero, NumPeriod, Unknown = -1 }
- Individual lights of RgbLights service.
Enum documentation
enum class Jazz2:: UI:: Alignment
#include <Jazz2/UI/Alignment.h>
Alignment, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
Enumerators | |
Center |
Center |
Left |
Left |
Right |
Right |
Top |
Top |
Bottom |
Bottom |
TopLeft |
Top-left |
TopRight |
TopRight |
BottomLeft |
Bottom-left |
BottomRight |
Bottom-right |
HorizontalMask |
Mask of horizontal alignment |
VerticalMask |
Mask of vertical alignment |
enum class Jazz2:: UI:: NavigationFlags
#include <Jazz2/UI/ControlScheme.h>
Navigation flags for ControlScheme::
Enumerators | |
None |
None. |
AllowKeyboard |
Allow only keyboard key presses. |
AllowGamepads |
Allow only gamepad button presses. |
AllowAll |
Allow both keyboard and gamepad presses. |
enum class Jazz2:: UI:: AuraLight
#include <Jazz2/UI/RgbLights.h>
Individual lights of RgbLights service.