Jazz2::Scripting::LevelScriptLoader class

Binds an AngelScript script file to LevelHandler and executes the script.

Base classes

class ScriptLoader
Generic AngelScript script loader with #include and #pragma directive support.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

LevelScriptLoader(LevelHandler* levelHandler, StringView scriptPath)

Public functions

auto GetPlayers() const -> ArrayView<Actors::Player* const>
Returns list of players.
auto GetPlayerBackingStore(Actors::Player* player) -> jjPLAYER*
Returns script backing store for specified player.
auto GetPlayerBackingStore(std::int32_t playerIndex) -> jjPLAYER*
void OnLevelLoad()
Called when a level is loaded.
void OnLevelBegin()
Called when a level begins.
void OnLevelReload()
Called when a level reloads.
void OnLevelUpdate(float timeMult)
Called when a level updates (on the beginning of each frame)
void OnLevelCallback(Actors::ActorBase* initiator, std::uint8_t* eventParams)
Called when a level callback is triggered.
auto OnDraw(UI::HUD* hud, Actors::Player* player, const Rectf& view, DrawType type) -> bool
Called when a part of viewport or HUD is drawn.
void OnPlayerDied(Actors::Player* player, Actors::ActorBase* collider)
Called when a player dies.

Protected functions

auto OnProcessInclude(StringView includePath, StringView scriptPath) -> String override
Called when #include directive is encountered in a script file.
void OnProcessPragma(StringView content, ScriptContextType& contextType) override
Called when #pragma directive is encountered in a script file.
void OnBeforeScriptCall()
Called before a script function is called.
void OnAfterScriptCall()
Called after a script function is called.

Function documentation

jjPLAYER* Jazz2::Scripting::LevelScriptLoader::GetPlayerBackingStore(std::int32_t playerIndex)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.