Jazz2::Tiles::TileMap class

Represents a renderable tile map, consists of multiple layers.

Base classes

class nCine::SceneNode
Base class for the transformation nodes hierarchy.

Public types

struct DestructibleDebris
Describes a visual debris (particle effect)
enum class DebrisFlags { None = 0x00, Disappear = 0x01, Bounce = 0x02, AdditiveBlending = 0x04 }
Flags that modify behaviour of DestructibleDebris, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

Public static variables

static std::int32_t TriggerCount constexpr
Maximum number of triggers.
static std::int32_t HardcodedOffset constexpr
Hardcoded offset for layer positioning.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

TileMap(StringView tileSetPath, std::uint16_t captionTileId, bool applyPalette)

Public functions

auto IsValid() const -> bool
void SetOwner(ITileMapOwner* owner)
Sets an owner of tile map.
auto GetSize() const -> Vector2i
Returns size of tile map in tiles.
auto GetLevelBounds() const -> Vector2i
Returns size of tile map in pixels.
auto GetPitType() const -> PitType
Returns pit type.
void SetPitType(PitType value)
Sets pit type.
void OnUpdate(float timeMult) override
Called once every frame to update the node.
void OnEndFrame()
auto OnDraw(RenderQueue& renderQueue) -> bool override
Renders the node.
auto IsTileEmpty(std::int32_t tx, std::int32_t ty) -> bool
Returns true if the mask of a tile on the main (sprite) layer is completely empty.
auto IsTileEmpty(const AABBf& aabb, TileCollisionParams& params) -> bool
Returns true if the mask of tiles on the main (sprite) layer intersecting a given AABB is empty.
auto CanBeDestroyed(const AABBf& aabb, TileCollisionParams& params) -> bool
Returns true if tiles on the main (sprite) layer intersecting a given AABB can be destroyed.
auto GetTileSuspendState(float x, float y) -> SuspendType
Returns suspend state of a given position.
auto AdvanceDestructibleTileAnimation(std::int32_t tx, std::int32_t ty, std::int32_t amount) -> bool
Advances descructible animation of a given tile.
void AddTileSet(StringView tileSetPath, std::uint16_t offset, std::uint16_t count, const std::uint8_t* paletteRemapping = nullptr)
Adds an additional tile set as a continuation of the previous one.
void ReadLayerConfiguration(Stream& s)
void ReadAnimatedTiles(Stream& s)
void SetTileEventFlags(std::int32_t x, std::int32_t y, EventType tileEvent, std::uint8_t* tileParams)
auto GetCaptionTile() const -> StaticArrayView<TileSet::DefaultTileSize*TileSet::DefaultTileSize, Color>
Returns a caption tile.
void CreateDebris(const DestructibleDebris& debris)
Creates a generic debris.
void CreateTileDebris(std::int32_t tileId, std::int32_t x, std::int32_t y)
Creates a tile debris.
void CreateParticleDebris(const GraphicResource* res, Vector3f pos, Vector2f force, std::int32_t currentFrame, bool isFacingLeft)
Creates a particle debris from a sprite.
void CreateSpriteDebris(const GraphicResource* res, Vector3f pos, std::int32_t count)
Creates a sprite debris.
auto GetTrigger(std::uint8_t triggerId) -> bool
Returns state of a given trigger.
void SetTrigger(std::uint8_t triggerId, bool newState)
Sets state of a given trigger.
void InitializeFromStream(Stream& src)
Initializes tile map state from a stream.
void SerializeResumableToStream(Stream& dest)
Serializes tile map state to a stream.
void OnInitializeViewport()