- namespace nCine
- Root namespace of nCine game engine.
template<class T>struct nCine::isIntegral
template<class T, typename = void>struct nCine::isDestructible
- Specialization for trivially destructible types.
template<class T>struct nCine::isTriviallyDestructible
template<class T>auto IsLess(const T& a, const T& b) -> bool
template<class T>auto IsNotLess(const T& a, const T& b) -> bool
template<class Iterator>auto isSorted(Iterator first, const Iterator last) -> bool
- Returns true if the range is sorted into ascending order.
template<class Iterator, class Compare>auto isSorted(Iterator first, const Iterator last, Compare comp) -> bool
- Returns true if the range is sorted, using a custom comparison.
template<class Iterator>auto isSortedUntil(Iterator first, const Iterator last) -> const Iterator
- Returns an iterator to the first element in the range which does not follow an ascending order, or last if sorted.
template<class Iterator, class Compare>auto isSortedUntil(Iterator first, const Iterator last, Compare comp) -> const Iterator
- Returns an iterator to the first element in the range which does not follow the custom comparison, or last if sorted.
template<class T>void destructObject(T* ptr)
template<class T>void destructArray(T* ptr, std::
uint32_t numElements) - auto lerp(float a, float b, float ratio) -> float
auto lerp(std::
int32_t a, std:: int32_t b, float ratio) -> std:: int32_t - auto lerpByTime(float a, float b, float ratio, float timeMult) -> float
auto copyStringFirst(char* dest,
int32_t destSize, const char* source, std:: int32_t count = -1) -> std:: int32_t -
template<std::auto copyStringFirst(char(&dest)[size], const char* source, std::
size_t size> int32_t count = -1) -> std:: int32_t -
template<std::auto copyStringFirst(char(&dest)[size], Containers::
size_t size> StringView source) -> std:: int32_t -
auto formatString(char* buffer,
size_t maxLen, const char* format, ...) -> int -
void u32tos(std::
uint32_t value, char* buffer) -
void i32tos(std::
int32_t value, char* buffer) -
void u64tos(std::
uint64_t value, char* buffer) -
void i64tos(std::
int64_t value, char* buffer) -
void ftos(double value,
char* buffer,
int32_t bufferSize) - auto isDigit(char c) -> bool constexpr
auto stou32(const char* str,
size_t length) -> std:: uint32_t constexpr -
auto stou64(const char* str,
size_t length) -> std:: uint64_t constexpr -
template<class Iter, class Compare>void sort(Iter begin, Iter end, Compare comp)
template<class Iter>void sort(Iter begin, Iter end)
auto halfToFloat(std::
uint16_t value) -> float -
auto floatToHalf(float value) -> std::
uint16_t -
auto parseVersion(Containers::
StringView version) -> std:: uint64_t constexpr