- namespace Jazz2
- Root namespace of Jazz² Resurrection.
- namespace Jazz2::Rendering
- Scene rendering and viewport management.
- namespace Jazz2::Actors
- Implementation of all objects.
- struct Jazz2::Actors::ActorActivationDetails
- Description how to initialize an actor.
- class Jazz2::Actors::ActorBase
- Base class of an object.
- class Jazz2::Actors::ActorBase::ActorRenderer
- Actor renderer.
- enum class ActorState { None = 0x00, IsCreatedFromEventMap = 0x01, IsFromGenerator = 0x02, Illuminated = 0x04, Async = 0x08, InstantiationFlags = IsCreatedFromEventMap | IsFromGenerator | Illuminated | Async, Initialized = 0x0100, IsInvulnerable = 0x0200, CanJump = 0x0400, CanBeFrozen = 0x0800, IsFacingLeft = 0x1000, TriggersTNT = 0x2000, PreserveOnRollback = 0x4000, CollideWithTileset = 0x10000, CollideWithOtherActors = 0x20000, CollideWithSolidObjects = 0x40000, ForceDisableCollisions = 0x80000, IsDirty = 0x100000, IsDestroyed = 0x200000, ApplyGravitation = 0x400000, IsSolidObject = 0x800000, SkipPerPixelCollisions = 0x1000000, CollideWithTilesetReduced = 0x2000000, CollideWithSolidObjectsBelow = 0x4000000, ExcludeSimilar = 0x8000000 }
- Flags that modify behaviour of ActorBase, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
- enum class MoveType { Absolute = 0x00, Relative = 0x01, Force = 0x02 }
- Move type, supports a bitwise combination of its member values.
- enum class ActorRendererType { Default, Outline, WhiteMask, PartialWhiteMask, FrozenMask }
- Actor renderer type.
- #define async_return
- #define async_await