Death::IO::AndroidAssetStream class

Read-only streaming directly from Android asset files.

Base classes

class Stream
Provides a generic view of a sequence of bytes.

Public static variables

static Containers::StringView Prefix constexpr

Public static functions

static void InitializeAssetManager(struct android_app* state)
Sets the global pointer to the AAssetManager.
static auto TryGetAssetPath(const Containers::StringView path) -> Containers::StringView
Returns the path of an Android asset without the prefix.
static auto GetInternalDataPath() -> const char*
Returns path to the application's internal data directory.
static auto GetExternalDataPath() -> const char*
Returns path to the application's external (removable/mountable) data directory.
static auto GetObbPath() -> const char*
Returns path to the directory containing the application's OBB files.
static auto TryOpen(const Containers::StringView path) -> bool
Checks if an asset path exists as a file or as a directory and can be opened.
static auto TryOpenFile(const Containers::StringView path) -> bool
Checks if an asset path exists and can be opened as a file.
static auto TryOpenDirectory(const Containers::StringView path) -> bool
Checks if an asset path exists and can be opened as a directory.
static auto GetFileSize(const Containers::StringView path) -> std::int64_t
Returns the total size of the asset data.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

AndroidAssetStream(Containers::StringView path, FileAccess mode)
AndroidAssetStream(Containers::String&& path, FileAccess mode)
~AndroidAssetStream() override
AndroidAssetStream(const AndroidAssetStream&) deleted

Public functions

auto operator=(const AndroidAssetStream&) -> AndroidAssetStream& deleted
void Dispose() override
Closes the stream and releases all assigned resources.
auto Seek(std::int64_t offset, SeekOrigin origin) -> std::int64_t override
Seeks in an opened stream.
auto GetPosition() const -> std::int64_t override
Tells the seek position of an opened stream.
auto Read(void* destination, std::int64_t bytesToRead) -> std::int64_t override
Reads a certain amount of bytes from the stream to a buffer.
auto Write(const void* source, std::int64_t bytesToWrite) -> std::int64_t override
Writes a certain amount of bytes from a buffer to the stream.
auto Flush() -> bool override
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
auto IsValid() -> bool override
Returns true if the stream has been sucessfully opened.
auto GetSize() const -> std::int64_t override
Returns stream size in bytes.
auto GetPath() const -> Containers::StringView
Returns file path.