nCine::BinaryShaderCache class

Manages the cache of binary OpenGL shader programs.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

BinaryShaderCache(StringView path)
BinaryShaderCache(const BinaryShaderCache&) deleted

Public functions

auto operator=(const BinaryShaderCache&) -> BinaryShaderCache& deleted
auto isAvailable() const -> bool
auto platformHash() const -> std::uint64_t
auto getCachedShaderPath(const char* shaderName) -> String
auto loadFromCache(const char* shaderName, std::uint64_t shaderVersion, GLShaderProgram* program, GLShaderProgram::Introspection introspection) -> bool
auto saveToCache(const char* shaderName, std::uint64_t shaderVersion, GLShaderProgram* program) -> bool
auto prune() -> std::uint32_t
Deletes all binary shaders that not belong to this platform from the cache directory.
auto clear() -> bool
Deletes all binary shaders from the cache directory.
auto path() -> const StringView
Returns the current cache directory for binary shaders.
auto setPath(StringView path) -> bool
Sets a new directory as the cache for binary shaders.