Jazz2 namespace
Root namespace of Jazz² Resurrection.
- namespace Actors
- Implementation of all objects.
- namespace Collisions
- Collision checking.
- namespace Compatibility
- Translation layer for original data files.
- namespace Events
- Events and object spawning.
- namespace Input
- Input handling.
- namespace Multiplayer
- Multiplayer-related classes, compiled only if
- namespace Rendering
- Scene rendering and viewport management.
- namespace Resources
- Structures for game resources.
- namespace Scripting
- Scripting-related classes, compiled only if
- namespace Tiles
- Tile sets and maps.
- namespace UI
- User interface and menus.
- class ContentResolver
- Manages loading of assets.
- struct EpisodeContinuationState
- Continuation state between two episodes.
- struct EpisodeContinuationStateWithLevel
- Continuation state between two levels in episode.
- class ILevelHandler
- Base interface of a level handler.
- class IResumable
- Base interface of a resumable object.
- class IRootController
- Base interface of a root controller.
- class IStateHandler
- Base interface of a state handler, only one handler runs at a time.
- struct LevelDescriptor
- Contains all components to fully initialize a level instance.
- class LevelHandler
- Level handler of a local game session.
- struct LevelInitialization
- Level initialization parameters.
- struct LightEmitter
- Allows objects to emit light.
- struct PlayerCarryOver
- Player carry over between levels.
- class PreferencesCache
- Provides access to a user preferences.
- enum class AnimationLoopMode { Once, Loop, FixedSingle }
- Animation loop mode.
- enum class AnimState { Idle = 0x00000000, Walk = 0x00000001, Run = 0x00000002, Dash = 0x00000003, VIdle = 0x00000000, Jump = 0x00000004, Fall = 0x00000008, Hook = 0x0000000c, Shoot = 0x00000010, Crouch = 0x00000020, Lookup = 0x00000040, Dizzy = 0x00000080, Buttstomp = 0x00000100, Uppercut = 0x00000200, Airboard = 0x00000400, Hurt = 0x00000800, Swim = 0x00001000, Copter = 0x00002000, Push = 0x00004000, Swing = 0x00008000, Freefall = 0x00010000, Lift = 0x00020000, Spring = 0x0040000, TransitionRunToIdle = 0x40000000, TransitionRunToDash = 0x40000001, TransitionFallToIdle = 0x40000002, TransitionIdleToJump = 0x40000003, TransitionShootToIdle = 0x40000004, TransitionHookShootToHook = 0x40000005, TransitionCopterShootToCopter = 0x40000006, TransitionUppercutA = 0x40000007, TransitionUppercutB = 0x40000008, TransitionUppercutEnd = 0x40000009, TransitionButtstompStart = 0x4000000A, TransitionPoleH = 0x4000000B, TransitionPoleV = 0x4000000C, TransitionPoleHSlow = 0x4000000D, TransitionPoleVSlow = 0x4000000E, TransitionDeath = 0x4000000F, TransitionTurn = 0x40000010, TransitionWarpIn = 0x40000013, TransitionWarpOut = 0x40000014, TransitionEndOfLevel = 0x40000016, TransitionWarpInFreefall = 0x40000017, TransitionWarpOutFreefall = 0x40000018, TransitionIdleBored = 0x40000019, TransitionDashToIdle = 0x40000020, TransitionIdleToShoot = 0x40000021, TransitionButtstompEnd = 0x40000022, TransitionLiftStart = 0x40000023, TransitionLiftEnd = 0x40000024, TransitionLedge = 0x40000025, TransitionLedgeClimb = 0x40000026, TransitionFallShootToFall = 0x40000030, TransitionFromFrog = 0x40000040, Activated = 0x00000020, TransitionActivate = 0x4F000000, TransitionAttack = 0x4F000001, TransitionAttackEnd = 0x4F000002, Uninitialized = -1, Default = 0 }
- Well-known animation state.
- enum class Direction { None = 0, Up = 0x01, Down = 0x02, Left = 0x04, Right = 0x08, Any = Up | Down | Left | Right }
- Direction, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
enum class EventType : std::
uint16_t { Empty = 0, LevelStart, LevelStartMultiplayer, Checkpoint, SceneryDestruct, SceneryDestructButtstomp, SceneryDestructSpeed, SceneryCollapse, ModifierVine, ModifierOneWay, ModifierHook, ModifierHPole, ModifierVPole, ModifierHurt, ModifierTube, ModifierRicochet, ModifierSlide, ModifierDeath, ModifierSetWater, ModifierLimitCameraView, ModifierNoClimb, AreaStopEnemy, AreaFloatUp, AreaHForce, AreaText, AreaEndOfLevel, AreaCallback, AreaActivateBoss, AreaFlyOff, AreaRevertMorph, AreaMorphToFrog, AreaNoFire, AreaWaterBlock, AreaWeather, AreaAmbientSound, AreaAmbientBubbles, TriggerCrate, TriggerArea, TriggerZone, WarpCoinBonus, WarpOrigin, WarpTarget, LightAmbient, LightSteady, LightPulse, LightFlicker, LightIlluminate, Spring, Bridge, MovingPlatform, PushableBox, Eva, Pole, SignEOL, Moth, SteamNote, Bomb, PinballBumper, PinballPaddle, CtfBase, BirdCage, Stopwatch, SpikeBall, AirboardGenerator, Copter, RollingRock, RollingRockTrigger, SwingingVine, EnemyTurtle, EnemyLizard, EnemySucker, EnemySuckerFloat, EnemyLabRat, EnemyHelmut, EnemyDragon, EnemyBat, EnemyFatChick, EnemyFencer, EnemyRapier, EnemySparks, EnemyMonkey, EnemyDemon, EnemyBee, EnemyBeeSwarm, EnemyCaterpillar, EnemyCrab, EnemyDoggy, EnemyDragonfly, EnemyFish, EnemyMadderHatter, EnemyRaven, EnemySkeleton, EnemyTurtleTough, EnemyTurtleTube, EnemyWitch, EnemyLizardFloat, BossTweedle, BossBilsy, BossDevan, BossQueen, BossRobot, BossUterus, BossTurtleTough, BossBubba, BossDevanRemote, BossBolly, TurtleShell, Coin, Gem, GemGiant, GemRing, GemStomp, Carrot, CarrotFly, CarrotInvincible, OneUp, FastFire, Food, Ammo, PowerUpWeapon, Crate, Barrel, CrateAmmo, BarrelAmmo, CrateGem, BarrelGem, PowerUpMorph, PowerUpShield, Count, Generator = 0x1000, WeaponBlaster = 0x2001, WeaponBouncer = 0x2002, WeaponElectro = 0x2003, WeaponFreezer = 0x2004, WeaponPepper = 0x2005, WeaponRF = 0x2006, WeaponSeeker = 0x2007, WeaponThunderbolt = 0x2008, WeaponTNT = 0x2009, WeaponToaster = 0x200A } - Event type.
enum class ExitType : std::
uint8_t { None, Normal, Warp, Bonus, Special, Boss, TypeMask = 0x0f, Frozen = 0x40, FastTransition = 0x80 } - Exit type, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
enum class GameDifficulty : std::
uint8_t { Default, Easy, Normal, Hard } - Game difficulty.
enum class LevelFlags : std::
uint16_t { None = 0, HasPit = 0x01, HasPitInstantDeath = 0x02, UseLevelPalette = 0x04, IsHidden = 0x08, IsMultiplayerLevel = 0x10, HasLaps = 0x20, HasCaptureTheFlag = 0x40, HasVerticalSplitscreen = 0x80, HasMultiplayerSpawnPoints = 0x100 } - Level flags, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
- enum class PitType { FallForever, InstantDeathPit, StandOnPlatform }
- Level pit type.
- enum class PlayerAction { Left, Right, Up, Down, Buttstomp, Fire, Jump, Run, ChangeWeapon, Menu, Console, SwitchToBlaster, SwitchToBouncer, SwitchToFreezer, SwitchToSeeker, SwitchToRF, SwitchToToaster, SwitchToTNT, SwitchToPepper, SwitchToElectro, SwitchToThunderbolt, Count, CountInMenu = SwitchToBlaster, None = -1 }
- Player action.
enum class PlayerType : std::
uint8_t { None, Jazz, Spaz, Lori, Frog } - Player type.
- enum class RescaleMode { None, HQ2x, _3xBrz, CrtScanlines, CrtShadowMask, CrtApertureGrille, Monochrome, TypeMask = 0x0f, UseAntialiasing = 0x80 }
- Rescale mode.
enum class WeaponWheelStyle : std::
uint8_t { Disabled, Enabled, EnabledWithAmmoCount } - Weapon wheel style.
enum class GamepadType : std::
uint8_t { Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, Switch } - Gamepad button labels.
enum class EpisodeEndOverwriteMode : std::
uint8_t { Always, NoCheatsOnly, HigherScoreOnly } - Episode completion overwrite mode.
enum class UnlockableEpisodes : std::
uint32_t { None = 0x00, FormerlyAPrince = 0x01, JazzInTime = 0x02, Flashback = 0x04, FunkyMonkeys = 0x08, ChristmasChronicles = 0x10, TheSecretFiles = 0x20 } - Unlockable episodes, mainly used if compiled with
enum class EpisodeContinuationFlags : std::
uint8_t { None = 0x00, IsCompleted = 0x01, CheatsUsed = 0x02 } - Episode continuation flags, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
enum class ShieldType : std::
uint8_t { None, Fire, Water, Lightning, Laser, Count } - Shield type.
- enum class SuspendType { None, Vine, Hook, SwingingVine }
- Suspend type.
- enum class WarpFlags { Default = 0, Fast = 0x01, Freeze = 0x02, SkipWarpIn = 0x04, IncrementLaps = 0x10 }
enum class WeaponType : std::
uint8_t { Unknown = UINT8_MAX, Blaster = 0, Bouncer, Freezer, Seeker, RF, Toaster, TNT, Pepper, Electro, Thunderbolt, Count } - Player weapon type.
enum class WeatherType : std::
uint8_t { None, Snow, Flowers, Rain, Leaf, OutdoorsOnly = 0x80 } - Weather type, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
Enum documentation
enum class Jazz2:: AnimationLoopMode
#include <Jazz2/AnimationLoopMode.h>
Animation loop mode.
Enumerators | |
Once |
The animation is played once and then remains in its last frame. |
Loop |
The animation is looped — when reaching the last frame, it begins again at the first one. |
FixedSingle |
A fixed, single frame is displayed. |
enum class Jazz2:: AnimState
#include <Jazz2/AnimState.h>
Well-known animation state.
enum class Jazz2:: EventType : std:: uint16_t
#include <Jazz2/EventType.h>
Event type.
enum class Jazz2:: ExitType : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/ExitType.h>
Exit type, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
Enumerators | |
None |
Unspecified |
Normal |
Standard exit |
Warp |
Warp exit |
Bonus |
Bonus exit |
Special |
Special exit |
Boss |
Exit after killing a boxx |
TypeMask |
Mask for exit type |
Frozen |
Player should spawn frozen in the next level |
FastTransition |
Animated fade transitions should be skipped |
enum class Jazz2:: GameDifficulty : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/GameDifficulty.h>
Game difficulty.
Enumerators | |
Default |
Default/unspecified |
Easy |
Easy |
Normal |
Normal |
Hard |
Hard |
enum class Jazz2:: LevelFlags : std:: uint16_t
#include <Jazz2/LevelFlags.h>
Level flags, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
Enumerators | |
None |
None |
HasPit |
Level has a pit |
HasPitInstantDeath |
Level has a pit with instant death |
UseLevelPalette |
Level has custom palette |
IsHidden |
Level is hidden |
IsMultiplayerLevel |
Level is for multiplayer |
HasLaps |
Level has laps |
HasCaptureTheFlag |
Level has capture the flag |
HasVerticalSplitscreen |
Vertical splitscreen should be used |
HasMultiplayerSpawnPoints |
Level has multiplayer spawn points |
enum class Jazz2:: PitType
#include <Jazz2/PitType.h>
Level pit type.
Enumerators | |
FallForever |
Player should fall forever out of the level boundaries |
InstantDeathPit |
Player should die instantly out of the level boundaries |
StandOnPlatform |
Player should stand on platform, not leaving the level boundaries |
enum class Jazz2:: PlayerAction
#include <Jazz2/PlayerAction.h>
Player action.
Enumerators | |
Left |
Left |
Right |
Right |
Up |
Up |
Down |
Down |
Buttstomp |
Buttstomp (Down in the air) |
Fire |
Fire a weapon |
Jump |
Jump |
Run |
Run |
ChangeWeapon |
Change a weapon |
Menu |
Menu / Back |
Console |
Toggle in-game console |
SwitchToBlaster |
Switch to weapon 1 |
SwitchToBouncer |
Switch to weapon 2 |
SwitchToFreezer |
Switch to weapon 3 |
SwitchToSeeker |
Switch to weapon 4 |
SwitchToRF |
Switch to weapon 5 |
SwitchToToaster |
Switch to weapon 6 |
SwitchToTNT |
Switch to weapon 7 |
SwitchToPepper |
Switch to weapon 8 |
SwitchToElectro |
Switch to weapon 9 |
SwitchToThunderbolt |
Switch to weapon 10 |
Count |
Number of all actions |
CountInMenu |
Number of actions usable in a menu |
None |
No action |
enum class Jazz2:: PlayerType : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/PlayerType.h>
Player type.
Enumerators | |
None |
None/unspecified |
Jazz |
Jazz |
Spaz |
Spaz |
Lori |
Lori |
Frog |
Frog |
enum class Jazz2:: RescaleMode
#include <Jazz2/PreferencesCache.h>
Rescale mode.
Enumerators | |
None |
None/Pixel-perfect |
HQ2x |
HQ2× |
_3xBrz |
3×BRZ |
CrtScanlines |
CRT Scanlines |
CrtShadowMask |
CRT Shadow Mask |
CrtApertureGrille |
CRT Aperture Grille |
Monochrome |
Monochrome |
TypeMask |
UseAntialiasing |
enum class Jazz2:: WeaponWheelStyle : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/PreferencesCache.h>
Weapon wheel style.
Enumerators | |
Disabled |
Disabled |
Enabled |
Enabled |
EnabledWithAmmoCount |
Enabled with Ammo count |
enum class Jazz2:: GamepadType : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/PreferencesCache.h>
Gamepad button labels.
Enumerators | |
Xbox |
Xbox |
PlayStation |
PlayStation |
Steam |
Steam |
Switch |
Switch |
enum class Jazz2:: EpisodeEndOverwriteMode : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/PreferencesCache.h>
Episode completion overwrite mode.
Enumerators | |
Always |
Always |
NoCheatsOnly |
No cheats only |
HigherScoreOnly |
Higher score only |
enum class Jazz2:: UnlockableEpisodes : std:: uint32_t
#include <Jazz2/PreferencesCache.h>
Unlockable episodes, mainly used if compiled with SHAREWARE_DEMO_ONLY
enum class Jazz2:: EpisodeContinuationFlags : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/PreferencesCache.h>
Episode continuation flags, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
Enumerators | |
None |
None |
IsCompleted |
Episode is complete |
CheatsUsed |
Cheats have been used |
enum class Jazz2:: ShieldType : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/ShieldType.h>
Shield type.
Enumerators | |
None |
No shield |
Fire |
Fire shield |
Water |
Water shield |
Lightning |
Lightning shield |
Laser |
Laser shield |
Count |
Count of supported shield types |
enum class Jazz2:: SuspendType
#include <Jazz2/SuspendType.h>
Suspend type.
Enumerators | |
None |
None |
Vine |
Vine |
Hook |
Hook |
SwingingVine |
Swinging vine |
enum class Jazz2:: WarpFlags
#include <Jazz2/WarpFlags.h>
Warp flags, supports a bitwise combination of its member values
Enumerators | |
Default |
Standard warp |
Fast |
Fast warp, without transitions |
Freeze |
Freezes the player at the end of transition |
SkipWarpIn |
Skips warp-in transition, the player disappears instantly |
IncrementLaps |
Number of laps will be incremented (in race levels) |
enum class Jazz2:: WeaponType : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/WeaponType.h>
Player weapon type.
Enumerators | |
Unknown |
Unspecified |
Blaster |
Blaster |
Bouncer |
Bouncer |
Freezer |
Freezer |
Seeker |
Seeker |
RF |
RF |
Toaster |
Toaster |
Pepper |
Pepper |
Electro |
Electro |
Thunderbolt |
Thunderbolt |
Count |
Number of weapons |
enum class Jazz2:: WeatherType : std:: uint8_t
#include <Jazz2/WeatherType.h>
Weather type, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
Enumerators | |
None |
None |
Snow |
Snow |
Flowers |
Flowers |
Rain |
Rain |
Leaf |
Leaf |
OutdoorsOnly |
Outdoors only, should be used in combination with other options |