Jazz2/UI/ControlScheme.h file


namespace Jazz2
Root namespace of Jazz² Resurrection.
namespace Jazz2::UI
User interface and menus.
namespace Jazz2::UI::Menu
Menu implementation.


struct Jazz2::UI::MappingTarget
Control mapping target.
struct Jazz2::UI::ControlSchemeMapping
Control mapping for a particular action.
struct Jazz2::UI::ProcessedInput
Result returned by ControlScheme::FetchProcessedInput()
class Jazz2::UI::ControlScheme
Provides access to a user configured control scheme.


enum class NavigationFlags { None = 0, AllowKeyboard = 0x01, AllowGamepads = 0x02, AllowAll = AllowKeyboard | AllowGamepads }
Navigation flags for ControlScheme::FetchNavigation(), supports a bitwise combination of its member values.