- namespace nCine
- Root namespace of nCine game engine.
- struct nCine::HatState
- Structure containing joystick hat values.
- class nCine::TouchEvent
- Information about a screen touch event.
- struct nCine::TouchEvent::Pointer
- class nCine::AccelerometerEvent
- Information about an accelerometer event.
- class nCine::MouseState
- Information about mouse state.
- class nCine::MouseEvent
- Information about a mouse event.
- class nCine::ScrollEvent
- Information about a scroll event (mouse wheel, touchpad gesture, etc.)
- class nCine::KeyboardState
- Information about keyboard state.
- class nCine::KeyboardEvent
- Information about a keyboard event.
- class nCine::TextInputEvent
- Information about a text input event.
- class nCine::JoystickState
- Information about the joystick state.
- class nCine::JoyButtonEvent
- Information about a joystick button event.
- class nCine::JoyHatEvent
- Information about a joystick hat event.
- class nCine::JoyAxisEvent
- Information about a joystick axis event.
- class nCine::JoyConnectionEvent
- Information about a joystick connection event.
- class nCine::JoyMappedState
- Information about a mapped joystick state.
- class nCine::JoyMappedButtonEvent
- Information about a joystick mapped button event.
- class nCine::JoyMappedAxisEvent
- Information about a joystick mapped axis event.
enum class ButtonName : std::
int16_t { Unknown = -1, A = 0, B, X, Y, Back, Guide, Start, LeftStick, RightStick, LeftBumper, RightBumper, Up, Down, Left, Right, Misc1, Paddle1, Paddle2, Paddle3, Paddle4, Touchpad, Count } -
enum class AxisName : std::
int16_t { Unknown = -1, LeftX = 0, LeftY, RightX, RightY, LeftTrigger, RightTrigger } - enum class TouchEventType { Down, Up, Move, PointerDown, PointerUp }