Jazz2::Tiles::TileMap class

Represents a renderable tile map, consists of multiple layers.

Base classes

class nCine::SceneNode
Base class for the transformation nodes hierarchy.

Public types

struct DestructibleDebris
Describes a visual debris (particle effect)
enum class DebrisFlags { None = 0x00, Disappear = 0x01, Bounce = 0x02, AdditiveBlending = 0x04 }
Flags that modify behaviour of DestructibleDebris, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

Public static variables

static std::int32_t TriggerCount constexpr
Maximum number of triggers.
static std::int32_t HardcodedOffset constexpr
Hardcoded offset for layer positioning.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

TileMap(StringView tileSetPath, std::uint16_t captionTileId, bool applyPalette)

Public functions

auto IsValid() const -> bool
void SetOwner(ITileMapOwner* owner)
Sets an owner of tile map.
auto GetSize() const -> Vector2i
Returns size of tile map in tiles.
auto GetLevelBounds() const -> Vector2i
Returns size of tile map in pixels.
auto GetPitType() const -> PitType
Returns pit type.
void SetPitType(PitType value)
Sets pit type.
void OnUpdate(float timeMult) override
Called every frame to update the object state.
void OnEndFrame()
Called at the end of each frame.
auto OnDraw(RenderQueue& renderQueue) -> bool override
Called when the object needs to be drawn.
auto IsTileEmpty(std::int32_t tx, std::int32_t ty) -> bool
Returns true if the mask of a tile on the main (sprite) layer is completely empty.
auto IsTileEmpty(const AABBf& aabb, TileCollisionParams& params) -> bool
Returns true if the mask of tiles on the main (sprite) layer intersecting a given AABB is empty.
auto CanBeDestroyed(const AABBf& aabb, TileCollisionParams& params) -> bool
Returns true if tiles on the main (sprite) layer intersecting a given AABB can be destroyed.
auto GetTileSuspendState(float x, float y) -> SuspendType
Returns suspend state of a given position.
auto AdvanceDestructibleTileAnimation(std::int32_t tx, std::int32_t ty, std::int32_t amount) -> bool
Advances descructible animation of a given tile.
void AddTileSet(StringView tileSetPath, std::uint16_t offset, std::uint16_t count, const std::uint8_t* paletteRemapping = nullptr)
Adds an additional tile set as a continuation of the previous one.
void ReadLayerConfiguration(Stream& s)
Reads layer configuration from a stream.
void ReadAnimatedTiles(Stream& s)
Reads description of animated tiles from a stream.
void SetTileEventFlags(std::int32_t x, std::int32_t y, EventType tileEvent, std::uint8_t* tileParams)
Sets tile event flags.
auto GetCaptionTile() const -> StaticArrayView<TileSet::DefaultTileSize*TileSet::DefaultTileSize, Color>
Returns a caption tile.
void CreateDebris(const DestructibleDebris& debris)
Creates a generic debris.
void CreateTileDebris(std::int32_t tileId, std::int32_t x, std::int32_t y)
Creates a tile debris.
void CreateParticleDebris(const GraphicResource* res, Vector3f pos, Vector2f force, std::int32_t currentFrame, bool isFacingLeft)
Creates a particle debris from a sprite.
void CreateSpriteDebris(const GraphicResource* res, Vector3f pos, std::int32_t count)
Creates a sprite debris.
auto GetTrigger(std::uint8_t triggerId) -> bool
Returns state of a given trigger.
void SetTrigger(std::uint8_t triggerId, bool newState)
Sets state of a given trigger.
void InitializeFromStream(Stream& src)
Initializes tile map state from a stream.
void SerializeResumableToStream(Stream& dest)
Serializes tile map state to a stream.
void OnInitializeViewport()
Called when the viewport needs to be initialized (e.g., when the resolution is changed)